hafael / laraflake by hafael

Laravel Package based on Twitter Snowflake ID Generator (64 bit ID).
Package Data
Maintainer Username: hafael
Maintainer Contact: villa655321verde@gmail.com (Rafael Villa-Verde)
Package Create Date: 2016-07-21
Package Last Update: 2024-10-17
Language: PHP
License: Apache-2.0
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-04 15:06:26
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 7,612
Monthly Downloads: 62
Daily Downloads: 2
Total Stars: 28
Total Watchers: 3
Total Forks: 6
Total Open Issues: 1


LaraFlake is a Laravel 5.x Package based on Twitter Snowflake ID Generator (64 bit ID).

  • Generate unique identifiers like 4685142323047173636 (64bit)
  • 41bit for time
  • 10bits for shard database identifier from 1 to 512
  • 12bits for randomic number from 1 to 2048

Only supports MySQL database. :(
Waiting for your pull request to solve this issue...

How to use

Run the composer require command from your terminal:

$ composer require hafael/laraflake

Open rootproject/config/app.php and register the required service provider above your application providers.

'providers' => [
     * Application Service Providers...

Run Artisan command to publish vendor config file in rootproject/config/laraflake.php

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hafael\LaraFlake\LaraFlakeServiceProvider"

Import the LaraFlakeTrait in your model and set $incrementing to false:

class User extends Authenticatable
    use LaraFlakeTrait;
    protected $table = "users";
     * Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.
     * @var bool
    public $incrementing = false;

And update the migration files to use BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED:

class CreateUsersTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {


Want to contribute? Great! Just create a pull request.


  • Write Tests
  • Write Benchmark Tests
  • Implement support for other databases


Apache 2.0


Inspired on simplicity from Particle by Silviu Schiau.