hotrush / tracker by hotrush
forked from antonioribeiro/tracker

A Laravel 4.1+ Visitor Tracker
Package Data
Maintainer Username: hotrush
Maintainer Contact: (Antonio Carlos Ribeiro)
Package Create Date: 2015-01-07
Package Last Update: 2015-01-07
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-08 03:09:14
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 28
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel Stats Tracker

Latest Stable Version License Downloads

###Tracker gathers a lot of information from your requests to identify and store:

  • Sessions
  • Page Views (hits on routes)
  • Users (logged users)
  • Devices (computer, smartphone, tablet...)
  • User Devices (by, yeah, storing a cookie on each device)
  • Browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer...)
  • Operating Systems (iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows...)
  • Geo Location Data (Latitute, Longitude, Country and City)
  • Routes and all its parameters
  • Events
  • Referers
  • Exceptions/Errors
  • Sql queries and all its bindings
  • Url queries and all its arguments
  • Database connections



Storing user tracking information, on indexed and normalized database tables, wastes less disk space and ease the extract of valuable information about your application and business.


As soon as you install and enable it, Tracker will start storing all information you tell it to, then you can in your application use the Tracker Facade to access everything. Here are some of the methods and relatioships available:

Current Session/Visitor

$visitor = Tracker::currentSession();

Most of those methods return an Eloquent model or collection, so you can use not only its attributes, but also relational data:

var_dump( $visitor->client_ip );

var_dump( $visitor->device->is_mobile );

var_dump( $visitor->device->platform );

var_dump( $visitor->geoIp->city );

Sessions (visits)

$sessions = Tracker::sessions(60 * 24); // get sessions (visits) from the past day
foreach ($sessions as $session)
    var_dump( $session->user->email );

    var_dump( $session->device->kind . ' - ' . $session->device->platform );

    var_dump( $session->agent->browser . ' - ' . $session->agent->browser_version );

    var_dump( $session->geoIp->country_name );

    foreach ($session->session->log as $log)
    	var_dump( $log->path );


$users = Tracker::users(60 * 24);


$events = Tracker::events(60 * 24);


$errors = Tracker::errors(60 * 24);

PageViews summary

$pageViews = Tracker::pageViews(60 * 24 * 30);

PageViews By Country summary

$pageViews = Tracker::pageViewsByCountry(60 * 24);

Routes By Name

Having a route of

Route::get('user/{id}', ['as' => 'user.profile', 'use' => 'UsersController@profile']);

You can use this method to select all hits on that particular route and count them using Laravel:

return Tracker::logByRouteName('user.profile')
                ->where('parameter', 'id')
                ->where('value', 1);

And if you need count how many unique visitors accessed that route, you can do:

return Tracker::logByRouteName('tracker.stats.log')
                ->where('parameter', 'uuid')
                ->where('value', '8b6faf82-00f1-4db9-88ad-32e58cfb4f9d');












Blade Views

The views above are available in this package, but you need to install the sb-admin panel on your public folder, please look at the instructions below.

How data is stored

All tables are prefixed by tracker_, and here's an extract of some of them, showing columns and contents:


| id  | uuid                                 | user_id | device_id | agent_id | client_ip       | referer_id | cookie_id | geoip_id |
| 1   | 09465be3-5930-4581-8711-5161f62c4373 | 1       | 1         | 1        | | 2          | 1         | 2        |
| 2   | 07399969-0a19-47f0-862d-43b06d7cde45 |         | 2         | 2        |  |            | 2         | 2        |


| id | kind     | model       | platform    | platform_version | is_mobile |
| 1  | Computer | unavailable | Windows 8   |                  |           |
| 2  | Tablet   | iPad        | iOS         | 7.1.1            | 1         |
| 3  | Computer | unavailable | Windows XP  |                  |           |
| 5  | Computer | unavailable | Other       |                  |           |
| 6  | Computer | unavailable | Windows 7   |                  |           |
| 7  | Computer | unavailable | Windows 8.1 |                  |           |
| 8  | Phone    | iPhone      | iOS         | 7.1              | 1         |


