dees040 / laravel-auth-extra by dees040

A Laravel package for extra authentication options.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: dees040
Maintainer Contact: (dees040)
Package Create Date: 2017-04-28
Package Last Update: 2017-05-02
Language: PHP
License: Beerware
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-24 15:14:43
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 6
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 2
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


This plugin gives you extra options for Authentication, such as:

  • [x] Track login attempts
  • [x] Verify email address
  • [ ] Block suspicious login attempts
  • [ ] Two factor authentication


Install the latest version with composer.

composer require dees040/laravel-auth-extra

After installing the packages and the service provider to the providers array in app/config.php.


Also add the following class to the aliases array. This gives you the ability to use the Facade.

'AuthExtra' => dees040\AuthExtra\Facade\AuthManager::class,

Publish configuration

First run the vendor:publish command so the package generate it's config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="dees040\AuthExtra\ServiceProvider"

This will generate the config/auth_extra.php file, this file holds all the configuration for the package. More about the options in the configuration file can be found here.


Your User model should implement the AuthenticatableContract. This is done automatically if the model extends the Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User. Which is the default on a fresh Laravel installation.

Email verification

To use email verification, set the verify_email config value to true.

When an user registers a new account we will automatically send an email to the user to verify if the signed up with a valid email address.

Check verification

You can add the AuthExtra trait to your User model. This will give you the verifiedEmail method. The method will return a boolean depending on the verification of the user.


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use dees040\AuthExtra\ExtraAuthenticatable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Notifiable, ExtraAuthenticatable;


In some scenarios a visitor/user of your website may only visit a page/route when his or her account has a verified email address. For example: to avoid spam, an user maybe only create blog posts when he/she has a valid email address.

To make use of the email verification middleware you need to save the middleware to the $routeMiddleware variable in app/Http/Kernel.php.

'verified' => \dees040\AuthExtra\Middleware\VerifiedEmail::class,

You can now use this middleware on your routes like this:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['verified']], function() {
    Route::post('/posts', 'PostController@store');

For more information about middleware you can read the Laravel docs.

Login attempts

To track login attempts, set the track_login_attempts config value to true.

When a visitor of your application tries to login we will create a record into the database with some basic information. Scroll down to the Configuration options to see more info about these recods.

Suspicious login attempts

Currently in Development

To block suspicious login attempts, set the verify_login_attempt_on_suspicious_login config value to true.

When a visitor tries to login the package will check for any suspicious things. If the login attempt seem suspicious we will send the user a notification about the login attempt. He or she than can take action to secure their account.

Two Factor Authentication

This is not available yet.


verify_email (bool)

If set to true the package will automatically verify the user it's email address on register. It will send an verification email. This email can be customized. See the notifications config option.

track_login_attempts (bool)

If set to true the package will automatically track any login attempt. It will save each attempt to the database. With the following data:

  • user_id (integer) - Only if user is known
  • ip (string)
  • country (string)
  • city (string)
  • success (boolean) - true if the login attempt was successful, false if not.
  • type (integer) - The type of login. 0 = successful, 1 = failed, 9 = blocked.
  • suspicious (integer) - Keep track of how suspicious the login attempts are.
  • created_at (timestamp)
  • updated_at (timestamp)

Note: if verify_login_attempt_on_suspicious_login config is set to true this options will automatically be set to true.

login_attempts_model (null or string)

If you wish to create a model for the login attempts, you can store the model here. This options is used to load the login attempts for an user. If this is set to null and one is calling $user->loginAttempts(), the package will return a Collection from the Query Builder. If for example \App\LoginAttempts::class is set, the package will return a Collection of models.

verify_login_attempt_on_suspicious_login (bool)

If this options is set to true, the package will give the user a notification when the is a suspicious login attempt. The user can use this email to change his or her password.

notifications (array)

This option store all the notification. If you wish to use your own notification you can create a notification and then change it here.

routes (array)

This array stores the routes. These routes are used for email verification and suspicious login verification. If you wish you can change these routes here.