CORBmx / l5-template-manager by corb

Template manager for laravel
Package Data
Maintainer Username: corb
Maintainer Contact: (Gabriel Ortiz)
Package Create Date: 2016-03-18
Package Last Update: 2016-06-30
Language: PHP
License: Unknown
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-01 03:02:05
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 70
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


A database template compiler for laravel 5


  • Install as laravel project dependency

    composer require corb/template-manager

  • Add service provider in providers array (config/app.php)


  • Publish vendor files

    $ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

This will create a config file named template-manager.php

Configuration file

  • models

    The model property is an array containing Model Namespaces to access table columns.

    `'models' => [
     `models => [

    Why? If you want to implement a WYSIWYG edit maybe this option is useful.

  • use_routes

    If you want to use package routes to get available table fields set to true (default).

    'use_routes' => true,

  • route Url of the route, default 'templates'

    'route' => 'templates',

    Ex: localhost:8000/templates' //This url return all the configured tables with its columns

  • template_table

    Name of the database table to be used, default 'templates'.

    'template_table' => 'templates',

    WARNING: This configuration is used to create database migration. If you have an older migration it will be useless, so maybe you want to delete the migrate (Need to improve this).

Template table

  • Create migration

    $ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=migrations

    This command create a new database migration using configuration file. Remember previous warning!.

  • Run migrate

    $ php artisan migrate

    And thats it, now store your templates.


Compiling a template

Add the TemplateManager class to your code

use Corb\TemplateManager\TemplateManager;

Create a new TemplateManager object

$template = new TemplateManager;

Compile a new template

$compiled_template = $template->parse('test_template', $template_data)


Database template: test_template
Hi <b>{{$user->name}}</b>.<br/>
Thanks to use corb template manager, if you need help 
<a href="{{$help_link}}">Click here</a>.
Test code: routes.php
use Corb\TemplateManager\TemplateManager;

Route::get('/', function () {
    $template   = new TemplateManager;
    $user       = new stdClass;
    $user->name = 'Foo';
    $help_link  = '';
    $data = [
        'user'      => $user,
        'help_link' => $date
    echo $template->parse('test_template', $data);
Hi Foo.
Thanks to use corb template manager, if you need help Click here.

TemplateManager Methods

  • Get models found in config file

  • Return array

    [ "App\User", "App\Product", ]

  • Get table columns from config models

  • Return array

    [ "users": [ "id", "name", "email", ], "products": [ "id", "name", "category", "sku" ] ]

parse($slug, $data)
  • Parse a template

  • Params:

    • $slug: template slug
    • $data: Array of data to be parsed in template -Return: A string of compiled template