ichtrojan / laravel-otp by ichtrojan

A simple package to generate and validate OTPs
Package Data
Maintainer Username: ichtrojan
Maintainer Contact: michael@okoh.co.uk (Michael Okoh)
Package Create Date: 2019-10-06
Package Last Update: 2024-12-23
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-01 03:02:10
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 205,903
Monthly Downloads: 9,603
Daily Downloads: 313
Total Stars: 246
Total Watchers: 8
Total Forks: 58
Total Open Issues: 5

Laravel OTP ▲

Introduction 🖖

This is a simple package to generate and validate OTPs (One Time Passwords). This can be implemented mostly in Authentication.

Installation 💽

Install via composer

composer require ichtrojan/laravel-otp

Add service provider to the config/app.php file

    | Autoloaded Service Providers
    | The service providers listed here will be automatically loaded on the
    | request to your application. Feel free to add your own services to
    | this array to grant expanded functionality to your applications.

    'providers' => [

Add alias to the config/app.php file


    | Class Aliases
    | This array of class aliases will be registered when this application
    | is started. However, feel free to register as many as you wish as
    | the aliases are "lazy" loaded so they don't hinder performance.

    'aliases' => [
        'Otp' => Ichtrojan\Otp\Otp::class,

Run Migrations

php artisan migrate

Usage 🧨

NOTE Response are returned as objects. You can access its attributes with the arrow operator (->)

Generate OTP


Otp::generate(string $identifier, int $digits = 4, int $validity = 10)
  • $identifier: The identity that will be tied to the OTP.
  • $digit (optional | default = 4): The amount of digits to be generated, can be any of 4, 5 and 6.
  • $validity (optional | default = 10): The validity period of the OTP in minutes.



$otp = Otp::generate('michael@okoh.co.uk', 6, 15);

This will generate a six digit OTP that will be valid for 15 minutes and the success response will be:

  "status": true,
  "token": "282581",
  "message": "OTP generated"

Validate OTP


Otp::validate(string $identifier, string $token)
  • $identifier: The identity that is tied to the OTP.
  • $token: The token tied to the identity.



$otp = Otp::validate('michael@okoh.co.uk', '282581');


On Success

  "status": true,
  "message": "OTP is valid"

Does not exist

  "status": false,
  "message": "OTP does not exist"

Not Valid*

  "status": false,
  "message": "OTP is not valid"


  "status": false,
  "message": "OTP Expired"

Delete expired tokens

You can delete expired tokens by running the following artisan command:

php artisan otp:clean

You can also add this artisan command to app/Console/Kernel.php to automatically clean on scheduled


protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)


If you find an issue with this package or you have any suggestion please help out. I am not perfect.