joecampo / laravel-shipstation by campo

ShipStation API wrapper for Laravel
Package Data
Maintainer Username: campo
Maintainer Contact: (Joe Campo)
Package Create Date: 2016-05-10
Package Last Update: 2023-02-07
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-09 15:01:12
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 618,362
Monthly Downloads: 9,970
Daily Downloads: 24
Total Stars: 40
Total Watchers: 7
Total Forks: 24
Total Open Issues: 0


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This is a simple PHP API wrapper for ShipStation built for Laravel 5.*.


This package can be installed via Composer by requiring the campo/laravel-shipstation package in your project's composer.json

    "require": {
        "campo/laravel-shipstation": "~3.0"

Then at your Laravel project root run:

composer update

Second, add the LaravelShipStation service provider to your providers array located in config/app.php


After installing via composer you will need to publish the configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish

This will create the configuration file for your API key and API secret key at config/shipstation.php. You will need to obtain your API & Secret key from ShipStation: How can I get access to ShipStation's API?


LaravelShipStation uses GuzzleHttp\Guzzle


Endpoints for the API are accessed via properties (e.g. $shipStation->orders->get($options) will make a GET request to /orders/{$options}). The default endpoint is /orders/. Valid endpoints include:

  • accounts
  • carriers
  • customers
  • fulfillments
  • orders
  • products
  • shipments
  • stores
  • users
  • warehouses
  • webhooks



$shipStation->{$endpoint}->get($options = [], $endpoint = '');

Example of getting an order with the orderId of 1.

$shipStation = $this->app['LaravelShipStation\ShipStation'];

// Fetch an order by orderId == 123, orderId is defined by ShipStation
$order = $shipStation->orders->get([], $endpoint = 123); // returns \stdClass

// Fetch an orderId by the orderNumber, which may be user defined
$order = $shipStation->orders->getOrderId('ORD-789'); // returns integer


$shipStation->{$endpoint}->post($options = [], $endpoint = '');

The second parameter ($endpoint) is for any additional endpoints that need to be added. For example, to create an order the POST request would go to /orders/createorder. "createorder" is the additional endpoint since we specify the root endpoint as a property: $shipstation->orders->post($options, 'createorders')

There are models that contain all of the properties available via the API. These models will be converted to arrays when passed to the API.

An example on how to create a new order to be shipped:

    $shipStation = $this->app['LaravelShipStation\ShipStation'];

    $address = new LaravelShipStation\Models\Address();

    $address->name = "Joe Campo";
    $address->street1 = "123 Main St";
    $address->city = "Cleveland";
    $address->state = "OH";
    $address->postalCode = "44127";
    $address->country = "US";
    $address->phone = "2165555555";

    $item = new LaravelShipStation\Models\OrderItem();

    $item->lineItemKey = '1';
    $item->sku = '580123456';
    $item->name = "Awesome sweater.";
    $item->quantity = '1';
    $item->unitPrice  = '29.99';
    $item->warehouseLocation = 'Warehouse A';

    $order = new LaravelShipStation\Models\Order();

    $order->orderNumber = '1';
    $order->orderDate = '2016-05-09';
    $order->orderStatus = 'awaiting_shipment';
    $order->amountPaid = '29.99';
    $order->taxAmount = '0.00';
    $order->shippingAmount = '0.00';
    $order->internalNotes = 'A note about my order.';
    $order->billTo = $address;
    $order->shipTo = $address;
    $order->items[] = $item;

    // This will var_dump the newly created order, and order should be wrapped in an array.
    var_dump($shipStation->orders->post($order, 'createorder'));
    // or with the helper: $shipStation->orders->create($order); would be the same.



Example of deleting an order by it's order ID:



$shipStation->{$endpoint}->update($query = [], $resourceEndPoint);

Simple Wrapper Helpers

Helpers are located in /src/Helpers and will be named after the endpoint. Currently there is only a helper for the /orders endpoint and /shipments endpint. I will be adding more; feel free to send a PR with any you use.

Check to see if an order already exists in ShipStation via an Order Number:

$orderExists = $shipStation->orders->existsByOrderNumber($orderNumber) // returns bool

Note: When using the orderNumber query parameter ShipStation will return any order that contains the search term. e.g. orderNumber = 1 will return any order that CONTAINS 1 in ascending order and not an exact match to the query. If you have two orders 123, and 1234 in your ShipStation and call $shipStation->orders->get(['orderNumber' => 123]); you will return both orders.

Check how many orders are in awaiting_fulfillment status:

$count = $shipStation->orders->awaitingShipmentCount(); // returns int

Create an order in ShipStation:

$newOrder = $shipStation->orders->create($order);

Get the shipments for a specific order number.

$shipments = $shipStation->shipments->forOrderNumber($orderNumber);

ShipStation API Rate Limit

ShipStation only allows for 40 API calls that resets every 60 seconds (or 1 call every 1.5 seconds). By default, LaravelShipStation will protect against any calls being rate limited by pausing when we are averaging more than 1 call every 1.5 seconds.


Tests can be ran using phpunit. Please note that tests will create an order, check the order, and delete the order in your production environment. By default, tests are disabled. If you would like to run the tests edit the phpunit.xml file to set the environment variable SHIPSTATION_TESTING to true and set your API Key & Secret Key.


Pull requests are most certainly welcomed! This is a WIP.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.