codenamegary / l4template by codenamegary

A Laravel application template with lots of workflow tools preconfigured.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: codenamegary
Package Create Date: 2014-09-18
Package Last Update: 2014-09-18
Language: JavaScript
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-06-14 15:00:50
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 23
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel 4.2 Template

Includes many things to help workflow including...

  • Laravel 4.2.x
  • Grunt
  • Bootstrap 3.2.0 (and dependencies incl. jQuery)
  • Font Awesome 4.2.0
  • Backbone JS 1.1.2
  • Preconfigured for deployment on PagodaBox, will work with any suitable provider

Grunt is preconfigured to compile, copy and minify everything nicely into your public directory.

Customizing Twitter Bootstrap

The Bootstrap less (css) is compiled out of /assets/less/bootstrap.less. It uses a custom variables file so that you can easily override variables and still upgrade bootstrap with ease.


Backbone.js is included by default. Some placeholder directories are located in /assets/js for your models, views and other services. These are compiled into app.js by Grunt, out of the box. Just place your scripts here and watch them go!

Setup Instructions

Create a new directory and install the template

composer create-project codenamegary/l4template

Setup your environment detection

Laravel Environment Configuration Docs

  • Set a "LARAVEL_ENV" environment variable OR
  • Update /bootstrap/start.php to detect your environment some other way

For convenience, the template is preconfigured to look for an environment variable called "LARAVEL_ENV". For expediency, you can create this variable and the template will use it.

Configure your connections and components

Laravel Database Config Docs

Laravel Auth Config Docs

Other Laravel Docs

Run base migrations

php artisan migrate

Install node and other JS / Less modules

npm install
bower install

Compiling assets

You can compile the less (css) and JavaScripts using Grunt by running "grunt dist" at any time from the project root directory.

grunt dist

The watch plugin is also included, if you'd like Grunt to execute and compile your less and scripts as you go just run "grunt watch".

grunt watch


Setup an account at PagodaBox and push your code there.