mollie / laravel-mollie by willemmollie

Mollie API client wrapper for Laravel & Mollie Connect provider for Laravel Socialite
Package Data
Maintainer Username: willemmollie
Maintainer Contact: (Mollie B.V.)
Package Create Date: 2016-04-28
Package Last Update: 2025-02-19
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-28 15:09:48
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 2,767,826
Monthly Downloads: 85,234
Daily Downloads: 4,066
Total Stars: 338
Total Watchers: 44
Total Forks: 63
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel-Mollie incorporates the Mollie API and Mollie Connect into your Laravel or Lumen project.

Accepting iDEAL, Bancontact/Mister Cash, SOFORT Banking, Creditcard, SEPA Bank transfer, SEPA Direct debit, PayPal, Belfius Direct Net, KBC/CBC, paysafecard, ING Home'Pay, Giftcards, Giropay, EPS and Przelewy24 online payments without fixed monthly costs or any punishing registration procedures. Just use the Mollie API to receive payments directly on your website or easily refund transactions to your customers.

Build Status Latest Stable Version Total Downloads


  • Get yourself a free Mollie account. No sign up costs.
  • Now you're ready to use the Mollie API client in test mode.
  • Follow a few steps to enable payment methods in live mode, and let us handle the rest.
  • Up-to-date OpenSSL (or other SSL/TLS toolkit)
  • PHP >= 7.0
  • Laravel (or Lumen) >= 5.5
  • Laravel Socialite >= 3.0 (if you intend on using Mollie Connect)

Upgrading from v1.x?

To support the enhanced Mollie API, some breaking changes were introduced. Make sure to follow the instructions in the package migration guide.

Not ready to upgrade? The Laravel-Mollie client v1 will remain supported for now.

Fresh install? Continue with the installation guide below.


Add Laravel-Mollie to your composer file via the composer require command:

$ composer require mollie/laravel-mollie:^2.0

Or add it to composer.json manually:

"require": {
    "mollie/laravel-mollie": "^2.0"

Laravel-Mollie's service providers will be automatically registered using Laravel's auto-discovery feature.


You'll only need to add the MOLLIE_KEY variable to your .env file.


Example usage

Here you can see an example of just how simple this package is to use.

A payment using the Mollie API

use Mollie\Laravel\Facades\Mollie;

public function preparePayment()
    $payment = Mollie::api()->payments()->create([
    'amount' => [
        'currency' => 'EUR',
        'value' => '10.00', // You must send the correct number of decimals, thus we enforce the use of strings
    'description' => 'My first API payment',
    'webhookUrl' => route('webhooks.mollie'),
    'redirectUrl' => route('order.success'),

    $payment = Mollie::api()->payments()->get($payment->id);

    // redirect customer to Mollie checkout page
    return redirect($payment->getCheckoutUrl(), 303);

 * After the customer has completed the transaction,
 * you can fetch, check and process the payment.
 * (See the webhook docs for more information.)
if ($payment->isPaid())
    echo "Payment received.";
    // Do your thing ...

Global helper method

For your convencience we've added the global mollie() helper function. It's an easy shortcut to the Mollie::api() facade accessor.

// Using facade accessor
$payment = \Mollie\Laravel\Facades\Mollie::api()->payments()->get($payment_id);

// Using global helper function
$payment = mollie()->payments()->get($payment_id);

Other examples


You can find the latest development roadmap for this package here. Feel free to open an issue if you have a feature request.

Want to help us make our Laravel module even better?

Want to help us make our Laravel module even better? We take pull requests, sure. But how would you like to contribute to a technology oriented organization? Mollie is hiring developers and system engineers. Check out our vacancies or get in touch.


BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) License. Copyright (c) 2016, Mollie B.V.


Contact: — — +31 20-612 88 55