Saritasa / php-laravel-controllers by saritasa

Saritasa controllers for typical operations
Package Data
Maintainer Username: saritasa
Maintainer Contact: (Sergey Populov)
Package Create Date: 2017-04-07
Package Last Update: 2024-01-12
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-05-10 15:18:15
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 12,699
Monthly Downloads: 75
Daily Downloads: 3
Total Stars: 7
Total Watchers: 3
Total Forks: 4
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel Controllers

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Controllers for common UI and endpoints in Laravel,
like API authentication, password change, login page, etc.

Laravel 5.5

Install the saritasa/laravel-controllers package:

Available controllers

There are 2 types of controllers:

  • Web - interactive UI for user - traditional Laravel controllers.
    Many of them just provide out-of-the-box Laravel functionality,
    using built-in traits.
  • Api - for programmatic integration with 3d party applications,
    like mobile apps (iOS, Android) or single-page HTML applications,
    built on modern frontend frameworks - React.JS, AngularJS, VueJs, etc.
    API utilizes Dingo/Api library
    and custom extensions for it: saritasa/dingo-api-custom

Controllers, described below, exist, but you must register routes for them manually

BaseApiController Base API controller, utilizing helpers from Dingo/API package.

Recommended to use as base controller for other API controllers.


  • function json($data, IDataTransformer $transformer = null): Response
  • function validate(Request $request, array $rules, array $messages = [], array $customAttributes = [])


class UserApiController extends BaseApiController
    public function __construct(UserTransformer $userTransformer)  
	 public function editUserProfile(Request $request, User $user): Response  
		 $this->validate($request, $user->getRuels());
		 return $this->json($user);

JWTAuthApiController Authenticate API Controller. Uses JWT authentication

Utilizes Dingo\Api JWT Auth
settings and underlying tymon\jwt-auth

Example: routes\api.php:

app('api.router')->version(config('api.version'), ['namespace' => 'Saritasa\Laravel\Controllers\Api'],    
 function (\Dingo\Api\Routing\Router $api) {  
 // Authentication $api->post('auth', 'AuthController@login');   // Login $api->put('auth', 'AuthController@refreshToken'); // Refresh expired token                
 $api->delete('auth', 'AuthController@logout')->middleware('api.auth'); // Logout  


Controller for typical CRUD operations when you don't need many additional logic.
For using this functionality you can just create controller and set needed model class in property $modelClass

class CustomApiController extends ResourceApiController
    * Define model class that is managed by this controller.
    * @var string
    protected $modelClass = App\Models\User::class;  

ForgotPasswordApiController, ResetPasswordApiController These controllers are responsible for handling password reset emails.

Utilize native Laravel password management without UI, in JSON API.

Example: routes\api.php:

app('api.router')->version(config('api.version'), ['namespace' => 'Saritasa\Laravel\Controllers\Api'],    
function (\Dingo\Api\Routing\Router $api) { $api->post('auth/password/reset', 'ForgotPasswordApiController@sendResetLinkEmail'); $api->put('auth/password/reset', 'ResetPasswordApiController@reset');});

Routes registration examples:

Simple route

$registrar->get('users', ApiController::class, 'list'); 

In this case ApiController::list will be calling with default dependency injection.

Route with parameters

 // Controller example
 class ApiController {    
 	public function show(int $id) {}
 // Route example
 $registrar->get('users/{id}', ApiController::class, 'show');

In this case ApiController::show will receive directly parameter from url. Ex: /user/5

Route with binding on controller side

// Controller example
class ApiController {    
 	public function show(User $user) {}
 // Route example
 $registrar->get('users/{user}', ApiController::class, 'show');

In this case ApiController::show try to find Model user by id and if not exists throws ModelNotFoundException.

Route with binding on route side

// Controller example
class ApiController {    
 	public function show(Model $user) {}
 // Route example
 $registrar->get('users/{user}', ApiController::class, 'show', null, ['user' => User::class]);

In this case no matter what type hint in controller, container will be trying to give object of class that you pass in router registrar. So if method has type hinting of class which not a parent for given in router, TypeError will be thrown.

Note: In 2 last cases classes which uses for model bindings must implement Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlRoutable otherwise this parameters

will be ignored.


  1. Create fork, checkout it
  2. Develop locally as usual. Code must follow PSR-1, PSR-2 -
    run PHP_CodeSniffer to ensure, that code follows style guides
  3. Cover added functionality with unit tests and run PHPUnit to make sure, that all tests pass
  4. Update to describe new or changed functionality
  5. Add changes description to file. Use Semantic Versioning convention to determine next version number.
  6. When ready, create pull request

Make shortcuts

If you have GNU Make installed, you can use following shortcuts:

  • make cs (instead of php vendor/bin/phpcs) -
    run static code analysis with PHP_CodeSniffer
    to check code style
  • make csfix (instead of php vendor/bin/phpcbf) -
    fix code style violations with PHP_CodeSniffer
    automatically, where possible (ex. PSR-2 code formatting violations)
  • make test (instead of php vendor/bin/phpunit) -
    run tests with PHPUnit
  • make install - instead of composer install * make all or just make without parameters -
    invokes described above install, cs, test tasks sequentially -
    project will be assembled, checked with linter and tested with one single command
