tsommie / eloquent-url-presenter by tsommie

An easy way to create url presenters for your eloquent models.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: tsommie
Maintainer Contact: anitchec.dev@gmail.com (Anitche Chisom)
Package Create Date: 2018-06-06
Package Last Update: 2019-04-16
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-15 03:07:25
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 13
Monthly Downloads: 1
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 2
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 1
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel Url Presenter

This is a simple presenter much like the Laracast Presenter but specifically tailored for presenting urls in Laravel as suggested by a post on laravel-news.com writen by Jordan Dalton.

1.1. Setting up

1.1.1. Installation on Lumen 5.x and Laravel 5.x.

Add the Laravel Form Processor package to your composer.json file.

composer require ac-developers/eloquent-url-presenter

Auto-discovery: Is supported in Laravel Form Processor auto-discovery for Laravel 5.5 and greater.

1.1.2. Installation on Lumen and Laravel 5.4 and below. Service Provider

In your app config, add the EloquentUrlPresenterServiceProvider to the providers array.

'providers' => [

For Lumen, add the provider to your bootstrap/app.php file.


1.1.3. Publishing config file.

To publish the config file to config/eloquent-url-presenter.php run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AcDevelopers\EloquentUrlPresenter\EloquentUrlPresenterServiceProvider"

1.1.4. Configure paths for generated processes

To change the paths of saving the generated url presenters, you need to configure their namespaces in a configuration file config/ac-developers/eloquent-url-presenter.php.

return [
    | Default namespaces for the classes
    'namespaces' => [
        'presenter'   => 'App\Presenters\Url',
        'model'        => 'App\\',

After this your good to go.

1.2. Usage

1.2.1. Creating a url presenter

Creating a url presenter class is as easy as creating any other php class with just a few steps required to make it url presentable. In our case we will create a UserUrlPresenter class.

first it extends our EloquentUrlPresenterClass. Next you pass in the eloquent model that would be making use of the newly created url presenter in to it's constructor like this:

 * UserUrlPresenter constructor.
 * @param \App\User $user
public function __construct(User $user)


Then create the method that would return the desired url.

 * Get the show url for this user
 * @return string
public function show()
    return url('show/{user}', ['slug' => $this->entity])

If your on Laravel or Lumen and you want to make this presenter resoucesful without manually adding the methods one by one you just have to add the HasResource trait to the UrlPresenter and implement the route method which should return a string similar to that passed in as first argument in the Route::resouce method and the parameter method which does exactly what you would expect.

So if in your route method looks like Route::resource('users', 'UserController') then the route method implemented in the UserUrlPresenter should return users else laravel will throw an exception.

And the next is to prepare our model to use our url presenter.

1.2.1. Preparing model to use Url Presenter

Preparing the model that would use the url presenter is simple, Just use the EloquentUrlPresentableTrait and then implementing the urlPresenter methord which will return our UserUrlPresenter class

 * Prepare a new or cached url presenter instance
 * @return mixed
public function urlPresenter()
    return UserUrlPresenter::class;

Next we will add "url" to our appends property array like this:

 * The accessors to append to the model's array form.
 * @var array
protected $appends = ['url'];

Next you add url as an array value in our model's appends property and then your done.

Now in our code we can link to our user model show page like this:


Lets say your using the HasResource trait you'll automatically have access to all resourcful route methods and these includes index, create, show, edit, store, update and destroy

1.3. Laravel url presenter command

**Note: This is to be used only in Laravel and Lumen applications

Ofcause the following steps narrated previously was to show you how to do it yourself. You can skip this and just run the php artisan generate:urlPresenter command. For example to create our UserUrlPresenter we would do like this:

php artisan generate:urlPresenter UserUrlPresenter --model=User

To make a resourceful url presenter all you have to do is pass the resouces option while generating the url presenter without a value like so:

php artisan generate:urlPresenter UserUrlPresenter --model=User --resource

1.3. Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel Form Processor, please send an e-mail to Anitche Chisom via anitchec.dev@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

1.4. License

The Eloquent Url Presenter is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.