not-empty / ala-microframework-php by not-empty

API Rest based in lumen using query builder that auto generate base code for simple crud (with automatic generated 100% unit and feature tests). To be used as a simple and fast way to implement microservices architecture
Package Data
Maintainer Username: not-empty
Package Create Date: 2020-07-25
Package Last Update: 2024-12-07
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: GPL-3.0-only
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-15 03:09:45
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 9
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 25
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 11
Total Open Issues: 0

Lumen ALA

Latest Version codecov CI Build Downloads PRs Welcome Packagist License (custom server)

API Rest based in lumen using query builder that auto generate base code for simple crud (with automatic generated 100% unit and feature tests).

Release 6.0.0 Requires PHP 8.2

Release 5.0.0 Requires PHP 8.1

Release 4.0.0 Requires PHP 7.4

Release 3.0.0 Requires PHP 7.3

Release 2.0.0 Requires PHP 7.2

Release 1.0.0 Requires PHP 7.1


composer create-project and enter in the created folder (you can fork or clone the repository if you want to)

composer create-project not-empty/ala-microframework-php your_project_name

(optional) Stop all other containers to avoid conflict.

docker stop $(docker ps -q)

Start project with Docker using compose tool.

docker-compose up -d

Access the container

docker exec -it ala-php bash

Run Composer to install all dependencies.

composer install --prefer-dist

Ensure the folder ./storage are with all rights to save log and cache (alread set in composer install, but ...)

chmod -R 777 ./storage

To check the build for this project look at ./ops/docker/dev folder.

Copy and modify the .env file

cp .env.example .env

Include values for APP_KEY and JWT_APP_SECRET, we strongly recommend a 26 to 32 length random string (can be a ulid)

You can use /health/key uri to generate this keys.

Now you can access the health-check http://localhost:8101 and get a json response like this:

    "status": "online",
    "version": "0.0.1"

Requests samples

You can find a sample of requests you can do in the file requests.http (for the REST Client extension on VSCode) or using curl commands listed in the file requests.curl.

Not all requests are documented yet (Work in progress)

Creating your automatic crud domain

For create your brand new domain with a complete crud use the command:

php artisan create:domain {your_domain}

This command will create a folder in app/Domains, new files in routes, database/migrations and database/seeds folder with all base code including all the units and feature tests.

If your domain name has 2 words use underline (_) to separate.

Configuring your new Domain

  • Configure your migration file in database/migrations with all your fields and indexes
  • Open your domain and configure your fields and the order in app/Domains/{your_domain}/Http/Parameters
  • Your validator rules can be configured in app/Domains/{your_domain}/Http/Validators
  • You can modify or add more business rule in app/Domains/{your_domain}/Businesses
  • Or your routes in bootstrap/{your_domain}_routes folder


For primary key value, this project using Ulid value, but you can pass other pattern in insert route if you prefer.

You can use the validate reserved word ulid in app/Domains/{your_domain}/Http/Validators folder. Config in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

For example:

 * get rules for this request
 * @return array
public function getRules(): array
    return [
        'another_id' => 'required|ulid',


In auth route this projet use JWT lib. This token will be generate if your secret, token and context is correct. This configuration is the token.php file in app/config/ folder.

We strongly advise you to change these values, they can be either random strings, ulids or any string that you like.

We use to generate then by encrypting an ulid v4 with SHA512/256.

We recommend creating diferents tokens from diferents sources.

return [
    'data' => [
        '32c5a206ee876f4c6e1c483457561dbed02a531a89b380c3298bb131a844ac3c' => [ // default token
            'name' => 'app-test', // default context
            'secret' => 'a1c5930d778e632c6684945ca15bcf3c752d17502d4cfbd1184024be6de14540', // default secret

Request Service

To make request between two or more services, this project use Request Service lib.


The pattern used to return all request is json and the layout is configure in your Response lib.


