matchish / laravel-scout-elasticsearch by matchish

Search among multiple models with ElasticSearch and Laravel Scout
Package Data
Maintainer Username: matchish
Maintainer Contact: (Sergey Shliakhov)
Package Create Date: 2019-02-14
Package Last Update: 2025-02-20
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-07 15:00:47
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 1,098,477
Monthly Downloads: 38,984
Daily Downloads: 1,434
Total Stars: 730
Total Watchers: 11
Total Forks: 118
Total Open Issues: 34

The package provides the perfect starting point to integrate ElasticSearch into your Laravel application. It is carefully crafted to simplify the usage of ElasticSearch within the Laravel Framework.

It’s built on top of the latest release of Laravel Scout, the official Laravel search package. Using this package, you are free to take advantage of all of Laravel Scout’s great features, and at the same time leverage the complete set of ElasticSearch’s search experience.

If you need any help, stack overflow is the preferred and recommended way to ask support questions.

:two_hearts: Features

:warning: Requirements

  • PHP version >= 7.1.3
  • Laravel Framework version >= 5.6
  • Elasticsearch version >= 6

:rocket: Installation

Use composer to install the package:

composer require matchish/laravel-scout-elasticsearch

Set env variables


The package uses \ElasticSearch\Client from official package, but does not try to configure it, so feel free do it in your app service provider. But if you don't want to do it right now, you can use Matchish\ElasticSearchServiceProvider from the package.
Register the provider, adding to config/app.php

'providers' => [
    // Other Service Providers




And publish config example for elasticsearch
php artisan vendor:publish --tag config

:bulb: Usage

Note: This package adds functionalities to Laravel Scout, and for this reason, we encourage you to read the Scout documentation first. Documentation for Scout can be found on the Laravel website.

Index settings and mappings

It is very important to define the mapping when we create an index — an inappropriate preliminary definition and mapping may result in the wrong search results.

To define mappings or settings for index, set config with right value.

For example if method searchableAs returns products string

Config key for mappings should be
Or you you can specify default mappings with config key elasticsearch.indices.mappings.default

Same way you can define settings

For index products it will be

And for default settings

Zero downtime reimport

While working in production, to keep your existing search experience available while reimporting your data, you also can use scout:import Artisan command:

php artisan scout:import

The command create new temporary index, import all models to it, and then switch to the index and remove old index.


To be fully compatible with original scout package, this package does not add new methods.
So how we can build complex queries? There is two ways.
By default, when you pass a query to the search method, the engine builds a query_string query, so you can build queries like this

Product::search('title:this OR description:this) AND (title:that OR description:that')`

If it's not enough in your case you can pass a callback to the query builder

$results = Product::search('zonga', function($client, $body) {

    $minPriceAggregation = new MinAggregation('min_price');
    $maxPriceAggregation = new MaxAggregation('max_price');
    $brandTermAggregation = new TermsAggregation('brand');

    return $client->search(['index' => 'products', 'body' => $body->toArray()]);

$client is \ElasticSearch\Client object from elasticsearch/elasticsearch package
And $body is ONGR\ElasticsearchDSL\Search from ongr/elasticsearch-dsl package

Search amongst multiple models

You can do it with Mixed class, just pass indices names separated by commas to the within method.

Mixed::search('title:Barcelona or to:Barcelona')
    within(implode(',', [
        (new Ticket())->searchableAs(),
        (new Book())->searchableAs(),

In this example you will get collection of Ticket and Book models where ticket's arrival city or book title is Barcelona

Don't forget to :star: the package if you like it. :pray:

:free: License

Scout ElasticSearch is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.