haganjones / laravel-observe-properties by slashequip

A simple trait to allow you to observe changing properties on a Model.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: slashequip
Maintainer Contact: sam@haganjones.com (Sam Jones)
Package Create Date: 2017-02-14
Package Last Update: 2020-01-30
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-10-12 15:24:45
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 351
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 10
Total Watchers: 3
Total Forks: 1
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel Observe Properties

A simple trait to allow you to observe changing properties on a Model.

When observing a model it is sometimes necessary to check to see if a particular property on a model has changed, then perform an action. If you need to do this a lot then your observer methods can soon become clogged up, hopefully this trait will help you out!

Install via Composer

composer require "haganjones/laravel-observe-properties"

To Use

Include the trait in your Observation Classes:

namespace App\Observers;
use HaganJones\LaravelObserveProperties\ObserveProperties;
class UserObserver
    use ObserveProperties; 

Including this trait in your class allows you to make use of the camelcaseProperty + Eventname methods. For example, following on from our UserObserver class above:

// Inside UserObserver Class
public function emailUpdated(User $user, $oldValue, $newValue)
    $format = 'User %d changed their email from %s to %s';
    Log::info(sprintf($format, $user->id, $oldValue, $newValue));
    // User 1 changed their email from oldrusty@example.org to newshiny@example.org

Available Events

All default Laravel Events are supported, please not some events will only receive one value. See below for full list of events and arguments.

| Method | Arguments Received | |-----------------------|-------------------------------------------| | yourPropertyCreating | (Model $yourModel, $value) | | yourPropertyCreated | (Model $yourModel, $value) | | yourPropertyUpdating | (Model $yourModel, $oldValue, $newValue) | | yourPropertyUpdated | (Model $yourModel, $oldValue, $newValue) | | yourPropertySaving | (Model $yourModel, $oldValue, $newValue) | | yourPropertySaved | (Model $yourModel, $oldValue, $newValue) | | yourPropertyDeleting | (Model $yourModel, $value) | | yourPropertyDeleted | (Model $yourModel, $value) | | yourPropertyRestoring | (Model $yourModel, $value) | | yourPropertyRestored | (Model $yourModel, $value) |


As per the Laravel docs the Saving|Saved events fire along side Creating|Created and Updating|Updated methods.

With this in mind when creating a Model the Saving|Saved event will receive both $oldValue and $newValue arguments but they will have the same value.

Using in existing Observer classes.

It is possible you would want to add this functionality inside your existing Observer classes in this case you will need to include the trait but give it's methods some aliases e.g

namespace App\Observers;
use HaganJones\LaravelObserveProperties\ObserveProperties;
use App\User;
class UserObserver
    use ObserveProperties {
        updating as updatingProperties;
        //add in other method aliases here.
    public function updating(User $user)
        //Do things with $user
        return $this->updatingProperties($user);
    public function firstNameUpdating(User $user, $oldValue, $newValue)
        //$user->first_name was just updated.