bhavinjr / eazypay by bhavinjr

This is icici eazypay payment gateway api
Package Data
Maintainer Username: bhavinjr
Maintainer Contact: (Bhavin Rudani)
Package Create Date: 2017-08-30
Package Last Update: 2024-02-16
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-08 03:02:33
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 153
Monthly Downloads: 2
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 3
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 4
Total Open Issues: 2


Eazypay payment integration for Laravel 5.*

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Background: What is a eazypay?

eazypay is a first of its kind secure payment service by ICICI Bank in India. It enables institutions to collect money from their customers through multiple payment modes. ICICI Bank is the first and only bank to offer such a payment service in India.

For more information visit,


First, you'll need to install the package via Composer:

$ composer require bhavinjr/eazypay

If you are don't use using Laravel 5.5.* Then, update config/app.php by adding an entry for the service provider.

'providers' => [
    // ...

In command line paste this command:

php artisan config:cache

Finally, from the command line again, publish the default configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bhavinjr\Eazypay\Providers\EazypayServiceProvider"


use Bhavinjr\Eazypay\Eazypay;

class PaymentController extends Controller
    public function payment()
    	$amount 	=   10;
    	$refrenceNo 	=   1; //stands for order id or any other related to database table
    	$optionalField 	=  '10|10|10|10'; (optional) //must be pass in pipe delimeter based on icici eazypay payment integration kit

        $eazypay 	=   new Eazypay();
        $paymentUrl 	=   $eazypay->getPaymentUrl($amount,$refrenceNo,$optionalField);
        return redirect()->to($paymentUrl); //it will redirect to your payment gateway site


Configuration was designed to be as flexible. global configuration can be set in the app/config/eazypay.php file.

make sure you have all the detail which needs to use in configuration file. must read instruction in app/config/eazypay.php file.

return [
    'merchant_id'       	=>  env('EAZYPAY_MERCHANT_ID'),
    'encryption_key'            =>  env('EAZYPAY_ENCRYPTION_KEY'),
    'return_url'        	=>  env('EAZYPAY_RETURN_URL'),
    'sub_merchant_id'   	=>  env('EAZYPAY_MERCHANT_ID'),
    'merchant_reference_no'     =>  env('EAZYPAY_MERCHANT_ID'),     
    'paymode'           	=>  env('EAZYPAY_PAYMODE',9),
