overtrue / socialite by overtrue

A collection of OAuth 2 packages that extracts from laravel/socialite.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: overtrue
Maintainer Contact: anzhengchao@gmail.com (overtrue)
Package Create Date: 2015-11-30
Package Last Update: 2024-12-31
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-27 15:09:54
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 4,182,638
Monthly Downloads: 52,515
Daily Downloads: 3,125
Total Stars: 1,320
Total Watchers: 38
Total Forks: 241
Total Open Issues: 6


PHP >= 7.0


$ composer require "overtrue/socialite" -vvv


For Laravel 5: overtrue/laravel-socialite



use Overtrue\Socialite\SocialiteManager;

$config = [
    'github' => [
        'client_id'     => 'your-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
        'redirect'      => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$response = $socialite->driver('github')->redirect();

echo $response;// or $response->send();



use Overtrue\Socialite\SocialiteManager;

$config = [
    'github' => [
        'client_id' => 'your-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
        'redirect' => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$user = $socialite->driver('github')->user();

$user->getId();        // 1472352
$user->getNickname();  // "overtrue"
$user->getUsername();  // "overtrue"
$user->getName();      // "安正超"
$user->getEmail();     // "anzhengchao@gmail.com"
$user->getProviderName(); // GitHub


Now we support the following sites:

facebook, github, google, linkedin, outlook, weibo, taobao, qq, wechat, douyin, and douban.

Each drive uses the same configuration keys: client_id, client_secret, redirect.


  'weibo' => [
    'client_id'     => 'your-app-id',
    'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
    'redirect'      => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',


Before redirecting the user, you may also set "scopes" on the request using the scope method. This method will overwrite all existing scopes:

$response = $socialite->driver('github')
                ->scopes(['scope1', 'scope2'])->redirect();

Redirect URL

You may also want to dynamic set redirect,you can use the following methods to change the redirect URL:

// or
// or

WeChat scopes:

  • snsapi_base, snsapi_userinfo - Used to Media Platform Authentication.
  • snsapi_login - Used to web Authentication.

Additional parameters

To include any optional parameters in the request, call the with method with an associative array:

$response = $socialite->driver('google')
                    ->with(['hd' => 'example.com'])->redirect();

User interface

Standard user api:

$user = $socialite->driver('weibo')->user();
  "id": 1472352,
  "nickname": "overtrue",
  "name": "安正超",
  "email": "anzhengchao@gmail.com",
  "avatar": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1472352?v=3",
  "original": {
    "login": "overtrue",
    "id": 1472352,
    "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1472352?v=3",
    "gravatar_id": "",
    "url": "https://api.github.com/users/overtrue",
    "html_url": "https://github.com/overtrue",
  "token": {
    "access_token": "5b1dc56d64fffbd052359f032716cc4e0a1cb9a0",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "scope": "user:email"

You can fetch the user attribute as a array key like this:

$user['id'];        // 1472352
$user['nickname'];  // "overtrue"
$user['name'];      // "安正超"
$user['email'];     // "anzhengchao@gmail.com"

Or using method:

$user->getToken();// or $user->getAccessToken()
$user->getProviderName(); // GitHub/Google/Facebook...

Get original response from OAuth API

The $user->getOriginal() method will return an array of the API raw response.

Get access token Object

You can get the access token instance of current session by call $user->getToken() or $user->getAccessToken() or $user['token'] .

Get user with access token

$accessToken = new AccessToken(['access_token' => $accessToken]);
$user = $socialite->user($accessToken);

Custom Session or Request instance.

You can set the request with your custom Request instance which instanceof Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request before you call driver method.

$request = new Request(); // or use AnotherCustomRequest.

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config, $request);

Or set request to SocialiteManager instance:


You can get the request from SocialiteManager instance by getRequest():

$request = $socialite->getRequest();

Set custom session manager.

By default, the SocialiteManager use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session instance as session manager, you can change it as following lines:

$session = new YourCustomSessionManager();

Your custom session manager must be implement the Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface.

Enjoy it! :heart:


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