| id | name                                                                                                                                    | browser           | browser_version |
| 1  | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36                           | Chrome            | 35.0.1916       |
| 2  | Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/34.0.1847.18 Mobile/11D201 Safari/9537.53 | Chrome Mobile iOS | 34.0.1847       |
| 3  | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)                                                                                      | IE                | 6.0             |
| 4  | Python-urllib/2.6                                                                                                                       | Other             |                 |
| 5  | Other                                                                                                                                   | Other             |                 |
| 6  | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.137 Safari/537.36                           | Chrome            | 34.0.1847       |
| 7  | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0                                                                       | Firefox           | 28.0            |
| 8  | Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D169 Safari/9537.53 | Mobile Safari     | 7.0             |


| id | name                     |
| 1  | |


| id | code | message                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| 1  | 404  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
| 2  | 500  | Call to undefined method PragmaRX\Tracker\Tracker::sessionLog()                                                                                                                                                              |
| 3  | 500  | Trying to get property of non-object (View: /home/forge/                                                                                                |
| 4  | 500  | syntax error, unexpected 'foreach' (T_FOREACH)                                                                                                                                                                               |
| 5  | 500  | Call to undefined method PragmaRX\Tracker\Tracker::pageViewsByCountry()                                                                                                                                                      |
| 6  | 500  | Class PragmaRX\Firewall\Vendor\Laravel\Artisan\Base contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Illuminate\Console\Command::fire)                                 |
| 7  | 405  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
| 8  | 500  | Trying to get property of non-object                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| 9  | 500  | Missing argument 2 for Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::setAttribute(), called in /home/forge/ on line 2444 and defined |


| id | name                                           |
| 1  | illuminate.log                                 |
| 2  | router.before                                  |
| 3  | router.matched                                 |
| 4  | auth.attempt                                   |
| 5  | auth.login                                     |
| 6  | composing: admin.tracker.index                 |
| 7  | creating:         |
| 8  | composing:        |
| 9  | creating: admin.layout                         |
| 10 | composing: admin.layout                        |
| 11 | creating: admin._partials.mainMenu             |
| 12 | composing: admin._partials.mainMenu            |
| 13 | creating: admin._partials.messages             |
| 14 | composing: admin._partials.messages            |
| 15 | creating:    |
| 16 | composing:   |


