fadion / Fixerio by fadion

Wrapper for Fixer.io
Package Data
Maintainer Username: fadion
Maintainer Contact: jonidashi@gmail.com (Fadion Dashi)
Package Create Date: 2015-11-18
Package Last Update: 2024-02-08
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-02 03:02:22
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 317,284
Monthly Downloads: 2,213
Daily Downloads: 9
Total Stars: 49
Total Watchers: 4
Total Forks: 19
Total Open Issues: 13

Thin wrapper for Fixer.io

A thin wrapper for Fixer.io, a service for foreign exchange rates and currency conversion. It provides a few methods to easily construct the url, makes the api call and gives back the response.


  • Add the package to your composer.json file and run composer update:
    "require": {
        "fadion/fixerio": "~1.0"

Laravel users can use the Facade for even easier access.

  • Add Fadion\Fixerio\ExchangeServiceProvider::class to your config/app.php file, inside the providers array.
  • Add a new alias: 'Exchange' => Fadion\Fixerio\Facades\Exchange::class to your config/app.php file, inside the aliases array.


Let's get the rates of EUR and GBP with USD as the base currency:

use Fadion\Fixerio\Exchange;
use Fadion\Fixerio\Currency;

$exchange = new Exchange();
$exchange->symbols(Currency::EUR, Currency::GBP);

$rates = $exchange->get();

By default, the base currency is EUR, so if that's your base, there's no need to set it. The symbols can be omitted too, as Fixer will return all the supported currencies.

A simplified example without the base and currency:

$rates = (new Exchange())->key("YOUR_ACCESS_KEY")->get();

The historical option will return currency rates for every day since the date you've specified. The base currency and symbols can be omitted here to, but let's see a full example:

$exchange = new Exchange();
$exchange->symbols(Currency::USD, Currency::EUR, Currency::GBP);

$rates = $exchange->get();

Finally, you may have noticed the use of the Currency class with currencies as constants. It's just a convenience to prevent errors from typos, but they're completely optional.


$exchange->symbols(Currency::USD, Currency::EUR, Currency::GBP);

is equivalent to:

$exchange->symbols('USD', 'EUR', 'GBP');

Use whatever method fills your needs.


The response is a simple array with currencies as keys and ratios as values. For a request like the following:

$rates = (new Exchange())->key("YOUR_ACCESS_KEY")->symbols(Currency::USD, Currency::GBP)->get();

the response will be an array:

array('GBP' => 0.7009, 'USD' => 1.0666)

which you can access with the keys as strings or using the currency constants:

print $rates['EUR'];
print $rates[Currency::GBP];

There is an option to handle the response as an object:

$rates = (new Exchange())->key("YOUR_ACCESS_KEY")->symbols(Currency::USD, Currency::GBP)->getAsObject();

print $rates->USD;
print $rates->GBP;

The last option is to return the response as a Result class. This allows access to the full set of properties returned from the feed.

$result = (new Exchange())->key("YOUR_ACCESS_KEY")->symbols(Currency::USD, Currency::GBP)->getResult();

$date = $result->getDate(); // The date the data is from
$rates = $result->getRates(); // Array of rates as above
$usd = $result->getRate(Currency::USD); // Will return null if there was no value

Error Handling

To handle errors, the package provides 2 exceptions. ConnectionException when http requests go wrong and ResponseException when the returned response from the api is not as expected. An example with exception handling:

use Fadion\Fixerio\Exchange;
use Fadion\Fixerio\Exceptions\ConnectionException;
use Fadion\Fixerio\Exceptions\ResponseException;

try {
    $exchange = new Exchange();
    $rates = $exchange->get();
catch (ConnectionException $e) {
    // handle
catch (ResponseException $e) {
    // handle

Laravel Usage

Nothing changes for Laravel apart from the Facade. It's just a convenience for a tad shorter way of using the package:

use Exchange;
use Fadion\Fixerio\Currency;

$rates = Exchange::base(Currency::USD)->get();

To use this Facade, you should set your access key in your config/services.php file:
