mistcheng / sowechat by mistcheng

基于Laravel PHP框架的微信网页版Api架构 & Wechat(WeiXin) Web Api Based On Laravel PHP Framework
Package Data
Maintainer Username: mistcheng
Package Create Date: 2016-09-28
Package Last Update: 2016-10-14
Home Page: http://oukei.me/Wechat-Web-Api-Based-On-Laravel-PHP-Framework/
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-01-25 15:09:49
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 9
Monthly Downloads: 0
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Total Stars: 14
Total Watchers: 2
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Wechat(WeiXin) Web Api Based On Laravel PHP Framework

中文文档:基于Laravel PHP框架的微信网页版Api

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  1. 7*24hours no-end running,
  2. easy to use, support sending/receiving multi type messages
  3. graceful system architecture, support cross platform development and flexible custom extensions
  4. support Restful Api, async message processing andmessage event broadcasting
  5. based on Php, the best language in The World! :)

System Architecture

System Architecture

  1. This System is composed of 3 independent components
  2. The Middle component is core of The System, doing qrcode scan & message listening; I do a lot of work for pupose of robust. Meantime, as a connector, it supports message-sending ability for the Left component, and pushs simple-formated message to the Right component. Run command php artisan wechat:listen to make it working.
  3. TheLeftcomponent is used for sending message, the user can send message to any friends in his code. class App\Console\Commands\WechatSend is a sample, run commandphp artisan wechat:send to make it working.
  4. TheRightcomponent is used for processing message, the user can do anything for the coming message. The jobApp\Jobs\ProcessWechatMessage process each message into more formatted message(text,share,image,voice,file, etc). Next, It fires the App\Events\WechatMessageEvent event to the subscribers, who can do some custom things with the message. class App\Listeners\SaveWechatMessageListener is a sample that saving the message into the DB.
  5. Advantage: The three components are 3 independent Process. this can grantee the non-ending running of the Middle part, at the same time, the user can do any extensions in the Left and Right part without disturbing the Middle part.


  1. php 5.6 or more
  2. php composer
  3. redis (optional)
  4. mysql (optional)


1. Installation

git clone https://github.com/mistcheng/sowechat.git
cd sowechat
composer install

2. Configration

2.1 config/wechat.php is wechat config file

return [

    'debug' => env('WECHAT_DEBUG', false), // debug mode

    'web_api' => [
        'connect_timeout' => 30, // http request timeout
        'max_attempts' => 10, // max request attempts in half minutes

    'job' => [
        'connection' => env('QUEUE_DRIVER', 'database'), // wehcat message queu engine, recommend database|redis
        'queue' => env('JOB_QUEUE', 'default'), // queue name

2.2 Queue Configuration (Recommend database or redis, never use async)

In section2.1, the optionwechat.job.connection should be configured in the file config/database.php.

2.2.1 if set wechat.job.connectionwithdatabase, the option database.connections.mysqlmust be configured correctly
'connections' => [
        'mysql' => [
            'driver' => 'mysql',
            'host' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
            'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'),
            'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'),
            'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'),
            'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
            'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
            'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',
            'prefix' => '',
            'strict' => true,
            'engine' => null,
2.2.2 if set wechat.job.connectionwithredis, the option database.redisshould be configured properly.
'redis' => [

        'cluster' => false,

        'default' => [
            'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),
            'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
            'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
            'database' => 0,


2.3 Running

2.3.1 First time, init DB script
cd sowechat
php artisan migrate
2.3.2 Run the Middlecomponent for new
php artisan wechat:listen --new

There will be a new qrcode in the folder storage/app/wechat, use your wechat scaning it to login.

2.3.3 Run the Middlecomponent without re-login
php artisan wechat:listen

Run the command without passing argument --new

2.3.4 Processing wechat message
php artisan queue:work

See JobApp\Jobs\ProcessWechatMessage and sample class App\Listeners\SaveWechatMessageListener for more detail.

2.3.5 Sending wechat message (Console)
php artisan wechat:send

See class App\Console\Commands\WechatSend for more detail.

2.3.6 Sending wechat message (Web Api)
php artisan wechat:serve --port=your_port

When you call the api, you must start the web server. The easiest way is start a mini server with the command above. Also, you can deploy you code use Apache Nginx etc

there has some examples, this will return a json response {'ret':0, 'message':'xxx'}, success if the ret equals 0

# send text, POST request, need params `to` and `content`
curl -H 'Accept:application/json' --data "to=$to_user_name&content=$your_content" http://localhost:$your_port/api/wechat/messages/text
# send image, POST request, need params `to` and `path`
curl -H 'Accept:application/json' --data "to=$to_user_name&path=$image_path" http://localhost:$your_port/api/wechat/messages/image
# send emotion, POST request, need params `to` and `path`
curl -H 'Accept:application/json' --data "to=$to_user_name&path=$emotion_path" http://localhost:$your_port/api/wechat/messages/emotion
# send file, POST request, need params `to` and `path`
curl -H 'Accept:application/json' --data "to=$to_user_name&path=$file_path" http://localhost:$your_port/api/wechat/messages/file




This software shall not be used for commercial purposes only