Epay.bg API wrapper for Laravel 5.*
Package Data
Maintainer Username: angelbachev
Maintainer Contact: angelbachev@gmail.com (:Angel Bachev)
Package Create Date: 2016-02-22
Package Last Update: 2022-03-21
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-09 15:01:06
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 1,974
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 7
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 10
Total Open Issues: 1

Laravel-epay API

Laravel wrapper for the Epay.bg API. Working with laravel 5.1


Via Composer

$ composer require angelbachev/epay

  • Add the service provider to your $providers array in config/app.php file like:
  • Add the alias to your $aliases array in config/app.php file like:
'Epay' => AngelBachev\Epay\Facades\Epay::class
  • Run one of the following commands to publish package configuration depending on your needs:
    • To publish only angelbachev/epay package configuration:
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AngelBachev\Epay\EpayServiceProvider"
    • To publish configuration of all packages you use:
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag="config"
    • To publish all assets of all packages:
    php artisan vendor:publish
  • Add the following lines to your .env file
# Epay configuration values
EPAY.mode=stage   # if you want to make real payments set this to prod
# Settings for testing purposes
EPAY.stage.client_id=   #Add your Customer number
EPAY.stage.secret=      #Add your Secret key
EPAY.stage.success_url= #URL where you want the customer to be redirected after confirming payment
EPAY.stage.cancel_url=  #URL where you want the customer to be redirected if he rejects the payment
# Production settings
EPAY.prod.client_id=    #Add your Customer number
EPAY.prod.secret=       #Add your Secret key
EPAY.prod.success_url=  #URL where you want the customer to be redirected after confirming payment
EPAY.stage.cancel_url=  #URL where you want the customer to be redirected if he rejects the payment


    $invoice     = mt_rand(1, 1000000);
    $amount      = 150.63;
    $expiration  = '01.03.2016 08:30:00';
    $description = 'Invoice Description';

        $invoice,     // accepts only positive integer values
        $amount,      // accepts only positive integers and float numbers with 1 or 2 digits after decimal point
        $expiration,  // accepts time in format DD.MM.YYYY[ hh:mm[:ss]]
        $description, // max length 100 symbols
        [$currency],  // optional, accepts only "BGN", "USD", "EUR" ("BGN" by default)
        [$encoding]   // optional, accepts only "utf-8"

Notification receive route (POST)

    Route::post('receive', function() { # replace 'receive' with your real route for handling Epay notifications

        $receiver = Epay::receiveNotification(Input::all());

        * Update order or status of payment
        *    array (
        *      'invoice' => '1500',
        *      'status' => 'PAID',
        *      'pay_date' => '20160221143730',
        *      'stan' => '036257',
        *      'bcode' => '036257',
        *    ),
        // Do something with the response
        foreach($receiver['items'] as $item) {

        return $receiver['response'];

Form in view

    <form action="{{ Epay::getSubmitUrl() }}" method="post">
        {!! Epay::generateHiddenInputs() !!}

        // your code here

        <button type=submit>Send</button>


This package only supports Laravel 5 & Laravel 5.1 & 5.2 at the moment.

  • In case of any issues, kindly create one on the Issues section.
  • If you would like to contribute:
    • Fork this repository.
    • Implement your features.
    • Generate pull request.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email angelbachev@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.


  • [epay.bg demo packages][https://demo.epay.bg/]


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
