DevMcC / blade-extended by DevMcC

Expands the blade functionality of the Laravel framework with additional directives.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: DevMcC
Maintainer Contact: (DevMcC)
Package Create Date: 2018-10-21
Package Last Update: 2018-10-21
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-06-14 15:08:43
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 16
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


Expands the blade functionality of the Laravel framework with additional directives.


Install this package with the following command from the root directory of your project:

composer require devmcc/blade-extended


After you have required this package and updated composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config.php



The following is a list of directives that this package adds to blade.


If your project doesn't permit the use of the else statement and it's a struggle to do this with blade without writing some else-in-disguise or some hacky ternary with includes, then the @block directive might come in handy.
With this directive, you can define codeblocks, the contents of this block will simply work like everything else, with one exception and that is that you can kill this block with a @break.

    @if ($results->isEmpty())
        No results!

    // Showing all results


Echoes a string whether the condition is met.

@ifadd($iNeedToEcho, 'sanitized output (")')

@ifadd($iNeedToEcho, 'unsanitized output (")', false)