dyusha / laravel-html-editor by dyusha

Laravel package that allows inline editing of HTML blocks
Package Data
Maintainer Username: dyusha
Maintainer Contact: leelfosho@gmail.com (dyusha)
Package Create Date: 2016-07-31
Package Last Update: 2016-10-19
Home Page:
Language: CSS
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-24 15:14:03
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 1,183
Monthly Downloads: 1
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 25
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 7
Total Open Issues: 0

Inline edit HTML blocks directly on a page

This package adds an ability to inline edit any defined HTML block in your Laravel app. It uses awesome MediumEditor wrapped into Vue.js components.


Install this package via composer:

composer require dyusha/laravel-html-editor

Install required npm packages:

npm install vue vue-resource medium-editor --save

Add service provider to your config file:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

After that you will be able to publish config, migrations, views and needed assets.

By default js and sass assets will be published to /resources/assets/js/components and /resources/assets/sass/plugins directories respectively. In order to override these settings you need to publish config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dyusha\HtmlEditor\HtmlBlocksProvider" --tag=config

and change following paths

// config/html-editor.php
'paths' => [
    'js' => base_path('/resources/assets/js/components'),
    'sass' => base_path('/resources/assets/sass/plugins'),

Publish remaining assets and migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dyusha\HtmlEditor\HtmlBlocksProvider"

Apply migrations:

php artisan migrate


This package provides custom Blade directives @block and @endblock which can be used to wrap blocks of HTML that should be editable. For example if somewhere in your template you will have the following code

@block('hero-text', 'Homepage hero text')
   <h1>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h1>

the first time it's being rendered directive will try to find HTML block with slug hero-text in the database. If it is present then its content will be rendered on the page. Otherwise new HTML block will be created with slug hero-text, optional description Homepage hero text and content Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. You can put any HTML markup between @block and @endblock directives.

In order to edit such blocks you need to follow few steps:

  1. Somewhere in your layout add partial that will render required controls


  2. By default editing is allowed only for users who have edit-html-blocks ability so you should add it in your AuthServiceProvider

    // app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php
    public function boot(GateContract $gate)
        $gate->define('edit-html-blocks', function ($user) {
            // Add your logic here
            return true;
  3. Include provided scss and js files on the page using your preferred build tools

  4. Include Vue.js components in your root instance or another component:

// resources/assets/js/app.js

var Vue = require('vue');

new Vue({
    el: 'body',

    components: {
        htmlManager: require('./components/cms/manager'),
        htmlBlock: require('./components/cms/block'),

You can learn more about Vue.js components here.

At this point all HTML blocks wrapped in @block directive should be rendered on a page as <html-block> component and be editable:

<html-block slug="hero-text">
   <h1>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h1> 

Updating blocks

When you press Accept changes button <html-manager> component will send POST request to /admin/blocks with blocks param that will contain all changed HTML blocks.


This library is licensed under the MIT license. Please see LICENSE for more details.