| id | latitude | longitude | country_code | country_code3 | country_name              | region | city           | postal_code | area_code | dma_code | metro_code | continent_code |
| 1  | 37.4192  | -122.057  | US           | USA           | United States             | CA     | Mountain View  | 94043       | 650       | 807      | 807        | NA             |
| 2  | -10      | -55       | BR           | BRA           | Brazil                    |        |                |             |           |          |            | SA             |
| 3  | 30.3909  | -86.3161  | US           | USA           | United States             | FL     | Miramar Beach  | 32550       | 850       | 686      | 686        | NA             |
| 4  | 38.65    | -90.5334  | US           | USA           | United States             | MO     | Chesterfield   | 63017       | 314       | 609      | 609        | NA             |
| 5  | 42.7257  | -84.636   | US           | USA           | United States             | MI     | Lansing        | 48917       | 517       | 551      | 551        | NA             |
| 6  | 42.8884  | -78.8761  | US           | USA           | United States             | NY     | Buffalo        | 14202       | 716       | 514      | 514        | NA             |
| 7  | 40.1545  | -75.3809  | US           | USA           | United States             | PA     | Norristown     | 19403       | 610       | 504      | 504        | NA             |
| 8  | 47.4891  | -122.291  | US           | USA           | United States             | WA     | Seattle        | 98168       | 206       | 819      | 819        | NA             |
| 9  | 33.7516  | -84.3915  | US           | USA           | United States             | GA     | Atlanta        | 30303       | 404       | 524      | 524        | NA             |
| 10 | 33.7633  | -117.794  | US           | USA           | United States             | CA     | Santa Ana      | 92705       | 714       | 803      | 803        | NA             |
| 11 | 33.4357  | -111.917  | US           | USA           | United States             | AZ     | Tempe          | 85281       | 480       | 753      | 753        | NA             |
| 12 | 40.7421  | -74.0018  | US           | USA           | United States             | NY     | New York       | 10011       | 212       | 501      | 501        | NA             |
| 13 | 28.6185  | -81.4336  | US           | USA           | United States             | FL     | Orlando        | 32810       | 407       | 534      | 534        | NA             |
| 14 | 38.6312  | -90.1922  | US           | USA           | United States             | MO     | Saint Louis    | 63101       | 314       | 609      | 609        | NA             |
| 15 | 51       | 9         | DE           | DEU           | Germany                   |        |                |             |           |          |            | EU             |
| 16 | 52.5     | 5.75      | NL           | NLD           | Netherlands               |        |                |             |           |          |            | EU             |
| 17 | 48.86    | 2.35      | FR           | FRA           | France                    |        |                |             |           |          |            | EU             |
| 18 | 60       | 100       | RU           | RUS           | Russian Federation        |        |                |             |           |          |            | EU             |
| 19 | 51.5     | -0.13     | GB           | GBR           | United Kingdom            |        |                |             |           |          |            | EU             |
| 20 | 42.8333  | 12.8333   | IT           | ITA           | Italy                     |        |                |             |           |          |            | EU             |
| 21 | 59.3333  | 18.05     | SE           | SWE           | Sweden                    | 26     | Stockholm      |             |           |          |            | EU             |
| 22 | -41      | 174       | NZ           | NZL           | New Zealand               |        |                |             |           |          |            | OC             |
| 23 | 37.57    | 126.98    | KR           | KOR           | Korea, Republic of        |        |                |             |           |          |            | AS             |
| 24 | 1.3667   | 103.8     | SG           | SGP           | Singapore                 |        |                |             |           |          |            | AS             |
| 25 | -43.5333 | 172.633   | NZ           | NZL           | New Zealand               | E9     | Christchurch   | 8023        |           |          |            | OC             |
| 26 | -27.471  | 153.024   | AU           | AUS           | Australia                 | 04     | Brisbane       |             |           |          |            | OC             |
| 27 | 26.9167  | 75.8167   | IN           | IND           | India                     | 24     | Jaipur         |             |           |          |            | AS             |
| 28 | 32       | 53        | IR           | IRN           | Iran, Islamic Republic of |        |                |             |           |          |            | AS             |
| 29 | 32.0617  | 118.778   | CN           | CHN           | China                     | 04     | Nanjing        |             |           |          |            | AS             |
| 30 | -22.9    | -47.0833  | BR           | BRA           | Brazil                    | 27     | Campinas       |             |           |          |            | SA             |
| 31 | 32.8073  | -117.132  | US           | USA           | United States             | CA     | San Diego      | 92123       | 858       | 825      | 825        | NA             |
| 32 | -22.9    | -43.2333  | BR           | BRA           | Brazil                    | 21     | Rio De Janeiro |             |           |          |            | SA             |


| id  | session_id | path_id | query_id | method | route_path_id | is_ajax | is_secure | is_json | wants_json | error_id |
| 1   | 1          | 1       |          | GET    | 1             |         | 1         |         |            |          |
| 2   | 1          | 2       |          | GET    | 2             |         | 1         |         |            |          |
| 3   | 1          | 3       |          | GET    | 3             |         | 1         |         |            |          |
| 4   | 1          | 3       |          | POST   | 4             |         | 1         |         |            |          |


| id | path                                                   |
| 1  | /                                                      |
| 2  | admin                                                  |
| 3  | login                                                  |
| 4  | admin/languages                                        |
| 5  | admin/tracker                                          |
| 6  | admin/pages                                            |
| 7  | jmx-console                                            |
| 8  | manager/html                                           |
| 9  | administrator                                          |
| 10 | joomla/administrator                                   |
| 11 | cms/administrator                                      |
| 12 | Joomla/administrator                                   |
| 13 | phpmyadmin                                             |
| 14 | phpMyAdmin                                             |
| 15 | mysql                                                  |
| 16 | sql                                                    |
| 17 | myadmin                                                |
| 18 | webdav                                                 |


| id | route_id | path                                                   |
| 1  | 1        | /                                                      |
| 2  | 2        | admin                                                  |
| 3  | 3        | login                                                  |
| 4  | 4        | login                                                  |
| 5  | 5        | admin/languages                                        |
| 6  | 6        | admin/tracker                                          |
| 7  | 7        | admin/pages                                            |


