GZERO CMS Platform.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: AdrianSkierniewski
Package Create Date: 2015-05-23
Package Last Update: 2021-08-20
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-01 03:08:51
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 87
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 7
Total Watchers: 12
Total Forks: 1
Total Open Issues: 1

GZERO CMS PLATFORM Build Status Coverage Status

GZERO CMS PLATFORM it's a base to build custom application on GZERO CMS

The project uses Docker containers to package entire application with all of its dependencies into a standardized unit.

The project uses Ansible automation engine to deploy entire application.


Use composer to create new project:

composer create-project --prefer-dist gzero/platform platform
Directories permissions

Set permissions to storage & bootstrap cache:

chmod 777 -R storage/
chmod 777 -R bootstrap/cache/
chmod 777 -R uploads/
chmod 777 -R public/


If you have www-data group in your system you can consider adding you to it. This will allow you to write to files created by php due to umask 002 set in dev mode.

sudo usermod -a -G www-data user

Generate application key
./develop artisan key:genarate
Environment Configuration.

Environment configuration is stored in .env file (copied from .env.example during create-project stage).

Setting the local domains

For proper communication with the API is required to modify the hosts file in your OS. In Ubuntu hosts file should looks like the following:

# /etc/hosts localhost
... dev.gzero.pl api.dev.gzero.pl
Install and run Docker Engine:

Docker Engine is supported on Linux, Cloud, Windows, and OS X. Installation instructions are available on Docker documentation page

Build Docker container for platform

After Installing Docker Engine you need to start docker containers, go to project directory and run:

  • Start Docker containers
./develop up -d

This will run all application containers (give some time to ssl certs to generate)

Starting platform_db_1
Starting platform_redis_1
Starting platform_db_tests_1
Starting platform_web_1
  • Create database schema and required data
./develop artisan migrate
  • You can also seed database with example data using this command
./develop artisan db:seed --class='Gzero\\Cms\\CMSSeeder'
  • You may want to publish vendor assets as well
./develop artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force
  • Done

Stopping Docker

If you want to stop docker containers just run:

./develop stop

This will stop all running application containers

Stopping platform_web_1 ... done
Stopping platform_db_tests_1 ... done
Stopping platform_redis_1 ... done
Stopping platform_db_1 ... done

To remove stopped containers run:

./develop rm

Viewing docker logs

If you want to view logs from docker you can run:

./develop logs web

Updating Docker container for platform

To check for changes in Docker containers for platform u can occasionally run

./develop pull


To run tests use:

./develop test
./develop test-debug # it runs xdebug
./develop test-frontend # it runs frontend tests using AVA framework
./develop test-acceptance # it runs acceptance tests using local Google Chrome
./develop test-profile # it runs xdebug profiler and saves output in storage dir

Working on frontend

Install required npm modules:

./develop npm install

To run webpack:

./develop npm run dev


./develop npm run watch

Testing on frontend

To run only ava tests:

./develop npm test


./develop npm run test:watch

To run only eslint:

./develop npm lint


./develop npm run lint:watch

Updating composer dependencies

You can run composer directly from docker:

./develop composer update

Continuous Integration

We're providing some boilerplate configs for travis & gitlab-ci so that you can modify them to match your requirements.


We're using Ansible as automation tool. We include some example playbooks.

Some example usages:

ansible-playbook -i staging provision.yml 
ansible-playbook -i staging deploy-stack.yml \
 -e "APP_ENV='$(cat example.env)'"
 -e DOMAIN=docker-test.example.com \
 -e LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=office@example.com \
 -e DB_NAME=gzero_cms \
 -e DB_USER=gzero_cms \
 -e DB_PASSWORD=test \
 -e GITLAB_REPO=example/project
ansible-playbook -i staging deploy-app.yml \
 -e TAG=0.0.5 \
 -e GITLAB_REPO=example/project \
 -e "APP_ENV='$(cat example.env)'"