bradcornford / Logical by bradcornford

An easy way execute logical statements over a none persisted results set in Laravel.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: bradcornford
Maintainer Contact: (Bradley Cornford)
Package Create Date: 2014-10-16
Package Last Update: 2020-01-30
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-12-15 03:03:03
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 586
Monthly Downloads: 0
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Total Stars: 5
Total Watchers: 2
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Total Open Issues: 0

An easy way execute logical statements over a none persisted results set in Laravel.

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For Laravel 4.x, check version 1.2.0

Think of Logical as an easy way to execute logical statements over a none persisted results set with Laravel, providing a way to reduce a results set against a logical sentence. These include:

  • Logical::setLogicalStatementInstance
  • Logical::getLogicalStatementInstance
  • Logical::setInput
  • Logical::getInput
  • Logical::setLogic
  • Logical::getLogic
  • Logical::execute
  • Logical::getResults
  • Logical::reset


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require cornford/logical.

"require": {
	"cornford/logical": "2.*"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update

Once this operation completes, the next step is to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


The final step is to introduce the facade. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the aliases array.

'Logical'         => 'Cornford\Logical\Facades\Logical',

That's it! You're all set to go.


It's really as simple as using the Logical class in any Controller / Model / File you see fit with:


This will give you access to

Set Logical Statement Instance

The setLogicalStatementInstance method allows a custom Logical Statement Instance to be passed to after construction.

Logical::setLogicalStatementInstance(new LogicalStatement);
Logical::setLogicalStatementInstance(new MyLogicalStatement);

Get Logical Statement Instance

The getLogicalStatementInstance method returns the set Logical Statement Instance.

Logical::getLogicalStatementInstance()->defineCustomStatement('test', function ($input, $expected) { return true; });

Set Input

The setInput method sets a input array set.

Logical::setInput([['name' => 'tom'], ['name' => 'jerry']]);

Get Input

The getInput method returns the set input array set.


Set Logic

The setLogic method allows a logic statement string to be set. The available logical methods are within the Logical Statement class.


Get Logic

The getLogic method returns the set logic statement string.



The execute method decodes the logic string into callable methods and then executes those methods against the input array.


Get Results

The getResults method returns the items matching the logic statement sting from the input array set.



The reset method resets input, logic and results.


Building Logic Statement Strings

Logic statement strings are built by defining as follows:

  • A field that should be conditioned against where("field").
  • A statement method that can executed where("field").equals("tom").
  • A conditions and methods are separated with a ..
  • Multiple conditions and methods can be attached using AND or OR such as where("field").equals("tom").OR.where("field").equals("jerry").

Logic Statement String Methods

Below is a list of available logic statement string methods:


The equals method returns true if the input value equals the expected value.


The notEquals method returns true if the input value doesn't equals the expected value.


Is Length

The isLength method returns true if the input value equals the expected length value.


The isNotLength method returns true if the input value doesn't equals the expected length value.



The is method returns true if the input value is the same type the expected value.


The isNot method returns true if the input value isn't the same type the expected value.



The contains method returns true if the input value contains the expected value.


The notContains method returns true if the input value doesn't contain the expected value.


Contained In

The containedIn method returns true if the input value contains an item of the expected values.

containedIn(["a", "b", "c"])

The notContainedIn method returns true if the input value doesn't contain an item of the expected values.

notContainedIn(["a", "b", "c"])


The in method returns true if the input value is an item of the expected values.

in(["a", "b", "c"])

The notIn method returns true if the input value is not an item of the expected values.

notIn(["a", "b", "c"])


The between method returns true if the input value is between the expected values.

between(1, 10)

The notBetween method returns true if the input value is not between the expected values.

notBetween(1, 10)


The null method returns true if the input value is null.


The notNull method returns true if the input value is not null.


Less Than

The lessThan method returns true if the input value is less than the expected value.


The notLessThan method returns true if the input value is not less than the expected value.


Greater Than

The greaterThan method returns true if the input value is greater than the expected value.


The notGreaterThan method returns true if the input value is not greater than the expected value.


Less Than Or Equal

The lessThanOrEqual method returns true if the input value is less than or equal to the expected value.


The notLessThanOrEqual method returns true if the input value is not less than or not equal to the expected value.


Greater Than Or Equal

The greaterThanOrEqual method returns true if the input value is greater than or equal to the expected value.


The notGreaterThanOrEqual method returns true if the input value is not greater than or not equal to the expected value.


Starts With

The startsWith method returns true if the input value starts with the expected value.


The notStartsWith method returns true if the input value doesn't start with the expected value.


Ends With

The endsWith method returns true if the input value ends with the expected value.


The notEndsWith method returns true if the input value doesn't end with the expected value.



Logical is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license