jildertmiedema / laravel-system-monitor by jildertmiedema

Laravel system monitor, export application info to statsd
Package Data
Maintainer Username: jildertmiedema
Package Create Date: 2016-12-19
Package Last Update: 2018-02-16
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-04 03:05:45
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 51,771
Monthly Downloads: 172
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 1
Total Open Issues: 0


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This package will be monitor application metrices. It is dynamic configurable, but with the default settings you will be able to show some basic stuff.

This package usage statsd as a default output but off course you can implement your own store


This package depends on the statsd client from the php league. Read their manual to get it up and running

Install the package:

composer require jildertmiedema/laravel-system-monitor

Add these lines in the config/app.php file in the providers array.


If you've added the artisan schedule:run command to your cron, then you can add this to your App\Console\Kernel class

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

Now the system will send the measurement results to Statsd every minute


To publish the config use:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="config"

Change the config/measurement.php file to your needs.

Measurements can be configured by choosing a type and key. The type is the type of the type of the measurement. The key is the statsd key. Per type some additional settings are required.

  • mysql.speed The reaction time of a mysql connection. (Configure a connection)
  • redis.speed The reaction time of a redis connection. (Configure a connection)
  • queue.size Measures to amount of items in the queue. (Configure a queue)
  • queue.waiting-time Put a job on the queue and measures how long it takes before its handled by the queue. (Configure a queue)


Run this command to show the result as console output. php artisan measurement:run --debug

Statsd server

This package is design to be send to a statsd server. Of course you can implement your own MeasurementStore to send it elsewhere. Some docker stuff is created to receive (and show) data. Show me


This package comes with a default setup, but you can easly extend or replace parts.

To create your own measurement, create a new class that implements the JildertMiedema\SystemMonitor\Measurements\Measurement interface. To register your class insert this in a service provider:

use JildertMiedema\SystemMonitor\Measurements\Manager;

$this->app->resolving('measurement', function (Manager $manager) {