Modular pattern generator for Laravel
Package Data
Maintainer Username: Artem-Schander
Maintainer Contact: (Artem Schander)
Package Create Date: 2015-04-12
Package Last Update: 2023-10-31
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-01-30 03:05:38
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 200,693
Monthly Downloads: 2,208
Daily Downloads: 103
Total Stars: 215
Total Watchers: 11
Total Forks: 69
Total Open Issues: 8


Laravel Release Source Downloads License

This package gives you the ability to use Laravel 5 with module system. You can simply drop or generate modules with their own controllers, models, views, translations and a routes file into the app/Modules folder and go on working with them.

Thanks to zyhn for the "Modular Structure in Laravel 5" tutorial. Well explained and helped a lot.



The best way to install this package is through your terminal via Composer.

Run the following command from your projects root

composer require artem-schander/l5-modular

Once this operation is complete, simply add the service provider to your project's config/app.php and you're done.

Service Provider


Getting started

The built in Artisan command php artisan make:module name [--no-migration] [--no-translation] generates a ready to use module in the app/Modules folder and a migration/translation if necessary.

Since version 1.3.0 you can generate modules named with more than one word, like foo-bar.

This is how the generated module would look like:

    └── Modules/
        └── FooBar/
            ├── Controllers/
            │   └── FooBarController.php
            ├── Models/
            │   └── FooBar.php
            ├── Views/
            │   └── index.blade.php
            ├── Translations/
            │   └── en/
            │       └── example.php
            ├── routes
            │   ├── api.php
            │   └── web.php
            └── helper.php


The generated RESTful Resource Controller and the corresponding routes/web.php make it easy to dive in. In my example you would see the output from the Modules/FooBar/Views/index.blade.php by opening laravel-project:8000/foo-bar in your browser.

Disable modules

In case you want to disable one ore more modules, you can add a modules.php into your projects app/config folder. This file should return an array with the module names that should be loaded. F.a:

return [
    'enable' => [

In this case L5Modular would only load this three modules customer contract reporting. Every other module in the app/Modules folder would not be loaded.

L5Modular will load all modules if there is no modules.php file in the config folder.

Use a single routes.php file (à la Laravel < v5.3)

Since version 1.4.0 the module structure has slightly changed. Instead of using a single routes file there is a routes folder with the route web.php and api.php. No panic, the old fashioned routes file will be loaded anyways. So if you like it that way you can stick with the single routes file in the module-root folder.

Load additional classes

In some cases there is a need to load different additional classes into a module. Since Laravel loads the app using the PSR-4 autoloading standard, you can just add folders and files almost without limitations. The only thing you should keep in mind is to name the file exactly like the class name and to add the correct namespace.

F.a. If you want to add the app/Modules/FooBar/Services/FancyService.php to your module, you can absolutely do so. The file could then look like this:

namespace App\Modules\FooBar\Services;

class FancyService 
    public static function doFancyStuff() {
        return 'some output';

Update to 1.3.0

Since version 1.3.0 you have to follow the upper camel case name convention for the module folder. If you had a Modules/foo folder you have to rename it to Modules/Foo.

Also there are changes in the app/config/modules.php file. Now you have to return an array with the key enable instead of list.


L5Modular is licensed under the terms of the MIT License (See LICENSE file for details).