ftd-educacao / default-api-response by ftd-educacao

It's a Laravel format for an API responses.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: ftd-educacao
Maintainer Contact: raphael.galera@ftd.com.br (Raphael S. Galera)
Package Create Date: 2017-07-18
Package Last Update: 2017-07-18
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: GNU General Public License v3.0
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-06 03:05:51
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 1,865
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 0
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

Welcome to FTD Default API Response!

  • About
  • Installation
  • How to use
    • The success method
    • The paginate method
    • The error method
    • Advanced use for the success, paginate and error methods
    • The custom method
    • The defaultStatusCode method
    • The code list for defaultStatusCode method


This package was created to extend the Laravel Framework response system, and elevate him to the standard described on the {json:api} website[^jsonapi].

The answers besides creating a more friendly and readable formatting also contemplate the control of the Headers according to the last code.


Use composer do install our package:

composer require ftd-educacao/default-api-response

And call the provider inside your Laravel /config/app.php file:

    'providers' => [
         * FTD Default API Response

Now it's done and we're ready to go!

How to use

FTD API Response give us 5 new methods:

  1. success
  2. paginate
  3. error
  4. custom
  5. defaultStatusCode

Every method has a particular way to use, but always easy.

The success method

This method will throw a header status code 200 and put your content inside a data wrapper:


  public function index()
      return response()->success(App\User::all());


  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Rodolfo",
      "email": "rodolfo@ftdapi.com",
      "created_at": null,
      "updated_at": null
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Shirley",
      "email": "shirlei@ftdapi.com",
      "created_at": "2017-06-16 01:02:03",
      "updated_at": null


  public function show(User $user)
      return response()->success($user);


  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Rodolfo",
    "email": "rodolfo@ftdapi.com",
    "created_at": null,
    "updated_at": null

The paginate method

This method will throw a header status code 200 and put your content inside a data wrapper, and create another wrapper called meta, for the pagination properties:


  public function index()
      $users = App\User::paginate(2);
    return response()->paginate($users);


  "meta": {
    "pagination": {
      "current_page": 2,
      "from": 3,
      "last_page": 3,
      "next_page_url": "http://ftdapi.com/api?page=3",
      "path": "http://ftdapi.com/api",
      "per_page": 2,
      "prev_page_url": "http://ftdapi.com/api?page=1",
      "to": 4,
      "total": 6
  "data": [
      "id": 3,
      "name": "Marley",
      "email": "marley@ftdapi.com",
      "created_at": "2017-06-15 00:00:01",
      "updated_at": null
      "id": 4,
      "name": "Steve",
      "email": "steve@ftdapi.com",
      "created_at": "2017-06-16 01:02:03",
      "updated_at": null

The error method

This method will throw a header status code 400 and put your content inside a errors wrapper:


  //User Custom Request
  public function rules()
    return [
        'name'      => 'required|string|max:255',
        'username'  => 'required|unique:users|string|max:255',
        'password'  => 'required|string|max:255'


  public function response(array $errors)
    return response()->error($errors);


  "errors": [
    "Name must be provided.",
    "Username must be provided.",
    "Password must be provided."

Advanced use for the success, paginate and error methods

If you need change the default status code of this methods, you can give a second parameter, like:

  return response()->success($data, 201);

  return response()->paginate($data, 206);

  return response()->error($data, 401);

The custom method

This method is used for who need more control of the entire response:

  • The default content is null
  • The default header status code is 200
  • The default extra headers is null
  • The default header content type is 'application/json'


  public function myCustomMethod()
    return response()->custom(
      $content = [
            "Name" => "Rodolfo",
      $status = 200,
      $headers = ["X-USER-INFO" => TRUE],
      $headerContentType = 'application/json'

Result: In your header you will see the:

  "X-USER-INFO" : true


  "X-USER-INFO" : 1

Depends on which browser you are using.

And, finally, the response body will receive the contents, but without the default data wrapper:

  "Name": "Rodolfo",
  "Age": 13

If you need to force download of a PDF file, for example, this method is the right way to do it.

The defaultStatusCode method

This method will throw a header status code and depends on which code, put default message content inside a data or errors wrapper:


  public function store()
    return response()->defaultStatusCode(400);


  "errors": [
    "Bad Request"

The code list for defaultStatusCode method

|Code | Reference | |-----|-------------------------------------| | 102 | 'Processing', | | 200 | 'OK', | | 201 | 'Created', | | 202 | 'Accepted', | | 203 | 'Non-authoritative Information', | | 204 | '',//No Content | | 206 | 'Partial Content', | | 207 | 'Multi-Status', | | 302 | 'Found', | | 304 | 'Not Modified', | | 400 | 'Bad Request', | | 401 | 'Unauthorized', | | 402 | 'Payment Required', | | 403 | 'Forbidden', | | 404 | 'Not Found', | | 405 | 'Method Not Allowed', | | 406 | 'Not Acceptable', | | 409 | 'Conflict', | | 413 | 'Payload Too Large', | | 415 | 'Unsupported Media Type', | | 416 | 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', | | 422 | 'Unprocessable Entity', | | 423 | 'Locked', | | 424 | 'Failed Dependency', | | 500 | 'Internal Server Error', | | 501 | 'Not Implemented', | | 503 | 'Service Unavailable' |

If you need more information about status code, the HTTP Status Codes website[^statuscodes] may help you.

[^jsonapi]: {json:api} A specification for building apis in json.

[^statuscodes]: httpstatuses.com is an easy to reference database of HTTP Status Codes with their definitions and helpful code references all in one place.