Laravel 5 api package
Package Data
Maintainer Username: markeilander
Maintainer Contact: (Mark Eilander)
Package Create Date: 2016-02-16
Package Last Update: 2016-02-16
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-04 03:05:05
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 14
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel 5 Api

Hi, this is a api package for Laravel 5.

Table of contents


Step 1: Add the Service Provider

In your config/app.php add Eilander\Api\Providers\ApiServiceProvider:class to the end of the providers array:

'providers' => [

Step 2: Add package to composer.json for autoloading

Add the package to the main composer.json for autoloading and run composer dump-autoload, like so:

   "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app/",
            "Eilander\\Api\\": "vendor/eilander/api/src/"
composer dump-autoload


There are some API configuration options that you’ll want to overwrite. First, publish the default configuration.

php artisan vendor:publish

This will add a new configuration file to: config/api.php.

return array(

	'version' => 'v1',

	'route' => [
		'v1' => [ 'prefix' => 'api/v1', 'namespace' => 'Api\V1' ]

	'keys' => [
		env('API_KEY', 'secret')



This is the current version of your api


This array of arrays helps when setting up routes in your Laravel routes.php file. We adopt a prefix of api/v1 by default.


This is the valid list of API keys that authenticate requests. By default we support an environment variable of API_KEY which you can set in your .env file.


This package includes a Middleware class


The AuthenticateApiKey Middleware is designed to guard Api routes against unauthorised access. We recommend you include it on all routes as follows, unless you have a public API.

Send a header x-api-key = secrtekey with the api request to validate against the routes.

$apiRoute = config('api.route.'.config('api.version')); //change this if other versions are available
Route::group($apiRoute, function() {
	Route::group([‘middleware’ => ‘Eilander\Api\Http\Middleware\AuthenticateApiKey’], function() {
		Route::resource('gebruiker', 'GebruikerController');


We provide a helpful BaseController base controller class that includes a response method, allowing you to return json responses or get access to the Eilander\Api\Response class which offers a variety of helpers methods.

This base controller extend from the base laravel controller in App\Http\Controllers\Controller. Don't remove this class.

There are some other controller implementation available that extend the *BaseController. At the time of writing these are:

GatewayController Api controller with some default functionality that implements the gateway pattern. Have a look at Eilander\Api\Http\Controllers\GatewayController for all the available methods.


The Eilander/Api/Response class offers a variety of helper methods and ultimately uses the Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory Laravel class to return a json response with appropriate headers.

You can use the API Response class in your controller by using the response helper method:

	public function index()
		$items = new Collection([‘one’,’two’,’three’]);

		// Calling with a single argument returns a json response
		return $this->response($items);


	public function index()
		$items = new Collection([‘one’,’two’,’three’]);

		// Calling with no argument returns the response object
		return $this->response()->data($items);

	public function find($id)
		$item = Item::find($id);

		if ( ! $item ) {
			// Using the response object you can call helper methods.
			return $this->response()->errorNotFound();

		return $this->response()->data($item);


The Eilander/Api/InternalRequests class handles internal requests against the api. Say you have an api module and an admin model then the admin model can digest every api endpoint in de api module.

All requests should have a uri to match the endpoint and can have params to send with the request.

    InternalRequests::get('api/v1/posts'); // get al posts
    InternalRequests::get('api/v1/posts/123'); // get post with id 123
    InternalRequests::post('api/v1/posts', ['name' => 'Mark', 'age' => 31]); // add post
    InternalRequests::put('api/v1/posts/123', ['age' => 32]); // change post with id 123
    InternalRequests::delete('api/v1/posts/123'); // delete post with id 123

That's all, no further configuration needed.