| id | name                                 | action                                                   |
| 1  | home                                 | ACR\Controllers\Home@index                               |
| 2  | admin                                | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Admin@index                        |
| 3  | login.form                           | ACR\Controllers\Logon@form                               |
| 4  |                             | ACR\Controllers\Logon@login                              |
| 5  | admin.languages.index                | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Languages@index                    |
| 6  | admin.tracker.index                  | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Tracker@index                      |
| 7  | admin.pages.index                    | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Pages@index                        |
| 8  | admin.tracker.log                    | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Tracker@log                        |
| 9  | technology                           | ACR\Controllers\Technology@index                         |
| 10 |             | ACR\Controllers\Technology@show                          |
| 11 |                      | ACR\Controllers\Language@select                          |
| 12 | admin.tracker.summary                | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Tracker@summary                    |
| 13 | admin.tracker.api.pageviews          | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Tracker@apiPageviews               |
| 14 | admin.tracker.api.pageviewsbycountry | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Tracker@apiPageviewsByCountry      |
| 15 | admin.pages.create                   | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Pages@create                       |
| 16 | api.markdown                         | ACR\Controllers\Api@markdown                             |
| 17 |                    | ACR\Controllers\Admin\Pages@store                        |
| 18 | bio                                  | ACR\Controllers\StaticPages@show                         |
| 19 |                            | ACR\Controllers\Logon@logout                             |
| 20 | admin.tracker.index                  | ACR\Controllers\Admin\UsageTracker@index                 |
| 21 | admin.tracker.api.pageviewsbycountry | ACR\Controllers\Admin\UsageTracker@apiPageviewsByCountry |
| 22 | admin.tracker.api.pageviews          | ACR\Controllers\Admin\UsageTracker@apiPageviews          |

sql_queries ;

| id | sha1                                     | statement                                                                                       | time  | connection_id |
| 1  | 5aee121018ac16dbf26dbbe0cf35fd44a29a5d7e | select * from "users" where "id" = ? limit 1                                                    | 3.13  | 1             |
| 2  | 0fc3f3a722b0f9ef38e6bee44fc3fde9fb1fd1d9 | select "created_at" from "articles" where "published_at" is not null order by "created_at" desc | 1.99  | 1             |


  • Laravel 4.1+
  • PHP 5.3.7+
  • Package "geoip/geoip":"~1.14" (If you are planning to store Geo IP information)


Require the tracker package by executing the following command in your command line:

composer require "pragmarx/tracker":"0.7.*"

Or add to your composer.json:

"require": {
    "pragmarx/tracker": "0.7.*"

And execute

composer update

Add the service provider to your app/config/app.php:


Add the alias to the facade on your app/config/app.php:

'Tracker' => 'PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\Facade',

Publish tracker configuration:

php artisan config:publish pragmarx/tracker

And edit the file app/config/packages/pragmarx/tracker/config.php to enable Tracker.

'enabled' => true,

Create the UA Parser regex file (every time you run composer update you must also execute this command):

php artisan tracker:updateparser

Create the migration:

php artisan tracker:tables

Migrate it

php artisan migrate

If you are planning to store Geo IP information, also install the geoip package:

composer require "geoip/geoip":"~1.14"

And make sure you don't have the PHP module installed. This is a Debian/Ubuntu example:

sudo apt-get purge php5-geoip

Database Connections & Query Logs

If you are planning to store your query logs, to avoid recursion while logging SQL queries, you will have to create a different database connection for it. The connection can connect to your main database, but it must be different from the main one:

'tracker' => [
	'driver'   => 'pgsql',
	'host'     => 'localhost',
	'database' => getenv('MAIN.DATABASE_NAME'),
	'username' => getenv('MAIN.DATABASE_USER'),
	'password' => getenv('MAIN.DATABASE_PASSWORD'),
	'charset'  => 'utf8',
	'prefix'   => '',
	'schema'   => 'public',

While you don't need to use a different database, but Tracker may generate a huge number of records, so this is also advisable.

Everything Is Disabled By Default

Tracker has a lot of logging options, but you need to decide what you want to log. Starting by enabling this one:

'log_enabled' => true,

It is responsible for logging page hits and sessions, basically the client IP address.

Stats Panel

To use the stats panel on your website you'll need to download the sb-admin 2 sources to your public folder:

wget --output-document=/tmp/
unzip /tmp/ -d public/templates/

And enabled in your config file:

'stats_panel_enabled' => true,


Antonio Carlos Ribeiro


Tracker is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details


Pull requests and issues are more than welcome.