digbang / security by demiansc

Security package for Laravel 5 projects in Digbang.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: demiansc
Maintainer Contact: gcontreras@digbang.com (Guido Contreras Woda)
Package Create Date: 2015-06-11
Package Last Update: 2022-06-29
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-17 03:11:33
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 44,313
Monthly Downloads: 172
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 4
Total Watchers: 39
Total Forks: 3
Total Open Issues: 0


Security package for new laravel projects.


Add the SecurityServiceProvider to your config/app.php file:

'providers' => [

To use this package, you need to define a Context which you need to secure. URLs inside this Context will have access to the SecurityApi configured for them. This way, you may have multiple Contexts running on a single application.

Add as many contexts as you need in a ServiceProvider :: boot() of your own:

<?php namespace App\Providers;

use Digbang\Security\SecurityContext;
use Digbang\Security\Configurations\SecurityContextConfiguration;

class MyServiceProvider extends \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
    public function boot(SecurityContext $securityContext)
        $configuration = new SecurityContextConfiguration('ecommerce');
        // customize the configuration object as needed...

And then refer to this context in your routing (as a route middleware):

$router->group(['middleware' => 'security:ecommerce'], function(Router $router){
    // Controllers inside this routing group will be able to ask for an instance
    // of the Digbang\Security\Contracts\SecurityApi interface.
    $router->get('/', ['as' => 'foo', 'uses' => 'FooController@index']);

The Digbang\Security\Contracts\SecurityApi interface gives access to all of this package's functionality. In most cases, it works as a wrapper of the Cartalyst\Sentinel\Sentinel object.

Refer to the documentation in each method to understand its uses.


Basic authentication functionality is accessible directly through the SecurityApi object.

To access the UserRepository object, call $securityApi->users().


Reminders are randomly generated codes related to a user, frequently used in reset password cycles.

To access the reminders functionality, use the ReminderRepository with $securityApi->reminders().


Persistences are session and cookie tokens generated to persist a logged-in session through time.

To access the persistences functionality, use the PersistenceRepository with $securityApi->persistences().


Checkpoints are custom logic to be executed every time a login attempt happens. The Security package comes with two checkpoints: Activations and Throttles.


The Activation checkpoint checks if a user has already activated his account every time he or she logs in. When this check fails, a NotActivatedException is thrown.

To access the activations functionality, use the ActivationRepository with $securityApi->activations().


The Throttling checkpoint monitors failed login attempts to prevent DDoS attacks. It logs three different types of attempts, and reacts to each of them differently:

  • Global attempts: All login attempts inside the configured context will log a global attempt.
  • IP attempts: Attempts coming from the same IP will be logged to recognize possible attackers.
  • User attempts: Multiple failed logins to the same user account will be logged to identify a possible victim.

Each type of attempt has two configurations:

  • Thresholds (int or array): Represents the amount of attempts needed before the system is blocked. An array of qty_attempts => block_time can be used to block access for a given time based on the amount of failed attempts.
  • Interval (int): Represents the time (in seconds) that the system will block further attempts on this type.

You may change this configurations through the SecurityContextConfiguration object. The defaults are:

'global' => [
    'interval' => 900,
    'thresholds' => [
        10 => 1,
        20 => 2,
        30 => 4,
        40 => 8,
        50 => 16,
        60 => 12
'ip' => [
    'interval' => 900,
    'thresholds' => 5
'user' => [
    'interval' => 900,
    'thresholds' => 5

To access the throttling functionality, use the ThrottleRepository with $securityApi->throttles().


Roles group users together and allow an administrator to give (or refuse) access to resources to a group of users.

Roles may be disabled through the SecurityContextConfiguration object if not needed.

To access the roles functionality, use the RoleRepository with $securityApi->roles().


Permissions are functionality identifiers that are used to grant or deny access to parts of the system to specific users or roles.

By default, a RoutePermissionRepository object will check available permissions by parsing the routes action array in search of a permission key. This strategy can be changed by implementing a different kind of Digbang\Security\Permissions\PermissionRepository, and changing the SecurityContextConfiguration accordingly.

Permissions may also be disabled through the SecurityContextConfiguration object if not needed.

To access the permissions functionality, use the PermissionRepository with $securityApi->permissions().

Generating URLs

The PermissibleUrlGenerator is an extension of Laravel's UrlGenerator interface. The default implementation, PermissionAwareUrlGenerator, will check if the currently logged-in user has access to the requested url and throw a Digbang\Security\Permissions\PermissionException if he or she does not.

You may access this functionality through the $securityApi->url() method.

Custom objects

The Security package extends the Cartalyst\Sentinel interfaces with more functionality. By default, an implementation of each interface (eg.: Digbang\Security\Users\User) can be found in the same namespace (eg.:Digbang\Security\Users\DefaultUser.)

If you wish to use a custom implementation of any Entity, these are the steps you have to follow:

  • you must either:
    • extend the repository implementation (eg.: Digbang\Security\Users\DoctrineUserRepository) with one of your own
    • or you may decide to implement the repository interface (eg.: Digbang\Security\Users\UserRepository) by yourself.
  • you must implement all the methods in the corresponding interface (eg.: Digbang\Security\Users\User.)
  • you must configure this in the SecurityContextConfiguration object, as shown above.
  • you may reuse the entity trait (eg.: Digbang\Security\Users\UserTrait.)
  • you may reuse the mapping trait (eg.: Digbang\Security\Users\UserMappingTrait.)