neoighodaro / Sanity by neoighodaro

Array Sanitizers Package.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: neoighodaro
Maintainer Contact: (Neo Ighodaro)
Package Create Date: 2015-03-10
Package Last Update: 2015-03-10
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-06-08 15:02:26
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 11
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

PHP Array Sanitizer

Build Status

This package is a Sanitizer for PHP arrays. It's best used to sanitize request inputs like input from $_POST and/or $_GET.


Step 1: Install via Composer

composer require 'creativitykills/sanity'

Step 2: Add the Service Provider

Open config/app.php and, to your "providers" array at the bottom, add:


Sanitize Requests

Out of the box you can start running requests through the sanitizer.


// Possibly input from $_POST or $_GET global array
$someArray = ['name' => ' JOHN DOE ', 'email' => ' JOHN@DOE.COM '];

// Rules to validate against
$sanitizerRules = ['name' => 'ucwords|trim', 'email' => 'strtolower|trim'];

$sanitizer = new \CreativityKills\Sanity\Sanitizer;

$someArray = $sanitizer->sanitize($someArray, $sanitizerRules);

// array(
//    'name'  => 'John Doe',
//    'email' => ''
// )

Custom Sanitizers

The sweet aspect of Sanity is extending the Sanity class. You can create a custom extension of the class.


use CreativityKills\Sanity\Sanitizer;

class UserSanitizer extends Sanitizer {
    protected $rules = [
        'name'  => 'ucwords|trim|remove_excess_white_spaces',
        'email' => 'strtolower|trim'
    public function sanitizeRemoveExcessWhiteSpaces($value)
        return preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $value)

Notice the custom remove_excess_white_spaces sanitizer is called from the method sanitizeRemoveExcessWhiteSpaces. All snake cased sanitizer rules are converted to camel cases.

Now we can call our custom sanitizer from our application like so:


// Possibly input from $_POST or $_GET global array
$someArray = ['name' => ' JOHN   DOE ', 'email' => ' JOHN@DOE.COM '];
$someArray = (new UserSanitizer)->sanitize($someArray);

// array(
//    'name'  => 'John Doe',
//    'email' => ''
// )