Laravel validation package
Metrics | _
Version |
Compatibility |
Quality |
- Validation logic is completely separate from objects being validated
- Validation rules and validation failure behaviour can be written in a declarative way in 90% of cases
- Uses Laravel validator core and rules
- Stateful model validation
- Provides OOP way to write and register new validation rules
- Serves as a replacer to a Input::get() to prevent unvalidated data from sneaking into your application
- Rule-based data transformations of validated data before it reaches your application logic (in progress)
- Provides unified way to write rules for controllers and models
- Can validate and aggregate many types of input: $_GET/$_POST, $_FILES, HTTP headers, Session data, Cookies (both
PHP native and Laravel's encrypted ones)
- Two types of input validators: middleware (to be manually registered) and validate-when-resolved (just inject and
you are done)
- Documentation is available here
Quick example:
class OrderControllerValidator extends FrontendControllerValidatorWhenResolved
protected $rules = [
'*' => [
'user_id' => 'required|numeric',
'getCreate, getShow, getEdit' => [],
'postOpen, postDelete, postAssignContractor, postCancelContractorAssignment' => [],
'postCreate' => [
'title' => 'required|max:100',
'categoryId' => 'required|numeric',
'description' => 'required|max:4096',
'postEdit, postFileDelete, postFileUpload' => [
'title' => 'required|max:100',
'categoryId' => 'required|numeric',
'description' => 'required|max:4096',
protected $errorRedirects = [
'getShow' => ['route' => 'home'],
'postCreate' => ['route' => 'orders_create'],
'postEdit, postFileUpload, postFileDelete' => ['route' => ['orders_edit', ['orderId' => '#orderId']]],
class OrderController extends Controller
* @var OrderControllerValidator
protected $validator;
* IoC invoked constructor
public function __construct(OrderControllerValidator $validator) {
$this->validator = $validator;
public function getShowValidatedData() {
return Response::make($this->validator->description);