chefsplate / laravel-doctrine-odm by davidchchang

A smart, lightweight Laravel wrapper around Doctrine's mongodb-odm Document Mapper
Package Data
Maintainer Username: davidchchang
Maintainer Contact: (David Chang)
Package Create Date: 2016-04-13
Package Last Update: 2022-03-30
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-03 03:02:51
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Total Downloads: 54
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Laravel Doctrine 2 ODM for MongoDB [WIP]

A smart, lightweight Laravel wrapper around the Doctrine ODM document mapper. Convenient features like soft deletions, automatic create and modification times, and consistent and flexible response formats (useful when developing APIs) are built in.

This ODM wrapper is compatible with jensseger's laravel-mongodb library, should you want to leverage both Eloquent and Doctrine at the same time.

Note: a "minimum-stability" of "dev" is currently required for this package.

Please check out the chefsplate/laravel-doctrine-odm-example repo for a fully-working example of how this package can be used to create a Doctrine-based API on top of Mongo.

Table of contents


  • PHP 5.4+
  • Laravel 5.3+ (for Laravel 5.1 - 5.2, please use the 5.1 branch)
  • PHP mongo extension (ext-mongo) must be installed:
    • On a Mac, the easiest way to install this extension is through brew: brew install php56 followed by brew install php56-mongo


Require the latest version of this package with Composer:

composer require chefsplate/laravel-doctrine-odm:"0.1.x"

Add the Service Provider to the providers array in config/app.php:


Add the facade to your class aliases array in config/app.php:

'DocumentMapper' => ChefsPlate\ODM\Facades\DocumentMapper::class,

Ensure you have connection details for the mongodb driver setup in config/database.php. See vendor/chefsplate/laravel-odm/config/database.php for a more complete example.

'mongodb' => [
    'driver'        => 'mongodb',
    'dsn'           => 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
    'database'      => 'mydb', // Default DB to perform queries against (not authenticate against)
    'retryConnect'  => 2, // Number of connection retry attempts before failing (doctrine feature)
    'retryQuery'    => 1, // Number of query retry attempts before failing (doctrine feature)
    'options'       => [

    'driverOptions' => [


The format for the DSN is: mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2:],...]/db

Copy the default doctrine and ide-odm-helper config files to your app's config cp vendor/chefsplate/laravel-odm/config/doctrine.php config/doctrine.php cp vendor/chefsplate/laravel-odm/config/ide-odm-helper.php config/ide-odm-helper.php Modify to suit your environment

Eloquent-like Wrapper Methods

first and where

first is an Eloquent-like way of constructing queries. It uses the arrow (associative array) notation of specifying parameters:

$user = User::first([
    'username' => 'davidchchang'

The first wrapper will automatically construct the query and fetch the first result returned, so if you want to retrieve more than one document or if you want to use specific query builder methods, you'll need to use where method instead.

$users_named_david_chang = User::where([
    'first_name' => 'David',
    'last_name' => 'Chang'

foreach ($users_named_david_chang as $user) {
    // do something with $user here

There is an additional caveat with using these wrapper methods; the first and where wrapper methods only work with non-entities such as strings, booleans, numbers, and regexes. If you want to use any (non-equals) conditional operators, you'll need to chain them before executing the query (note: first does not support chaining since it executes the query immediately).

$recent_user_tasks = Task::where([
    'status' => 'Active'
])->field('created_at')->gte(new \MongoDate($date->getTimestamp()))


Both first and where allow you to define an array of projections you would like returned. For example, if you only care about the username and email address fields being set on the returned models, you can specify this in the second parameter:

$users_named_david = User::where([
    'first_name' => new \MongoRegex('/^David/i')
], ['username', 'email']);


find will return the entity that corresponds to a specific ID.

$user = User::find("davidchchang");

IDE helper for generating phpDocumentation

If you're familiar with @barryvdh's IDE helper for generating phpDocumentation (useful for auto-complete), we have built on top of his command generator.

To get started, add the Service Provider to the providers array in config/app.php:



The default usage will analyze all models under App\Entities and write all annotations to a _ide_helper_models.php file.

php artisan ide-helper:doctrine-models

You can alternatively choose to write annotations directly to the PHP DocBlock class annotations within the PHP files themselves.

If the annotations contain duplicates, you can use the --reset option to replace existing DocBlock annotations:

php artisan ide-helper:doctrine-models --reset

Or specifically, to reset a single entity:

php artisan ide-helper:doctrine-models App\Entities\ModelName --reset

For complete usage on generating helper annotations, use --help:

php artisan ide-helper:doctrine-models --help

Response Formats

If you are using our Laravel API Response Formatter (highly recommended with this package), you can leverage the built-in response format support, which allows you to customize which fields you want returned to the front-end from your APIs.

There are two simple steps you'll need to follow to make use of response formats in your code.

Step One: Define your response formats

First, we define which fields in the model we want to have returned. For example, let's assume your user has the following fields: id, username, first_name, last_name, email and password. Upon returning a user object to the front-end, we don't ever want to return the password field. This can be done by creating a default response format within the User.php model:

protected static $response_formats = [
    'default' => ['password'],

The response format is a blacklist array of fields you don't want in the response. By default, all fields are returned.

So if you don't need the first name, last name or password, you would specify:

protected static $response_formats = [
    'default' => ['first_name', 'last_name', 'password'],

Note that this gets pretty cumbersome if there are more fields you don't want then the fields that you do want. As an alternative, you can specify to exclude all fields using the * symbol, and include only the ones you want using the special |except: syntax. This makes the response format behave more like a whitelist.

As an example:

'default'   => ['*|except:first_name,email'],

Which means, exclude everything except first_name and email.

Multiple response formats for a model

You can add as many named formats as you want here:

For example, if we wanted to add a new response format for formatting emails that only contains the user's first name and email address, we could do something like:

protected static $response_formats = [
    'default' => ['password'],
    'email'   => ['*|except:first_name,email'],

Nested response formats

If your model references other models, you can form complex response formats that restrict what is returned by the referenced models. For example, if a Project model contains a reference to the User model, you can specify which user fields you want returned (again, all fields for each model are returned by default).

Within Project.php:

protected static $response_formats = [
    'listing_view' => ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'user.*|except:id,username'],

This example combines both exclusion and inclusion type filters. This corresponds to saying: don't return me the created_at and updated_at properties, and also don't return any of the user fields except and user.username.

This allows for some very powerful nested response formats while maintaining simplicity in syntax.

Step Two: Inform your controller endpoints of which response formats to use

Now that the formats have been defined in the models, you can specify which models you would like to use when returning the payload back to the front-end.

Within your controller:

return (new ResponseObject($projects))
            Project::class   => 'listing_view',
            User::class      => 'email',

To demonstrate the power of response formats, consider the following:

Here $projects is an array of Projects, which contain references to Users and an embedded list of Comments, and the Comment model references the User model. Since the response format for Comment is not defined here, default is assumed. If the default response format is not defined within Comment.php, then all fields will be returned.

However, since we specified the response format to use for Users, our API response formatter will format the User entity referenced within Comment using the email response format automatically. The listing_view on Project (as we described above) already indicates how it would like to format its Users references, so it is not formatted using the email response format.

ODM Helpers [coming soon]


convertCarbonToMongoDate will convert a Carbon date to a Mongo date:



For more info see: