sooqini / debugger by nbransby

Tracy debugger integration into Laravel Framework
Package Data
Maintainer Username: nbransby
Package Create Date: 2013-11-12
Package Last Update: 2015-05-11
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-01 03:07:54
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 217
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 4
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

AnnotateCms Debugger

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AnnotateCms debugger is integration of Tracy into Laravel Framework. It replaces the Whoops.


Via rtablada/package-installer

Since version 2.0.6 you can use rtablada/package-installer:

artisan package:install annotatecms/debugger

Via composer

Install via composer into Laravel Framework's project. Add this into your composer.json file:

"annotatecms/debugger" : "2.*"

After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php


You can add alias to Debugger service to app/config/app.php: 'Debugger' => 'Annotatecms\Debugger\Facades\Debugger'

Publish configuration via Artisan command:

php artisan config:publish annotatecms/debugger


Configuration file is now in app/config/packages/annotatecms/debugger/debugger.php file.

  • enabled - true/false - quickly enable/disable debugger
  • mode
    • NULL - detects environment automatically by host IP
    • development - forces to show debugger
    • production - forces to hide debugger
  • logDirectory - directory to save debugger output. Debugger saves there exceptions reports as HTML files.
  • email - debugger can send email to this address when error occurs on production
  • panels - list of provided panels you want to embed into panel

Provided panels

With this panels you can use only panel name in panels list. For example:

"panels" => array(

List of panels:

  • routing - display routes and theirs method, path and parameters. Current route is marked as bold
  • database - display queries with their times and bindings

Creating panel

Since version 2.1 Debugger is registered as service. You can easily add new panel via addPanel method:

	return new MyAwesomePanel();

addPanel method accepts factory function as parameter. Thanks to this method you do not have to add panels into config file. You can add panels from your package (typically in service provider class).

Panel class must extend AbstractPanel class. You have to implement only one method which returns path to templates for panel:

function getTemplatesPath() {
    return __DIR__ . "/templates";

Panel templates

Panel templates are plain php files. File tab.php renders panel's tab. Typically some icon and name of panel. File panel.php renders panel's content. You can use css classes provided by tracy package. For example see routing/panel.php and routing/tab.php


Bar panel Caught exception Routing panel Database panel