Follow this steps to configure a new field to accepted a filter in list route

  • In your domain validators list file app/Domains/{your_domain}/Http/Validators/{your_domain}ListValidator you can change or add more filters options.

For example, to add a filter to age field just include a new entry like that

 * get rules for this request
 * @return array
public function getRules() : array
    return [
        'class' => 'string|in:"asc","desc"',
        'fields' => 'string',
        'order' => 'string',
        'page' => 'integer|min:1',
        'filter_name' => 'string|filter',
        'filter_age' => 'string|filter', /* here your new filter */

After that, you need to configure your filters in app/Domains/{your_domain}/Filters.

you can user various patterns like FILTER_EQUAL, FILTER_NOT_EQUAL, etc.

Check all types look at FiltersTypesConstants class in app/Constants.

 * set filter rules for this domain
public $filter = [
    'age' => [
        'validate' => 'integer|min:18|max:99',
        'permissions' => [
    'created' => [
        'validate' => 'date',
        'permissions' => [
    'modified' => [
        'validate' => 'date',
        'permissions' => [

After that you can send this param in url query, for example:

/{your_domain}/list?filter_name=lik,vitor OR /{your_domain}/list?filter_name=eql,vitor.


Use this project with MySql with no relationship keys and NOT use JOIN.


Don't forget to change APP_ENV to production value. This enable the op_cache PHP extension, so dont use in development environment.

The production docker is located in ops/docker/prod and you can change the Nginx config or PHP all the way you want.


Want to contribute? Great!

Make a change and be careful with your updates! Any new code will only be accepted with all validations.

To ensure that the entire project is fine:

First install the dependences (with development ones)

composer install --dev --prefer-dist

Second run all validations

composer checkall

You can run all validations plus test coverage metrics

composer checkallcover

Code Quality

We create this project under stricts good pratices rules. Bellow you can see some composer commands to validate the framework code and your code as well.

We recommend you aways run the composer checkallcover command to validate all your code, tests and coverage.

lint - check for sintax errors on PHP (PHP Lint)

composer lint

cs - check for smells in general (Code Snifer)

composer cs

mess - check for smells in a more deep way (Mess Detector)

composer mess

test - run all tests (Unit and Feature)

composer test

test-cover - run all tests with code coverage (Unit and Feature)

composer test-cover

test-unit - run all unit tests

composer test-unit

test-unit-cover - run all unit tests with code coverage

composer test-unit-cover

test-feat - run all feature tests

composer test-feat

test-feat-cover - run all feature tests with code coverage

composer test-feat-cover

ccu - check unit coverage level (100% is required)

composer ccu

ccf - check feature coverage level (100% is required)

composer ccf

check - execute lint, cs, mess and unit tests

composer check

checkcover - execute lint, cs, mess and unit tests with coverage

composer check

checkall - execute lint, cs, mess, unit and feature tests

composer check

checkall - execute lint, cs, mess, unit and feature tests with coverage

composer check


This project is also validated with Sonarqube, has a file to support sonarqube execution.

To do that, edit the with your sonar url (maybe something like if you running sonar in your machine), and then execute sonar scan.

Sonarqube results

Automatic Validation Before Commit

If you want to force the checkallcover in your project before commit, you can just copy the file ops/contrib/pre-commit to your .git/hook. Be aware your development environment will need to have PHP with xdebug installed in order to commit.

    cp ops/contrib/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
    chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Random Seed Data

You can create an automatic seeder to generate data using you add endpoint to tests purposes (or any other purpose you like).

To do that you must create a random seeder with the command:

php artisan random:create {domain_name}

It will create a file inside app/Seeds/ with your domain name with all possibilities.

You may change to fullfill your needs (and your domain validations)

Now you may configure on .env the SEED_URLand SEED_PORT environments. (if you want to run inside docker don't change at all).

And run your seed with the domain name and the amount to records to generate.

php artisan random:seed {domain_name} {number_of_records}

Then use the list endpoint, or make a select in database to see the results.

Not Empty Foundation - Free codes, full minds