benwilkins / laravel-fcm-notification by benwilkins

Laravel FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) Notification Channel
Package Data
Maintainer Username: benwilkins
Maintainer Contact: (Ben Wilkins)
Package Create Date: 2016-12-05
Package Last Update: 2024-01-17
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-08 15:08:12
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 889,580
Monthly Downloads: 7,599
Daily Downloads: 62
Total Stars: 213
Total Watchers: 9
Total Forks: 94
Total Open Issues: 29


Laravel FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) Notification Channel

Latest Version Software License

Use this package to send push notifications via Laravel to Firebase Cloud Messaging. Laravel 5.3+ required.

This package works only with Legacy HTTP Server Protocol


This package can be installed through Composer.

composer require benwilkins/laravel-fcm-notification:dev-master

If installing on < Laravel 5.5 then add the service provider:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Add your Firebase API Key in config/services.php.

return [
     * Add the Firebase API key
    'fcm' => [
        'key' => ''

Example Usage

Use Artisan to create a notification:

php artisan make:notification SomeNotification

Return [fcm] in the public function via($notifiable) method of your notification:

public function via($notifiable)
    return ['fcm'];

Add the method public function toFcm($notifiable) to your notification, and return an instance of FcmMessage:

use Benwilkins\FCM\FcmMessage;


public function toFcm($notifiable) 
    $message = new FcmMessage();
        'title'        => 'Foo', 
        'body'         => 'Bar', 
        'sound'        => '', // Optional 
        'icon'         => '', // Optional
        'click_action' => '' // Optional
        'param1' => 'baz' // Optional
    ])->priority(FcmMessage::PRIORITY_HIGH); // Optional - Default is 'normal'.
    return $message;

When sending to specific device, make sure your notifiable entity has routeNotificationForFcm method defined:

 * Route notifications for the FCM channel.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification  $notification
 * @return string
public function routeNotificationForFcm($notification)
    return $this->device_token;

When sending to a topic, you may define so within the toFcm method in the notification:

use Benwilkins\FCM\FcmMessage;


public function toFcm($notifiable) 
    $message = new FcmMessage();
    $message->to('the-topic', $recipientIsTopic = true)
    return $message;

Or when sending with a condition:

use Benwilkins\FCM\FcmMessage;


public function toFcm($notifiable) 
    $message = new FcmMessage();
        ->condition("'user_".$notifiable->id."' in topics")
    return $message;

Interpreting a Response

To proccess any laravel notification channel response check Laravel Notification Events

This channel return a json array response:

    "multicast_id": "number",
    "success": "number",
    "failure": "number",
    "canonical_ids": "number",
    "results": "array",

Check FCM Legacy HTTP Server Protocol for response interpreting documentation.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.