ferdirn / laravel-id-countries by ferdirn

Laravel ID Countries is a package for Laravel to supply all countries data to table countries including country name, iso country code, capital, currency, and calling code.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: ferdirn
Maintainer Contact: ferdirn@gmail.com (Ferdi Ramdhon)
Package Create Date: 2014-11-10
Package Last Update: 2014-11-19
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-02 03:01:16
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 674
Monthly Downloads: 1
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 5
Total Watchers: 3
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 1

Laravel ID Countries

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Laravel ID Countries is a package for Laravel to supply all countries data to table countries including country name, iso country code, capital, currency, and calling code.


Add ferdirn/laravel-id-countries to composer.json.

"ferdirn/laravel-id-countries": "dev-master"

or in console type command

composer require ferdirn/laravel-id-countries:dev-master

Run composer update to pull down the latest version of laravel packages.

Edit app/config/app.php file and add to providers

'providers' => array(

also add to 'aliases'

'aliases' => array(
    'Countries' => 'Ferdirn\Countries\CountriesFacade',


If you want to edit the configuration then publish the config. This is an optional step and unrecommended to do, it will show the table name and you do not need to alter it if you do not know what you are doing. The default table name is countries, if it suits you, leave it. But if you know what you are doing, you can run the following command

$ php artisan config:publish ferdirn/laravel-id-countries

Then you need to generate the migration file. Run the following command:

$ php artisan countries:migration

This process will generate <timestamp>_create_countries_table.php migration file and a CountriesSeeder.php seed file.

Insert the following code in the seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php

//Seed the countries
$this->command->info('Seeded the countries!');

Finally, you can run the artisan migrate command with seed option to include the seed data:

$ php artisan migrate --seed

Now you have a table 'countries' with all country data inside the table. Congratulation!