buonzz / l4-newrelic-insight by buonzz

Laravel Library for Interacting with NewRelic's Insight
Package Data
Maintainer Username: buonzz
Maintainer Contact: buonzz@gmail.com (Darwin Biler)
Package Create Date: 2014-06-22
Package Last Update: 2014-11-21
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-12-14 15:06:30
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 34
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel Library for NewRelic Insight

This is a Laravel Library for Interacting with NewRelic's Insight. This tries to make you define simple events in Laravel-way and make it appear in the NewRelic Insights dashboards.


  • PSR-0 autoloading compliant structure
  • Unit-Testing with PHPUnit
  • PHPDocumentor


  • cURL
  • PHP >= 5.3.0
  • Valid NewRelic Account ID - see http://newrelic.com/
  • NewRelic Insight API Query Key - see http://docs.newrelic.com/docs/insights/remote-queries
  • NewRelic Insight API Insert Key - see http://docs.newrelic.com/docs/insights/inserting-events


Require the package in your composer.json file

composer require buonzz/l4-newrelic-insight

Add the service provider and facade in your config/app.php Service Provider



'Insight'            => 'Buonzz\NewRelic\Insight\Laravel4\Facades\Insight',

Pubish the configuration file

php artisan config:publish buonzz/l4-newrelic-insight

Edit the config file in app/config/packages/buonzz/l4-newrelic-insight/config.php

  • account_id - is required, this should be your NewRelic Account ID
  • query_key - required when you need to retrieve data from NewRelic
  • insert_key - required when you need to insert custom events


Execute Queries

$nrql = "SELECT uniquecount(session) FROM PageView";
$nrql .= "WHERE appName='PHP Application' SINCE 1 hour ago COMPARE WITH 1 hour ago";
$result = Insight::query($nrql);

Send Custom Events

$events = array();
$events[] = array('eventType'=> 'Event Name', 'atrribute1'=> 'attribute value 1', 'attribute2'=> 'atrribute value 2');

You can also dynamically set the config settings in runtime:

Insight::setAccountID('<put your account id here>'); // used to associate your account to calls
Insight::setQueryKey('<put your query key here>'); // required to query data
Insight::setInsertKey('<put your insert key here>'); // this is when you need to send custom events

List PageViews within the last hour

use Buonzz\NewRelic\Insight\Aggregates\PageView;

Route::get('pageviews', function()
	$pv = new PageView();
	$pageviews = $pv->all();
	return $pageviews;