akalongman / laravel-lodash by LONGMAN

Add more functional to Laravel >=5.5
Package Data
Maintainer Username: LONGMAN
Maintainer Contact: akalongman@gmail.com (Avtandil Kikabidze aka LONGMAN)
Package Create Date: 2017-10-07
Package Last Update: 2024-09-06
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-21 15:05:28
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 80,357
Monthly Downloads: 1,045
Daily Downloads: 26
Total Stars: 93
Total Watchers: 5
Total Forks: 10
Total Open Issues: 1

Laravel Lodash

Build Status Code Coverage Code Quality Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Downloads Month License

This package adds lot of useful functionality to the Laravel >=5.8 project

Note: For Laravel older than 5.8 use the package version 1.*

Table of Contents


Install this package through Composer.

Edit your project's composer.json file to require longman/laravel-lodash

Create composer.json file:

    "name": "yourproject/yourproject",
    "type": "project",
    "require": {
        "longman/laravel-lodash": "^2.0"

And run composer update

Or run a command in your command line:

composer require longman/laravel-lodash

Add LodashServiceProvider to your service providers list in the app.php

'providers' => [
    . . .
     * Package Service Providers...
    . . .

Copy the package config and translations to your application with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Longman\LaravelLodash\LodashServiceProvider"



Enable Debug Mode depending on visitor's IP Address

Add Longman\LaravelLodash\Debug\DebugServiceProvider::class in to config/app.php and specify debug IP's in your config/lodash.php config file:

    . . .
    'debug' => [
        'ips' => [ // IP list for enabling debug mode
    . . .

Add created_by, updated_by and deleted_by to the eloquent models

Sometimes we need to know who created, updated or deleted entry in the database.

For this just add Longman\LaravelLodash\Eloquent\UserIdentities trait to your model and also update migration file adding necessary columns:


Use UUID in the Eloquent Models

For this just add Longman\LaravelLodash\Eloquent\UuidAsPrimary trait to your model and also update related migration file:


Also there is possible to specify uuid version via defining uuidVersion property in the model class.

Eager loading of limited many to many relations via subquery or union

Eager load many to many relations with limit via subquery or union. For using this feature, add Longman\LaravelLodash\Eloquent\ManyToManyPreload trait to the models. After that you can use methods limitPerGroupViaUnion() and limitPerGroupViaSubQuery(). For example you want to select users and 3 related user photos per user.

    $items = (new User)->with([
        'photos' => function (BelongsToMany $builder) {
            // Select via union. There you should pass pivot table fields array
            $builder->limitPerGroupViaUnion(3, ['user_id', 'photo_id']);
            // or
            // Select via subquery
        }, 'other.relation1', 'other.relation2'
    $items = $items->get();

Now each user model have 3 photos model selected via one query. You can specify additional where clauses or order by fields before the group method call.

Redis using igbinary

Igbinary is a drop in replacement for the standard php serializer. Igbinary stores php data structures in compact binary form. Savings are significant when using Redis or similar memory based storages for serialized data. Via Igbinary repetitive strings are stored only once. Collections of Eloquent objects benefit significantly from this.

By default Laravel does not provide an option to enable igbinary serializer for PhpRedis connection and you have to use LaravelLodash implementation for this.

First of all, make sure you enabled PhpRedis driver by this guide https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/redis#phpredis

After that include Cache and Redis service providers in the app.php before your App providers:

    . . .
    . . .

You can remove Laravel's Cache and Redis service providers from the config, because LaravelLodash providers are extended from them and therefore implements entire functional.

Now you can specify the serializer in your database.php under config folder:

Also, you can specify other options like scan or etc. See https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis#setoption

Redis client side sharding

PhpRedis extension along with native Redis Cluster, also supports client-side sharding. This feature is very useful, when you want distribute your data between multiple servers, but do not want use native Redis Cluster.

Its not implemented in the Laravel by default. We tried to fix this :smile:

Config example:

    . . .
    'redis' => [
        'client' => 'phpredis',
        'clusters' => [
            'options' => [
                'lazy_connect'    => true,
                'connect_timeout' => 1,
                'read_timeout'    => 3,
                'password'        => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
                'database'        => env('REDIS_DATABASE', 0),
                'prefix'          => env('REDIS_PREFIX'),
                'serializer'      => 'igbinary',

            'default' => [
                    'host' => env('REDIS_SHARD1_HOST', ''),
                    'port' => env('REDIS_SHARD1_PORT', 6379),
                    'host' => env('REDIS_SHARD2_HOST', ''),
                    'port' => env('REDIS_SHARD2_PORT', 6379),
                . . .
    . . .

AWS SQS Fifo Queue

Laravel by default does not supports AWS FIFO queues and this package fixes it.

You have to add QueueServiceProvider service provider in the app.php before your App providers:

    . . .
    . . .

You can remove Laravel's Queue service provider from the config, because LaravelLodash provider are extended from that and therefore implements entire functional.

Now you can add the new connection in the queue.php under config folder:

    . . .
    'sqs_fifo' => [
        'driver'  => 'sqs.fifo',
        'version' => 'latest',
        'key'     => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
        'secret'  => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
        'prefix'  => env('AWS_SQS_URL'),
        'queue'   => env('AWS_SQS_DEFAULT_QUEUE'),
        'region'  => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'),
        'options' => [
            'type'      => 'fifo', // fifo, normal
            'polling'   => 'long', // long, short
            'wait_time' => 20,
    . . .

