navneetrai / laravel-submitter by navneetrai

Oauth based authenticator and file submitter for Laravel 5.2
Package Data
Maintainer Username: navneetrai
Maintainer Contact: (Navneet Rai)
Package Create Date: 2016-05-03
Package Last Update: 2016-10-20
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-03 03:05:30
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 35
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 1

Submission Billing for Laravel 5

Build Status Coverage Status Total Downloads Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License

laravel-submitter is a simple laravel 5 library for uploading media (videos and images) and adding status updates and website link to a user account on popular social sites like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

This library also help in obtaining user authentication tokens which can be used for delayed submissions.

Supported services

The library supports Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. More services will be implemented soon.

Included service implementations:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Youtube
  • more to come!


Add laravel-submitter to your composer.json file:

"require": {
  "navneetrai/laravel-submitter": "^1.0"

Use composer to install this package.

$ composer update

Registering the Package

Register the service provider within the providers array found in config/app.php:

'providers' => [
  // ...

Add an alias within the aliases array found in config/app.php:

'aliases' => [
  // ...
  'Submission'     => Userdesk\Submission\Facades\Submission::class,


There are two ways to configure laravel-submitter.

Option 1

Create configuration file for package using artisan command

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Userdesk\Submission\SubmissionServiceProvider"

Option 2

Create configuration file manually in config directory config/subscription.php and put there code from below.


return [

	| Submission Config

	 * Services
	'services' => [

		'facebook' => [
			'client_id'     => '',
			'client_secret' => '',
			'scope'         => ['email', 'public_profile', 'publish_actions'],

		'twitter' => [
		    'client_id'     => '',
		    'client_secret' => '',
		    // No scope - oauth1 doesn't need scope

		'youtube' => [
		    'client_id'     => '',
		    'client_secret' => '',
		    'scope'         => [
							    'profile', 'email',




Add your credentials to config/submission.php (depending on which option of configuration you choose)


Basic usage

Just follow the steps below and you will be able to get a submitter instance:

$submitter = Submission::submitter('twitter');

You'll get an SubmissionException if the service you are invoking if not present of it the configuration is missing for this service.

Redirecting Users to Website for authentication

To start the authentication process you can call the authenticate method of your submitter instance:

$submitter = Submission::submitter($website);
return $submitter->authenticate($state);

You should also pass an integer as $state to this method. This variable will act as a unique identifier for your request and you can use it later for storing user authentication token.

You will get a Redirect Response which will take user to Website for Authentication.

Completing Submission

User authentication is an oauth based two-step process. Also the process for authentication differs from site to site. This package is designed to encapsulate these differences any provide a uniform interface across both Oauth 1 sites (like Twitter) and Oauth 2 sites (like Facebook)

For this purpose you'll need to add a named route to your routes.php file in app\Http directory for authentication to automatically handle Oauth redirects.

Route::get('/any-base-url-of-your-liking/{website}/{state?}', ['as'=>'package.Userdesk.submission.authenticate', 'uses'=>'YourSubmissionController@authenticate']);

You can set redirection URL for each individual site as

So, if we assume that your website host is and you used authenticate as your base URL then in your Facebook developer profile you should set Redirection URL as

This method called above will automatically redirect users, after authentication, to our named route.

To complete the authentication process the authenticate function in YourSubmissionController should look like:

public function authenticate(Request $request, String $website, int $state = 0){
	$submitter = Submission::submitter($website);
		$credentials = $submitter->completeAuthentication($request, $state);
	}catch(InvalidTokenException $e){
		//Check configuration variables.
	}catch(InvalidPrivilegeException $e){
		//Flash message to user that he needs to provide required privileges for submission to be successful.

	//Fetch Information from Credentials Object

	$state = $credentials->getState();
	$user = $credentials->getUser();

	$username = $user->getId();		
	$info = $user->getProfile();

	$token = $credentials->getToken();
	$tokenArray = $token->getTokenArray();

	//You can now save tokenArray to your database for later use

If you have not defined route package.Userdesk.submission.authenticate before calling the authenticate method you'll get a MissingRouteException

If authentication process failed because of configuration you'll get an InvalidTokenException. If user has not provided required priveleges for submission you'll get an InvalidPrivilegeException. In this case you can inform user that he must provide the required privileges.

Using Stored Token to Upload Items

You can use the token stored above to submit media and push updates on the target website. For this you'll first need to create a submitter object and add the stored token to it.

$submitter = Submitter::submitter($website);
$token = new SubmissionToken();


If you'll try to upload items without adding a stored token you'll get a MissingTokenException. If the Token has expired or has been revoked by the User then you'll get an InvalidTokenException.

This library also aims to unify different exceptions thrown by apis of different websites. You'll get an InvalidUploadException in case an Exception is generated by the api of target website.

Uploading Video

You can use the token stored above to submit videos on the target website using this code:

	$submitter = Submitter::submitter($website);
	$token = new SubmissionToken();

	$video = new SubmissionVideoItem($title, $description, $localThumb, $localVideo, $keywords);

	$result = $submitter->uploadVideo($video);

	$status = $result->getStaus();
	$url = $result->getUrl();	
}catch(InvalidUploadException $e){

Keywords should be a comma separated string. Not all website uses keywords for Video Submission.

Each website has its own policy for video uploads. Your video should confirm to website policy for upload to be successful.

e.g. For Twitter videos can't be longer than 30 seconds

To Upload a Video you'll need to pass a SubmissionVideoItem to uploadVideo method.

Using Stored Token to Submit Images

You can use the token stored above to submit images on the target website using this code:

$submitter = Submitter::submitter($website);

	$token = new SubmissionToken();

	$image = new SubmissionImageItem($title, $description, $localImage, $keywords);

	$result = $submitter->uploadImage($image);
	$status = $result->getStaus();
	$url = $result->getUrl();
}catch(InvalidUploadException $e){

Keywords should be a comma separated string. Not all website uses keywords for Image Submission.

Some websites like Youtube do not support image uploads.

Each website has its own policy for image uploads. Your image should confirm to website policy for upload to be successful.

To Upload an image you'll need to pass a SubmissionImageItem to uploadImage method.

Using Stored Token to Submit Links

You can use the token stored above to submit links on the target website using this code:

$submitter = Submitter::submitter($website);

	$token = new SubmissionToken();

	$link = new SubmissionLinkItem($title, $description, $link, $keywords);

	$result = $submitter->addLink($link);
	$status = $result->getStaus();
	$url = $result->getUrl();
}catch(InvalidUploadException $e){

Keywords should be a comma separated string. Off the current websites only Facebook support link submission.

Each website has its own policy for link submission. Your link should confirm to website policy for upload to be successful.

To Upload a link you'll need to pass a SubmissionLinkItem to addLink method.

Using Stored Token to Add Status updates/Tweets

You can use the token stored above to add status update/tweet on the target website using this code:

$submitter = Submitter::submitter($website);

	$token = new SubmissionToken();

	$update = new SubmissionStatusItem($title, $status, $keywords);

	$result = $submitter->addStatus($update);
	$status = $result->getStaus();
	$url = $result->getUrl();
}catch(InvalidUploadException $e){

Some websites like Youtube do not support status updates.

Each website has its own policy for status updates. Your link should confirm to website policy for upload to be successful.

e.g. Twitter needs status to be within 140 characters.

To add a status update you'll need to pass a SubmissionStatusItem to addStatus method.