CeddyG / query-builder-repository by CeddyG

Repository using query builder. To return a Collection of stdClass or a simple stdClass. It's faster and use less memory than Eloquent if you just want data from database.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: CeddyG
Package Create Date: 2017-01-16
Package Last Update: 2021-04-24
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-07 03:00:30
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 742
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 11
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 7
Total Open Issues: 3

Query Builder Repository

Laravel Repository using Query Builder (Fluent) instead of Eloquent. It returns a Collection of StdClass or a simple StdClass. It can receive arrays to create or update a record in the database and also delete a record or multiple record.


composer require ceddyg/query-builder-repository


Create a repository

Firstly you have to create a repository and define the table, primary key and fillable.

By default the table will take the snake case in the plural of the repository's name without "Repository" and primary key is "id" by default.

namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
    //By default $sTable = 'products'
    protected $sTable = 'product';

    //By default $sPrimaryKey = 'id'
    protected $sPrimaryKey = 'id_products';

    //The attributes that are mass assignable.
    protected $fillable = ['name','category'];

Avaible methods

Additional methods


Get all record in the database.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->all(); //Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->all(['name']); //Collection

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;


Find a record with his ID.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1); //StdClass with all columns
$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1, ['name']); //StdClass with specific columns

echo oProduct->name; 


Find records with a given field.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->findByField('name', 'Matrix'); //Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findByField('name', 'Matrix', ['name', 'category']); //Collection

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;
    echo oProduct->category;


Find records with a given where clause.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhere(['price' => 20]); //Will find all products where the price = 20 and return a Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhere(['price', '<', 20]); //Will find all products where the price < 20 and return a Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhere([['price', '<', 20]], ['name']); //Will find all products where the price < 20 and return a Collection 
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhere([['price', '<', 20], ['name', 'LIKE', 'Mat%']], ['name']);

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;


Find records with a given where in clause.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhereIn('name', ['Matrix', 'Matrix 2'])); //Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhereIn('name', ['Matrix', 'Matrix 2'], ['name', 'category'])); //Collection

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;
    echo oProduct->category;


Find records with a given where not in clause.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhereNotIn('name', ['Matrix', 'Matrix 2'])); //Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhereNotIn('name', ['Matrix', 'Matrix 2'], ['name', 'category'])); //Collection

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;
    echo oProduct->category;


Return the first record.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oRepository->first(); //StdClass
$oRepository->first(['name']); //StdClass

#### last

Return the last record.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oRepository->last(); //StdClass
$oRepository->last(['name']); //StdClass


Same use than fluent.


Create a record.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$aAttributes = [
    'name'      => 'Matrix 2',
    'category'   => 'DVD'
$aAttributes = [
        'name'      => 'Matrix 2',
        'category'   => 'DVD'
        'name'      => 'Matrix 3',
        'category'   => 'DVD'

$oRepository->create($aAttributes);//Return insert id if 1 create or bool if multiple


Update a record in the database.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$aAttributes = [
    'name'      => 'Matrix 1',
    'category'   => 'DVD'

$oRepository->update(1, $aAttributes);


Insert or update a record matching the attributes, and fill it with values.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$aAttributes = [
    'ref' => 'PROD-01'

$aValues = [
    'name'      => 'Matrix 2',
    'category'   => 'DVD'

$oProduct = $oRepository->updateOrCreate($aAttributes, $aValues)


Delete one or many records from the database.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oRepository->delete(1); //Delete the record with id 1
$oRepository->delete([1, 2, 3]); //Delete the record with id 1, 2 and 3


Return the table.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$sTable = $oRepository->getTable();


Return the primary key.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$sPrimaryKey = $oRepository->getPrimaryKey();


Get columns from a given view. It will check if fillable are in the view and add them in the columns list for the query.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->getFillFromView('product/index')->all();
$oProducts = $oRepository->getFillFromView('product/index')->all(['name']);//Will merge fill in the view and parameters in all()

