jonasva / laravel-facebook-insights by jonasva

Facebook page insights integration with Laravel
Package Data
Maintainer Username: jonasva
Maintainer Contact: (Jonas Van Assche)
Package Create Date: 2015-03-15
Package Last Update: 2015-08-10
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-27 15:03:36
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 2,064
Monthly Downloads: 1
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 26
Total Watchers: 6
Total Forks: 4
Total Open Issues: 2

Laravel Facebook Insights

FacebookInsights provides a quick way to access insights of a facebook page with the Facebook OpenGraph API v2. It works with a permanent access token so no user interaction is required. A common usage would be to have a statistics dashboard that needs to regularly fetch insights of a facebook page.


To get the latest version of FacebookInsights require it in your composer.json file.

"jonasva/laravel-facebook-insights": "dev-master"

(For Laravel 4, please check the documentation of the Laravel4 branch of this repository)

Run composer update jonasva/laravel-facebook-insights to install it.

Once FacebookInsights is installed you need to register its service provider with your application. Open config/app.php and find the providers key.

'providers' => array(



A Facade for easy access is also included. You can register the facade in the aliases key of your config/app.php file.

'aliases' => array(

    'FacebookInsights' => Jonasva\FacebookInsights\Facades\FacebookInsights::class,


Publish the configurations

Run this on the command line from the root of your project:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

A configuration file will be published to config/facebook-insights.php


Facebook App and Page information

To use this package, you'll need to setup your Facebook App ID, App secret, (permanent) access token and Page ID. For more information about this check the config file.


Facebook GraphApi responses get cache for 1 day by default. You can change this by altering the cache-lifetime.


The package contains several useful methods to fetch facebook insights with the OpenGraph API. Methods can be called by using the facade FacebookInsights. For example:

    use FacebookInsights; // this goes above your class declaration

    // ...

    $startDate = new \DateTime('2015-03-15');
    $endDate = new \DateTime('2015-03-25');
    // fetch your page's total impressions for a given period
    $totalImpressions = FacebookInsights::getPageTotalImpressions($startDate, $endDate);


This package currently provides insights for Page and Post objects. That said, any other OpenGraph queries can also be done by simply using the following method:

     * Construct a facebook request
     * @param string $query
     * @param array $params (optional)
     * @param string $method (optional)
     * @param string $object (optional)
     * @return GraphObject
    public function performGraphCall($query, $params = [], $object = null, $method = 'GET')

Page Insights

Get the total amount of page fans (aka followers, people who liked the page)

     * Get the total amount of page fans (people who liked the page)
     * @return int
    public function getPageTotalFans()

Get new fans per day for a given period

     * Get new page fans per day for a given period
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @return array
    public function getPageNewFansPerDay(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate)

Get the total number of new page fans for a given period

     * Get the total number of new page fans for a given period
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @return int
    public function getPageTotalNewFans(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate)

Get a page's impressions (The total number of impressions seen of any content associated with your Page) per day for a given period

     * Get the page impressions per day for a given period
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @return array
    public function getPageImpressionsPerDay(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate)

Get the total number of page impressions for a given period

     * Get the total number of page impressions for a given period
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @return int
    public function getPageTotalImpressions(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate)

Get a page's consumptions (The number of times people clicked on any of your content) per day for a given period

     * Get the page consumptions per day for a given period
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @return array
    public function getPageConsumptionsPerDay(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate)

Get the total number of page consumptions for a given period

     * Get the total number of page consumptions for a given period
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @return int
    public function getPageTotalConsumptions(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate)

Get like, comment, share, rsvp, claim and answer counts for a page's posts grouped per day for a given period

     * Get a page's positive feedback per day for a given period
     * The following actions are categorized as positive feedback:
     * like, comment, link (share), rsvp (respond to an event), claim, answer
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @return array
    public function getPagePositiveFeedbackPerDay(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate)

Get accumulated (total) like, comment, share, rsvp, claim and answer counts for a page's posts grouped per day for a given period

     * Get a page's accumulated positive feedback for a given period
     * The following actions are categorized as positive feedback:
     * like, comment, link (share), rsvp (respond to an event), claim, answer
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @return array
    public function getPageTotalPositiveFeedback(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate)

Get a specific insight for a page for a given period. Insights can be found here:

     * Get a specific insight for a page for a given period
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @param string $insight
     * @param string $period (optional)
     * @return int
    public function getPageInsight(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate, $insight, $period = 'day')

Get a page's posts for a given period. This is not really an insight, but is needed to get post ID's which can later be used to collect post insights.

     * Get the page's posts for a given period
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @param int $limit
     * @return array
    public function getPagePosts(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate, $limit = null)

Switching to another page

It is also possible to dynamically switch to another page, to fetch its insights / posts. You can use the switchPage method for that:

     * Switch to another page to get insights of
     * @param string $pageId
     * @param string $accessToken
    public function switchPage($pageId, $accessToken)


    FacebookInsights::switchPage('other page id', 'other page's permanent access token');

Post Insights

Post specific insights can only be collected by period lifetime, so no date range needs to be given.

Get a post's impressions

     * Get a post's impressions
     * @param string $postId
     * @return int
    public function getPostImpressions($postId)

Get a post's consumptions

     * Get a post's consumptions
     * @param string $postId
     * @return int
    public function getPostConsumptions($postId)

Get a specific insight for a post. Post insights can be found here:

     * Get a specific insight for a post
     * @param string $insight
     * @param string $postId
     * @return array
    public function getPostInsight($postId, $insight)

Get the page's posts with calculated insights for a given period

     * Get the page's posts with calculated insights for a given period
     * @param \DateTime $startDate
     * @param \DateTime $endDate
     * @param int $limit
     * @return array
    public function getPagePostsBasicInsights(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate, $limit = null)