ixudra / toggl by Elimentz

Custom PHP library to connect with the Toggl API - developed by Ixudra
Package Data
Maintainer Username: Elimentz
Maintainer Contact: jan.oris@ixudra.be (Jan Oris)
Package Create Date: 2017-03-03
Package Last Update: 2024-07-21
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-02 03:04:56
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 78,870
Monthly Downloads: 3,544
Daily Downloads: 15
Total Stars: 27
Total Watchers: 7
Total Forks: 18
Total Open Issues: 1


Latest Version on Packagist license StyleCI Total Downloads

Custom PHP library to connect with the Toggl API - developed by Ixudra.

This package can be used by anyone at any given time, but keep in mind that it is optimized for my personal custom workflow. It may not suit your project perfectly and modifications may be in order.


Pull this package in through Composer.

        "require": {
            "ixudra/toggl": "0.*"

Laravel Integration

Add the service provider to your config/app.php file

    'providers'         => array(



Add the facade to your config/app.php file:

    'aliases'           => array(

        'Toggl'         => Ixudra\Toggl\Facades\Toggl::class,


Add workspace ID and your personal API token to your .env file:


Add the following lines of code to your config/services.php file:

    'toggl' => [
        'workspace'     => env('TOGGL_WORKSPACE'),
        'token'         => env('TOGGL_TOKEN'),

Currently, the package only supports one workspace, which will be sufficient for most users. You can override this behaviour by using the Config::set('services.toggl.workspace', 456) method. Support for multiple workspaces will be added in the near future.

Lumen 5.* integration

In your bootstrap/app.php, make sure you've un-commented the following line (around line 26):


Then, register your class alias:

class_alias('Ixudra\Toggl\Facades\Toggl', 'Toggl');

Finally, you have to register your ServiceProvider (around line 70-80):

| Register Service Providers
| Here we will register all of the application's service providers which
| are used to bind services into the container. Service providers are
| totally optional, so you are not required to uncomment this line.

// $app->register('App\Providers\AppServiceProvider');

// Package service providers

Integration without Laravel

Create a new instance of the TogglService where you would like to use the package:

    $workspaceId = 123;
    $apiToken = 'your_toggl_api_token';
    $togglService = new \Ixudra\Toggl\TogglService( $workspaceId, $apiToken );


The package provides an easy interface for sending requests to the Toggl API. For the full information regarding the API, all available methods and all possible parameters, I would refer you to the official Toggl API documentation on Github. The package provides a (nearly) exact match of (almost) all of functions that are described in the API documentation. The exact function definitions can be found in the src/Traits directory.

For your convenience, the package will automatically add several required parameters so you don't have to worry about doing so. These parameters include the workspace ID and the API token. These parameters should not be included in any of the requests. Additionally, the package also provides several utility methods for the

Laravel usage

    // Return an overview of what users in the workspace are doing and have been doing
    $response = Toggl::dashboard();

    // Create a client
    $response = Toggl::createClient( array( "name" => "Test company" ) ) );

    // Get a summary information of this month for all user 
    $response = Toggl::summaryThisMonth();

    // Get a summary information of last month for one specific user 
    $response = Toggl::summaryLastMonth( array( 'user_ids' => '123' ) ) );

Non-laravel usage

    $workspaceId = 123;
    $apiToken = 'your_toggl_api_token';
    $togglService = new \Ixudra\Toggl\TogglService( $workspaceId, $apiToken );

    // Return an overview of what users in the workspace are doing and have been doing
    $response = $togglService->dashboard();

    // Create a client
    $response = $togglService->createClient( array( "name" => "Test company" ) ) );

    // Get a summary information of this month for all user 
    $response = $togglService->summaryThisMonth();

    // Get a summary information of last month for one specific user 
    $response = $togglService->summaryLastMonth( array( 'user_ids' => '123' ) ) );


  • Add missing API methods
  • Improve usability of existing API methods
  • Add additional convenience method
  • Update and improve documentation
  • Support for multiple workspaces


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license


Jan Oris (developer)

  • Email: jan.oris@ixudra.be
  • Telephone: +32 496 94 20 57