Laravel (5.7) Generic Boilerplate for platforms
Provides useful helper functions and class structure for core functionality of
Built to be customizable.
Create project
composer create-project dhandarbeit-tk/laravel-boilerplate-platform
Preinstalled packages
New Defaults
- database.migrations=laravel_migrations
- queue.database.table=laravel_jobs
- queue.failed.table=laravel_failed_jobs
Other defaults:
- app.locale=de
- app.timezone=Europe/Berlin
- app/Support
- app/Eloquent/Models
- app/Eloquent/Collections
Helper Functions
- array_ensured($array, $data)
- return $array, containing all keys of data, and value if $array doesnt have the key
- user()
- shorthand for auth()->user()
- decodeHashid($connection, $encoded, $default)
- returns decoded hashid of $encoded for $connection; if not possible, return $default
- encodeHashid($connection, $decoded)
- returns encoded hashid of $decoded for $connection
- isCurrentRelease()
- determines if running release is most recent release (useful for deployment related things)
Customizable classes and methods
App\Eloquent\Models\Model (trait: IsModel)
- is($model = null) (overwrite)
- allows argument to be null (returns false)
- isClass($class)
- updateTimestamps() (overwrite)
- only sets updated_at when updating, not when creating
App\Eloquent\Models\Pivots\Pivot (trait: IsPivot)
App\Support\Collection (trait: CollectionTrait)
- implode($value, $glue = null, $skipNull = false) (overwrite)
App\Eloquent\Collections\Collection (trait: CollectionTrait)
- without($model = null)
- return a new Collection without $model
- eachDelete()
- runs delete() on each model
- eachAppends($attributes)
- runs appends($attributes) on each model
- artisan make:model
- (app/Console/stubs/model.stub)
- prefills table name
- has predefined areas for relationships