javoscript / laravel-macroable-models by javoscript

A package for adding methods to Laravel models on the fly
Package Data
Maintainer Username: javoscript
Maintainer Contact: javougarte@gmail.com (Javier Ugarte)
Package Create Date: 2020-02-27
Package Last Update: 2024-10-21
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Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-02 03:12:45
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Laravel macroable models

A package for adding methods to Laravel models on the fly 🕊

The package offers developers an easy way of programmatically adding methods to Laravel Eloquent models. Behind the scenes, it makes use of Laravel's own macroable trait. For more details, check the post where I explain how I did it in my blog.


Just install the package with composer

composer require javoscript/laravel-macroable-models

(Only necessary for Laravel <5.5, or if you want to be explicit) - Add the Service Provider to the providers array in the config/app.php file

// config/app.php

$providers = [
    // ...
    // ...

Usage example

The package provides a Facade to facilitate access to it's functionality. Alternatively, you can access it through the app('macroable-models') helper.

For obvious reasons, macros should be added to the model before other parts of the system make use of it. Because of this, the boot method of Service Providers is a good place to start adding macros.

For example, adding a method to the \App\User model in AppServiceProvider:

// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

// ...

use \Javoscript\MacroableModels\Facades\MacroableModels;
use \App\User;

// ...

public function boot()

    MacroableModels::addMacro(User::class, 'sayHi', function() {
        return 'Hi!';


After adding the macro to the User model, now every instance of this Eloquent model will have the sayHi() method available. We can quickly verify this within artisan tinker:

php artisan tinker

>>> \App\User::first()->sayHi()
=> "Hi!"

In a dedicated MacrosServiceProvider file

If you want to keep multiple macro definitions together, then adding a Service Provider for this purpose might be a good idea.

You can generate a new Service Provider with artisan:

php artisan make:provider MacrosServiceProvider

Then, you should add it to the providers array in the config/app.php file.

// config/app.php

$providers = [
    // ...
    // ...

Then, in the boot method of this new Service Provider, you can centralize macro definitions:

// app/Providers/MacrosServiceProvider.php

// ...

use \Javoscript\MacroableModels\Facades\MacroableModels;
use \App\User;

// ...

public function boot()
    MacroableModels::addMacro(User::class, 'sayHi', function() {
        return 'Hi!';
    MacroableModels::addMacro(User::class, 'sayBye', function() {
        return 'Bye bye';

Available methods

The following examples will use the \App\User model so that you can try the examples on a fresh Laravel application. Any class that extends the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model class can be extended with these macros.

addMacro(Model::class, 'macroName', function() {}) : void

The most important method of this package, and the one you will most likely be using the most. Add a macro with the name macroName to the model Model::class.

After the macro has been added, you can call the method on the model as you normally would.

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'sayHi', function() { return "Hi!"; });


With parameters

The defined macro function can receive any number and type of parameters.

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'say', function(string $something) { return $something; });

$user = \App\User::first();
$user->say("Hello world!");

Context binding... the correct $this

On the macro function you have access to the $this object, which references the instance of the model that is executing the function.

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'getId', function() { return $this->id; });

// 1

Adding relationships

You can define relationship functions too!

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'posts', function() {
    return $this->hasMany(App\Post::class);

Beware! You won't be able to use Laravel's magic relationship attributes.

$user = App\User::first();

// null
// This will always return null, as the posts attribute wasn't defined

// This will correctly return the posts Eloquent collection

Overriding existing macro

If you add a macro with the same name of an existing one, it replaces it.

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'greet', function() { return "Hi!"; });
// "Hi!"

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'greet', function() { return "Hello human"; });
// "Hello human"

Model's methods precedence

If you add a macro with the same name of an existing method from the model, the latter will take precedence. You won't be able to override it with this package.

class Dog extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    public function bark()
        return "Woof!";

MacroableModels::addMacro(Dog::class, 'bark', function() { return "Miauuu!"; });

$dog = new Dog;
// "Woof!"

removeMacro(Model::class, 'macroName') : boolean

The opposite of addMacro, this method removes a previously added macro from the specified model. It returns true if a macro with that name was previously registered on the model and it removed it correctly - and false otherwise.

MacroableModels::removeMacro(\App\User::class, 'salute');
// false

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'salute', function() { return "Hello!"; });

MacroableModels::removeMacro(\App\User::class, 'salute');
// true

Additional goodies

Because, why not? 🤷‍♂

getAllMacros() : Array

Returns all registered macros, grouped by name.

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'hi', function() { return "Hi!"; })

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\Dog::class, 'hi', function() { return "Woof!"; })

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'bye', function() { return "Bye bye"; })


     "hi" => [
       "App\User" => Closure() {#3362 …2},
       "App\Dog" => Closure() {#3376 …2},
     "bye" => [
       "App\User" => Closure() {#3366 …2},

modelHasMacro(Model::class, 'macroName') : boolean

Simple: if the model has the macro, it returns true - else, it returns false.

MacroableModels::modelHasMacro(\App\User::class, 'salute');
// false

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'salute', function() { return "Hi!"; });
MacroableModels::modelHasMacro(\App\User::class, 'salute');
// true

modelsThatImplement('macroName') : Array

Given a macro name, it returns an array with the classes of the models to which it was added.

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'hi', function() { return "Hi!"; });
MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\Dog::class, 'hi', function() { return "Woof!"; });


macrosForModel(Model::class) : Array

Given the model class, it returns an array with all the macros that were added to it, detailing the defined parameters for each.

MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'say', function(String $something) { return $something; });
MacroableModels::addMacro(\App\User::class, 'sum', function(Integer $a, Integer $b) { return $a + $b; });

     "say" => [
       "name" => "say",
       "parameters" => [
         ReflectionParameter {#3385
           +name: "something",
           position: 0,
           typeHint: "string",
     "sum" => [
       "name" => "sum",
       "parameters" => [
         ReflectionParameter {#3357
           +name: "a",
           position: 0,
           typeHint: "Integer",
         ReflectionParameter {#3360
           +name: "b",
           position: 1,
           typeHint: "Integer",

Related packages

There are some related packages out there, from which some inspiration was taken.

  • imanghafoori1/eloquent-relativity: github
  • spatie/laravel-collection-macros: github
  • spatie/macroable: github