$oProduct = $oRepository->getFillFromView('product/index')->find(1);
$oProducts = $oRepository
    ->findWhere([['price', '<', 20], ['name', 'LIKE', 'Mat%']], ['name']);


It's to use with Jquery Datatable, when you want to use Server Side. indexAjax() is the method's controller you call in Ajax.

public function indexAjax(Request $oRequest)
    $oRepository = new ProductRepository();

    return $this->oRepository->datatable($oRequest->all());
<table id="tab-admin" class="table no-margin table-bordered table-hover">
			<th>Tag Category</th>
Javascript :
$(document).ready(function() {
        serverSide: true,
        ajax: {
            url: '../ajax-url'
        columns: [
            { data: "id" },
            { data: "name" },
            { data: "price" },
                data: "category_name",
                name: "category.name"
                data: "tag_name",
                name: "tag.name",
                //If you have many tag and want to replace ' / '
                render: function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
                    return data.replace(" / ", "</br>"); ;
                data: "category_tag_name",
                name: "tag.category_tag.name"
            //Add a button to edit
                data: "id",  
                render: function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
                    var render = "{!! Button::warning('Edit')->asLinkTo(route('admin.admin.edit', 'dummyId'))->extraSmall()->block()->render() !!}";
                    render = render.replace("dummyId", data); 
                    return render;
            //Add a button to delete
                data: "id",  
                render: function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
                    var render = '{!! BootForm::open()->action( route("admin.admin.destroy", "dummyId") )->attribute("onsubmit", "return confirm(\'Are you sure to delete ?\')")->delete() !!}'
                        +'{!! BootForm::submit("Delete", "btn-danger")->addClass("btn-block btn-xs") !!}'
                        +'{!! BootForm::close() !!}';
                    render = render.replace("dummyId", data); 
                    return render;
        //Don't sort edit and delete column
        aoColumnDefs: [
                bSortable: false,
                aTargets: [ -1, -2 ]
} );


Order by a given field and direction. By defalut, the direction is 'asc'.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->orderBy('name')->all();
$oProducts = $oRepository->orderBy('name')->findWhere(['categorie_id', 1]);
$oProduct = $oRepository->orderBy('id', 'desc')->find(1, ['name']); //Useless


Limit the query.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->limit(0, 10)->all(); //Will take the first 10 records
$oProducts = $oRepository->limit(5, 5)->all(); //Will take the 5 records after the 5th record.
$oProduct = $oRepository->limit(0, 10)->find(1, ['name']); //Useless


You can automatically set a timestamp to a record.

namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
     * Indicates if the query should be timestamped.
     * @var bool
    protected $bTimestamp = true;

     * The name of the "created at" column.
     * @var string
    const CREATED_AT = 'created_at';

     * The name of the "updated at" column.
     * @var string
    const UPDATED_AT = 'updated_at';


You can specify the default date format from the database and the default date format to store in the database.

namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository

    protected $aFillable = ['name', 'category', 'price', 'date_limit'];
    protected $aDates = ['date_limit'];
    //By default $sDateFormatToGet = 'Y-m-d'
    protected $sDateFormatToGet = 'd/m/Y';

    //By default $sDateFormatToStore = 'Y-m-d'
    protected $sDateFormatToStore = 'Y-m-d';

Then if you have 2017-05-24 in your database you will have :

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->first(['date_limit']);
echo $oProduct->date_limit; // 24/05/2017

$oRepository->update(1, ['date_limit' => '25/05/2017']) // Will store 2017-05-25 in the database

Custom attribute

You can get specific attribute.

namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository

    protected $aFillable = ['name', 'category', 'price', 'date_limit'];
     * Will change a fill that came from the database
     * @param Collection|StdClass $oItem
    public function getPriceAttribute($oItem)
        return oItem->price * 1.2;
     * Will create a new attribute that not in database
     * @param Collection|StdClass $oItem
    public function getReferenceAttribute($oItem)
        return oItem->name.' '.oItem->category;

And you can use it simply.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->first(['name', 'category', 'price', 'reference']);

