bernardomacedo / laravel-db-translator by bernardomacedo

Laravel 5 database translation extension
Package Data
Maintainer Username: bernardomacedo
Maintainer Contact: (Bernardo Sousa de Macedo)
Package Create Date: 2015-12-17
Package Last Update: 2018-04-18
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-04 03:02:23
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 81
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 4
Total Watchers: 1
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Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel Database Translator

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This package allows you to add translations to database and generates the localization folders per group.


  • It does not replace the current Laravel translator by using another function call to build key/value translations.
  • It does not conflict with your current Laravel project.
  • It does not replace any of your current translations and works seamlessly with your language files, because this package generates it's own language files and directories.
  • Dev Laravel 5.6


Laravel Framework 5.6


$ composer require bernardomacedo/laravel-db-translator

First register the service provider and facade in your application.

// config/app.php

'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
    'DBTranslator' => bernardomacedo\DBTranslator\DBTranslatorFacade::class,

To publish all settings...

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="bernardomacedo\DBTranslator\DBTranslatorServiceProvider"

...or individually:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="bernardomacedo\DBTranslator\DBTranslatorServiceProvider" --tag="config"
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="bernardomacedo\DBTranslator\DBTranslatorServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="bernardomacedo\DBTranslator\DBTranslatorServiceProvider" --tag="lang"

And run migrations

$ php artisan migrate

Add a disk to the filesystems.php filestorage:

If you change the default disk name, because it might conflict with another package or with a potential future one, be sure to change it under the published db-translator.php => storage_driver` parameter.

    'disks' => [
        'translator' => [
            'driver'    => 'local',
            'root'      => base_path('resources/lang/vendor/dbtranslator')


Default language set to App::getLocale().

In a blade template use:

function lang($text = false, $vars = null, $value = null, $group = null, $locale = null)
{{ lang('some text to translate') }}
{{ lang(':count apple named :name|:count apples named :name', ['name' => 'Bernardo'], 2) }}
{{ lang('{0} There are no apples (:count) named :name|[1,19] There are some (:count) apples named :name|[20,Inf] There are many (:count) apples named :name', ['name' => 'Bernardo'], 2) }}

This translation method is easier to interpret because even if the translation is not found, the text you input will be returned.

{{ lang('some text to translate') }} // returns 'algum texto para traduzir'
{{ lang('some text to translate', null, null, null, 'ru') }} // returns 'какой-нибудь текст' bypassing the current language forcing a locale.
{{ lang('this text does not exists on the database') }} // returns 'this text does not exists on the database' and will be added for future translation

What groups are for?

Sometimes you need to generate a specific translation for a context based situation. Where the same phrase or text you wish to translate, means something different in other languages. So, the group parameter allows you to differentiate the same translation to be translated differently depending on context.

{{ lang('participations') }}                /* general group assumed */
{{ lang('participations', null, null, 'some_group') }}  /* some_group group assumed */

Dynamic groups and variables

When using dynamic variables for translation, be sure to force a group named 'dynamic_...'

{{ lang($language_name, null, null, 'dynamic_language') }} /* language group assumed with dynamic flag on database */
{{ lang($SomeDynamicVar, null, null, 'dynamic_some_group') }}      /* some_group group assumed with dynamic flag on database */

Translating a text

DBTranslator::doTranslation($variable_id, $text, $language_id, $group = 'general');

DBTranslator will try to find the $variable_id and the $language_id for you if you only supply strings.

DBTranslator::doTranslation('This is cool', 'Isto é cool', 'pt');

Sometimes you wish to create a variable for translating, adding a translation directly on a language you choose. So, supplying a string on $variable_id that does not exist on the translations_variables table, will generate a new one, adding an entry to the translations_translated table directly.

Generating the translation files

on a controller class

use bernardomacedo\DBTranslator\DBTranslator;

class SomeControllerName extends BaseController
    public function generate_translations()
         * This will generate the language translations for all
         * translated texts in the database, and will assume
         * the original language by default.
         * This will work on all languages active by default.
        DBTranslator::generate(); /* will generate all translations */

        DBTranslator::generate('pt'); /* will generate the Portuguese translations */
        DBTranslator::generate(64); /* will generate the Portuguese translations based on ID */
         * Redirect or do whatever you wish after generation
        return redirect()->route('home');

This will create all required files under the directory supplied on the filesystems.php file.

    - en
        - general.php
        - some_group.php
    - pt
        - general.php
        - some_group.php

Getting all variables on database

use bernardomacedo\DBTranslator\Models\Intl;

class SomeControllerName extends BaseController
    public function some_function()
        $all = Intl::all();
        $group = Intl::group('general')->get();

Getting available translations

use bernardomacedo\DBTranslator\Models\Translated;

class SomeControllerName extends BaseController
    public function some_function()
         * Gets all available translations
        $all = Translated::all();

         * Gets all available translations
         $portuguese = Translated::language('pt')->get(); // using string ISO
         $portuguese = Translated::language(64)->get(); // using ID for the language

Inserting / Removing translations into/from database without rendering views in the browser

You can add translations to database without rendering a view. For this you can run a artisan command and Laravel Database Translator will check your view folders configured under config/view.php config file paths and will add any element of lang(*) found to the database.

Inserting translations

$ php artisan dbtranslator:add

Removing unused translations

$ php artisan dbtranslator:remove

When running these commands, Dynamic groups and `$variables will be ignored. eg:

lang($php_var) /* is not supported so they will be ignored */

Generating translations

Generates for Portuguese

$ php artisan dbtranslator:generate pt

Generates for Spanish

$ php artisan dbtranslator:generate es

Generates all languages

$ php artisan dbtranslator:generate --status=all

Generates active languages

$ php artisan dbtranslator:generate --status=active

Generates inactive languages

$ php artisan dbtranslator:generate --status=inactive


The Laravel Database Translator is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license