kevindierkx / laravel-domain-localization by kevindierkx

Laravel domain localization
Package Data
Maintainer Username: kevindierkx
Maintainer Contact: (Kevin Dierkx)
Package Create Date: 2015-08-28
Package Last Update: 2024-10-05
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-07 15:04:42
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 5,823
Monthly Downloads: 24
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 28
Total Watchers: 6
Total Forks: 7
Total Open Issues: 2

Laravel domain localization

A tool for easy i18n domain based localization in Laravel applications.


This package is build for Laravel framework based applications.

For Laravel 4.2+ please refer to version 1.0.

Laravel 5.x

Require this package with composer:

composer require kevindierkx/laravel-domain-localization

Service provider

Open config/app.php and register the required service provider.

'providers' => [

If you'd like to make configuration changes, you can publish it with the following Artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config


The Laravel Domain Localization uses the URL given for the request. In order to achieve this purpose it uses a middleware, to utilize the middleware add the following to you middleware array in app\Http\Kernel.php:

protected $middleware = [

Once this middleware is enabled, the user can access all the locales defined in the supported_locales array ('en' by default, look at the config section to change the supported locales).

For example, when you add the dutch locale nl the user could access two different locales, using the following addresses:

If the locale is not defined in supported_locales array, the system will use the applications default locale.

Incase you only want to use domain localization on specific routes you could use the middleware groups or route middlewares instead.


The facade is used for easy access to the domain localization helper. If you would like to use the facade you need to open config/app.php and register the facade in the aliases array.

'aliases' => [
    'Localization' => Kevindierkx\LaravelDomainLocalization\Facade\DomainLocalization::class,


The package provides some useful helper functions. For a full list of methods and method descriptions please refer to the DomainLocalization class.

Get current URL for a specified locale

Uses the current URL to create a localized URL using the tld value from the config.

{{ Localization::getLocalizedUrl('en') }}

Get supported locales

Returns all the supported currently configured locales.

{{ Localization::getSupportedLocales() }}

Get supported locale by 'name'

Returns a supported currently configured locale by 'name'.

{{ Localization::getSupportedLocale('en') }}

Determine a supported locale exists

Determines a supported currently configured locale exists by 'name'.

{{ Localization::hasSupportedLocale('en') }}

Get supported locale by TLD

Returns a supported currently configured locale 'name' by top level domain.

{{ Localization::getSupportedLocaleByTld('.com') }}

Get supported locale 'name' by TLD

Returns a supported currently configured locale by top level domain.

{{ Localization::getSupportedLocaleNameByTld('.com') }}

Get attributes from the current locale

Returns the attribute value of the current locale.

{{ Localization::getTldForCurrentLocale() }}
{{ Localization::getNameForCurrentLocale() }}
{{ Localization::getDirectionForCurrentLocale() }}
{{ Localization::getScriptForCurrentLocale() }}
{{ Localization::getNativeForCurrentLocale() }}

Get attributes from a specified supported locale

Returns the attribute value of a supported locale.

{{ Localization::getTldForLocale('en') }}
{{ Localization::getNameForLocale('en') }}
{{ Localization::getDirectionForLocale('en') }}
{{ Localization::getScriptForLocale('en') }}
{{ Localization::getNativeForLocale('en') }}

Get current TLD

Returns the current top level domain.

{{ Localization::getTld() }}

Get current locale

Returns the current locale.

{{ Localization::getCurrentLocale() }}

Set current locale

Sets the current locale.

{{ Localization::setCurrentLocale('en') }}

Get default locale

Returns the applications default locale.

{{ Localization::getDefaultLocale() }}

Creating a language selector

Using the helper methods we can create a simple but effective language switcher. The example below uses a Bootstrap dropdown.

<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
    <li class="dropdown">
        <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
            {{ Localization::getNameForCurrentLocale() }}
        <ul class="dropdown-menu">
            @foreach(Localization::getSupportedLocales() as $locale => $properties)
                    <a rel="alternate" hreflang="{{ $locale }}" href="{{ Localization::getLocalizedUrl($locale) }}">
                        {{ Localization::getNameForLocale($locale) }} - {{ Localization::getNativeForLocale($locale) }}


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.