JVMartin / angel-products by JVMartin

An Angel CMS module for products.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: JVMartin
Maintainer Contact: jacobm@angelvisiontech.com (Jacob Martin)
Package Create Date: 2014-06-16
Package Last Update: 2015-12-09
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: Unknown
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-07 03:05:10
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 242
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 6
Total Watchers: 6
Total Forks: 3
Total Open Issues: 0

Angel Products

This is an eCommerce module for the Laravel 4 Angel CMS.

The module works with Stripe out of the box, but you can easily extend it to use other payment gateways.


Add the following requirements to your composer.json file:

"require": {
	"angel/products": "1.0.*"

Issue a composer update to install the package.

Add the following service provider to your providers array in app/config/app.php:


Issue the following commands:

php artisan migrate --package="angel/products"   # Run the migrations
php artisan asset:publish                        # Publish the assets
php artisan config:publish angel/products        # Publish the config

Open up your app/config/packages/angel/core/config.php and add the products and orders routes to the menu array:

'menu' => array(
	'Pages'     => 'pages',
	'Menus'     => 'menus',
	'Products'  => 'products', // <--- Add this line
	'Orders'    => 'orders',   // <--- Add this line
	'Users'     => 'users',
	'Settings'  => 'settings'

...and the menu-linkable models to the linkable_models array:

'linkable_models' => array(
	'Page'             => 'pages',
	'Product'          => 'products',           // <--- Add this line
	'ProductCategory'  => 'products/categories' // <--- Add this line

Open up your app/config/packages/angel/products/config.php and set your Stripe API keys:

'stripe' => array(
	'test' => array(
		'secret'      => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
		'publishable' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
	'live' => array(
		'secret'      => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
		'publishable' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

Cart Usage

The cart class stores variations of products, based on their selected options, in the session.

Add Products

$Product = App::make('Product');
$Cart    = App::make('Cart');

// Grab the user's desired product from the database.
$product = $Product::with('options')->findOrFail(Input::get('product_id'));

// Mark the selected option items by their IDs.

// Add the product to the cart in the user's desired quantity, saving the unique key for accessing it later.
$key = $Cart->add($product, Input::get('quantity'));

Add Products with Custom Options

$Product = App::make('Product');
$Cart    = App::make('Cart');

// Grab the user's desired product from the database.
$product = $Product::findOrFail(Input::get('product_id'));

	'Size' => array(
		'name'  => 'Large',
		'price' => 4.50
	'Color' => array(
		'name'  => 'Green',
		'price' => -2.50,
		'image' => 'assets/images/green-shirt.jpg'

// Add the product to the cart in the user's desired quantity, saving the unique key for accessing it later.
$key = $Cart->add($product, Input::get('quantity'));

Retrieve Key

If you need to get the key for a product (i.e. to remove that product from the cart) you can do so like this:

// Retrieve the key.
$key = $Cart->key($product);

// Use the key however you wish.

Remove Products


Adjust the Quantity of Products

$Cart->quantity($key, 5);

Retrieve Products

$details = $Cart->get($key);

// $details then looks like this:
	'product' => {String, JSON encoded product},
	'price'   => {Float, price per unit},
	'qty'     => {Int, quantity of units}

Loop Through Products

foreach (Session::get('cart') as $key=>$details) {
	$product = json_decode($details['product']);
	$price   = $details['price'];
	$qty     = $details['qty'];
	$total   = $Cart->totalForKey($key);

Get Totals

// The total for all products in the cart.
echo $Cart->total();

// The total for a specific product variation by key.
echo $Cart->totalForKey($key);

// The total number of items in the cart.  (Variations x their quantity)
echo $Cart->count();