cuonghuynh / easypay2-laravel-5 by cuonghuynh

Easypay2 Gateway
Package Data
Maintainer Username: cuonghuynh
Maintainer Contact: (Cuong Huynh)
Package Create Date: 2016-06-29
Package Last Update: 2016-07-03
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-07 03:16:31
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 36
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 3
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 2
Total Open Issues: 0

EasyPay V.2 Payment for Laravel 5


After updating composer, add the PackageServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


You can optionally use the facade for shorter code. Add this to your facades:

'EasyPay2' => CuongHuynh\EasyPay2\Facades\EasyPay2Facade::class

Publish the config-file.

php artisan vendor:publish

You will have easypay2.php in config folder


EasyPay Flow

workshop image


Switch to sandbox mode by set to true in config/easypay2.php

return [
    'sandbox_flag' => true,
    'sandbox' => [
        'endpoint' => '',
        'mid' => 'xxx',
        'security_key' => 'xxx',
        'security_seq' => 'xxx',

    'live' => [
        'endpoint' => 'url',
        'mid' => 'xxx',
        'security_key' => 'xxx',
        'security_seq' => 'xxx',
  • endpoint: The URL to receive transaction requests.
  • mid: Merchant ID generated by WireCard.
  • security_key: Security parameters.
  • security_seq: Order to make hashed string, for example: amt,ref,cur,mid,transtype

Make a Transaction

Set URL to receive payment status and return after customer make payment.

EasyPay2::set('statusurl', URL);
EasyPay2::set('returnurl', URL);

Set other payment parameters

  • Transaction type, use EPTransactionType class contains types

     EasyPay2::set('transtype', EPTransactionType::SALE);
  • Skip status page, that mean EasyPay will don't return status to Merchant website. Don't recommended.

     EasyPay2::set('skipstatuspage', 'N');
  • Reference ID is unique value on a transaction. You can use helper in this package to create RefId.

     EasyPay2::set('ref', EPHelper::uniqueStringRandom());
  • Total amount to pay

     EasyPay2::set('amt', #.##);
  • Finally, call the method to make request URL with number of munites for validity period

     $requestUrl = EasyPay2::requestUrl();

Send Transaction

Use a Laravel helper to redirect customer to Payment page

return redirect($requestUrl);

Receive Payment status

This process totally in backend, customer can't see Status response. After customer do payment, EasyPay will send a POST request to statusurl with parameters (see workflow image).

In your controller, get all inputs

public function postEasyPayStatusResponse(Request $request)
     $response = $request->all();
  • Check TM_Signature value in response is valid, formula is hashed string from security sequence + status + error + security key

For example, now security seq is amt,ref,cur,mid,transtype so full formula is

$mdHashed : hash512($amt, $ref, $cur, $mid, $transtype) . $status . $error . $security_key
$epSignature : get('TM_Signature')

Implement, cause Easypay make a new request so we need regenerate values for EasyPay instance. Upon security seq you will set parameters needed for the instance. In the case:

$status = $this->request->get('TM_Status');
$error = $this->request->get('TM_Error');
$security_key = EasyPay2::get('security_key');

EasyPay2::set('amt', $amtOfOldRefId);
EasyPay2::set('ref', $oldRefId);
EasyPay2::set('cur', $currencyOfOldRefId);
EasyPay2::set('transtype', $transtypeOfOldRefId);

$data = EasyPay2::getHashDataFromSecuritySeq() . $status . $error . $security_key;

$mdHashed = EPHelper::hashSha512($data);
$signature = $this->request->get('TM_Signature');

Check if $mdHashed is same $signature, the request is valid and make other steps.

Send Acknowledge Response

After check signature in status response, Merchant must to send ACK to EasyPay to confirm receiving request.

EasyPay2::set('ack', 'YES');
$requestUrl = EasyPay2::requestUrl();

Send REVERSAL / VOID request if don't receive status response

Content updating ...


This EasyPay2 for Laravel 5 is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license