You can specify what column you need for your custom attribute in the class.

namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
    protected $aFillable = ['name', 'category', 'price', 'date_limit'];
     * List of the customs attributes.
     * @var array
    protected $aCustomAttribute = [
        'reference' => [
        'tag_name' => [
     * Will create a new attribute that not in database
     * @param Collection|StdClass $oItem
    public function getReferenceAttribute($oItem)
        return oItem->name.' '.oItem->category;
     * Will create a new attribute that not in database
     * @param Collection|StdClass $oItem
    public function getTagNameAttribute($oItem)
        return oItem->tag[0]->name;

    public function tag()
        $sForeignKey = 'fk_product';
        $sOtherForeignKey = 'fk_tag';

        //If $sForeignKey is null, the method will set 'product_id' (<table name>.'_id')
        //If $sOtherForeignKey is null, the method will set tag_id (<table name of TagRepository>.'_id')
        $this->belongsToMany('App\Repositories\TagRepository', 'product_tag', $sForeignKey, $sOtherForeignKey);

And then.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->first(['price', 'reference', 'tag_name']);


To configure relationship, it's like Eloquent, you have to define a belongsTo, belongsToMany or hasMany with other repositories.

belongsTo($sRepository, $sForeignKey = null)
belongsToMany($sRepository, $sPivotTable, $sForeignKey = null, $sOtherForeignKey = null)
hasMany($sRepository, $sForeignKey = null)
namespace App\Repositories;

use Ceddyg\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
    //By default $sTable = 'product'
    protected $sTable = 'products';

    //By default $sPrimaryKey = 'id'
    protected $sPrimaryKey = 'id_products';

    //The attributes that are mass assignable.
    protected $fillable = ['name','category'];

    public function tag()
        $sForeignKey = 'fk_tag';

        //If $sForeignKey is null, the method will set tag_id (<table name of TagRepository>.'_id')
        $this->belongsTo('App\Repositories\TagRepository', $sForeignKey);
    public function tag()
        $sForeignKey = 'fk_product';
        $sOtherForeignKey = 'fk_tag';

        //If $sForeignKey is null, the method will set 'product_id' (<table name>.'_id')
        //If $sOtherForeignKey is null, the method will set tag_id (<table name of TagRepository>.'_id')
        $this->belongsToMany('App\Repositories\TagRepository', 'product_tag', $sForeignKey, $sOtherForeignKey);
    public function tag()
        $sForeignKey = 'fk_product';

        //If $sForeignKey is null, the method will set 'product_id' (<table name>.'_id')
        $this->hasMany('App\Repositories\TagRepository', 'product_id');

Relations are considered like columns, so to add it :

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

//It will take the name attribut and add the relation tag to an attribut "tag"
$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1, ['name', 'tag']);

echo $oProduct->name;
echo $oProduct->tag->name;

//If belongsToMany or hasMany relation, $oProduct->tag is a Collection
foreach ($oProduct->tag as $oTag)
    //$oTag is a StdClass
    echo $oTag->name;

To use it with getFillFromView you have to define what relations you allow :

* List of relations we allow in getFillFromView.
* @var array 
protected $aRelations = ['tag'];

You can specify if the relations are returned as array or collection.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

//True : collection | false : array (good way to work with a lot of data)
$oRepository->setReturnCollection(false); //True by default

//It will take the name attribut and add the relation tag to an attribut "tag"
$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1, ['name', 'tag']);

foreach ($oProduct->tag as $oTag)
    //$oTag is a StdClass
    echo $oTag->name;


You can specify a database (set in config/database.php).

namespace App\Repositories;

use Ceddyg\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
    protected $sConnection = 'mysql';


$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1);

ToDo List

  • Add specific setter
  • Select only the fillable's relation in the getFillFromView method (if we have $oItem->tag->tag_name in the view, the system have to select tag_name only)
  • Add through relation
  • Mix paginate and avaible methods
  • Add a command to generate repository