Elasticsearch Integration

First of all you have to install official elasticsearch php sdk:

composer require elasticsearch/elasticsearch

After add ElasticsearchServiceProvider service provider in the app.php before your App providers:

    . . .
    . . .

Now you can add the configuration in the services.php under config folder:

    . . .
    'elasticsearch' => [
        'enabled'          => env('ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED', false),
        'log_channel'      => ['daily'],
        'hosts'            => [
                'host' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', 'localhost'),
                'port' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_PORT', 9200),
        'connectionParams' => [
            'client' => [
                'timeout'         => env('ELASTICSEARCH_TIMEOUT', 3),
                'connect_timeout' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_TIMEOUT', 3),
    . . .

You can use Elasticsearch integration via

    $elasticsearch_manager = app(ElasticsearchManagerContract::class);
    // Call wrapped methods
    // Or get native client and access their methods
    $client = $elasticsearch_manager->getClient();

Also you can perform search via searchable query object. Just create class and implement ElasticsearchQueryContract and you can pass object to performSearch method

    $elasticsearch_manager = app(ElasticsearchManagerContract::class);
    $results = $elasticsearch_manager->performSearch($query); 

Helper Functions

Function | Description ------------- | ------------- p(...$values): void | Add debug messages to the debugbar get_db_query(): ?string | Get last executed database query get_db_queries(): ?array | Get all executed database queries

Extended Classes

For this fuctional you should add Longman\LaravelLodash\LodashServiceProvider::class in the config/app.php file.

There is an extended classes via Laravel's builtin macros functionality

Request class

Method | Description ------------- | ------------- getInt(string $name, int $default = 0): int | Return request field value as a integer getBool(string $name, bool $default = false): bool | Return request field value as a boolean getFloat(string $name, float $default = 0): float | Return request field value as a float getString(string $name, string $default = ''): string | Return request field value as a string

Artisan Commands

For this fuctional you should add Longman\LaravelLodash\LodashServiceProvider::class in the config/app.php file.

Command | Description ------------- | ------------- php artisan clear-all | Clear entire cache and all cached routes, views, etc. php artisan db:clear | Drop all tables from database. Options:--database= : The database connection to use.--force : Force the operation to run when in production.--pretend : Dump the SQL queries that would be run. php artisan db:dump | Dump database to sql file using mysqldump CLI utility. Options:--database= : The database connection to use.--path= : Folder path for store database dump files. php artisan db:restore {file} | Restore database from sql file using mysqldump CLI utility. Options:--database= : The database connection to use.--force : Force the operation to run when in production php artisan log:clear | Clear log files from storage/logs recursively. Options:--force : Force the operation to run when in production. php artisan user:add {email} {password?} | Create a new user. Options:--guard= : The guard to use. php artisan user:password {email} {password?} | Update/reset user password. Options:--guard= : The guard to use.

Middleware List


Allows cross origin requests. Can be configured allowed hosts, methods and headers in the config/lodash.php file


Sets XSS Security headers. Can be configured excluded URI-s, etc in the config/lodash.php .


Add simple basic auth to a route.

In the config/auth.php you have to add:

    . . .
    'simple' => [
        'enabled'  => env('SIMPLE_AUTH_ENABLED', true),
        'user'     => env('SIMPLE_AUTH_USER', 'user'),
        'password' => env('SIMPLE_AUTH_PASS', 'secret'),
    . . .

Blade Directives

For this functional you should add Longman\LaravelLodash\LodashServiceProvider::class in the config/app.php file.

Directive | Description ------------- | ------------- @datetime($date); | Display relative time. Example:$date = Carbon\Carbon::now();@datetime($date); @plural($count, $word) | Pluralization helper. Example:@plural(count($posts), 'post')Produces '1 post' or '2 posts', depending on how many items in $posts there are


SelfDiagnosis Checks

For using this checks, you have to install the package: laravel-self-diagnosis

Available Disk Space Check

\Longman\LaravelLodash\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\AvailableDiskSpace::class => [
    'paths' => [
        '/' => '100G', // At least 100G should be available for the path "/"
        '/var/www' => '5G',

Filesystem Disks Are Available

\Longman\LaravelLodash\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\FilesystemsAreAvailable::class => [
    'disks' => [

Elasticsearch Health Check

\Longman\LaravelLodash\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\ElasticsearchCanBeAccessed::class => [
    'client' => ElasticSearchClient::class,

Php Ini Options Check

\Longman\LaravelLodash\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\PhpIniOptions::class => [
    'options' => [
        'upload_max_filesize' => '>=128M',
        'post_max_size'       => '>=128M',
        'memory_limit'        => '>=128M',
        'max_input_vars'      => '>=10000',
        'file_uploads'        => '1',
        'disable_functions'   => '',

Php Ini Options Check

\Longman\LaravelLodash\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\RedisCanBeAccessed::class => [
    'default_connection' => true,
    'connections'        => ['sessions'],

Servers Are Pingable Check

\Longman\LaravelLodash\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\ServersArePingable::class => [
    'servers' => [
            'host'    => config('app.url'),
            'port'    => 80,
            'timeout' => 1,
            'host'    => 'sqs.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com',
            'port'    => 443,
            'timeout' => 3,
            'host'    => 'www.googleapis.com',
            'port'    => 443,
            'timeout' => 3,

Horizon is running



write more tests and add more features


If you like living on the edge, please report any bugs you find on the laravel-lodash issues page.


Pull requests are welcome. See CONTRIBUTING.md for information.


Please see the LICENSE included in this repository for a full copy of the MIT license, which this project is licensed under.


Full credit list in Contributors