owlgrin / cashew by mohitmamoria

Simplest subscription billing for Laravel using Stripe
Package Data
Maintainer Username: mohitmamoria
Maintainer Contact: mohit.mamoria@gmail.com (Mohit Mamoria)
Package Create Date: 2014-03-07
Package Last Update: 2015-06-12
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-04 15:04:33
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 397
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 14
Total Watchers: 5
Total Forks: 4
Total Open Issues: 12



Cashew allows you to integrate Stripe subscription billing in the most easiet way. We handle all the headache in maintaining the edge cases in the the subscription billing, while exposing an easy API to consume.

Cashew works with Laravel 4.2 as well as Laravel 5.


To install the package, include the following in your composer.json.

"owlgrin/cashew": "dev-master"

And then include the following service provider in your app.php.


And then add the following in the facades list in the same app.php file to easily use the package.

'Cashew' => 'Owlgrin\Cashew\CashewFacade',

And lastly, publish the config.

php artisan config:publish owlgrin/cashew


Cashew works by mapping everything about a user to the primary key of that users in your app. To setup everything, you would need to migrate few tables, which you can do with the following command.

php artisan migration:publish --package owlgrin/cashew

New Subscription

To create a new subscription, you can simply pass the user identifier (usually the primary key) along with an associative array with keys 'card', 'email', etc. (all optional).

Cashew::create(Auth::user()->id, array('trial_end' => 'now', 'coupon' => 'earlybird'));

Now, once there exists a subscription for the user, you can register that for each request using user method. (Probably, when user logs in.)

if(Auth::attempt($username, $password))

Once set, you can access the different methods on the subscription using the following methods.

Updating the Card Details

You can update the card details using the card method.


If you want to update other details while updating card, like 'trial_end', you can do it through the second parameter.

Cashew::card('tok_o48H37h8eh', array('trial_end' => 'now'));

Applying a Coupon

You can apply a coupon to a subscription using the 'coupon' method.


Changing the Plan

Swapping the plans in a subscription billing is not a easy job. There are many things to be taken care of. We do this for you and you simply can change the plan of a subscription like this.


By default, Cashew prorates the plan change, but you can do it via the second parameter.

Cashew::toPlan('premium', false); // no prorate

If there is some trial period left in the subscription when the plan is changed, by default, we will maintain the trial period. You can force Cashew to stop the trial period immediately via the third parameter.

Cashew::toPlan('premium', true, false); // stop trial period immediately

Working with Quantity

You may have requirement to charge your users on each unit of the services they use. For example, you may charge them on 'per user' basis. Cashew makes it easy to work with quantity.

You can increment a quantity using the 'increment' method.


Similarly, 'decrement' method allows you to decrease the quantity by one.


You can also pass the quantity as the first parameter to these methods to override the default value of one. The following code increments the quantity by three.


Same is valid for 'decrement' method too.

Updating a Subscription

Although, we have already made helper methods like toPlan, coupon, card to allow you to make specific updates easily. Still, if you would like to use the raw update method to update your subscription on your own,you can use the update method.

Cashew::update(array('plan' => 'new-plan', 'coupon' => 'yipee'));

The method accepts just one argument - an associative array - with all the options that Strip API accepts.

Canceling a Subsription

You can cancel a user's subscription using the cancel method.


User will not be charged until you resume his/her subscription again. However, this method will cancel the subscription at the end of the current subscription period. Thus, the user will now be on grace period.

If you want to cancel the subscription right away, use cancelNow method instead.


Resuming a subscription

In every subscription application, subscriptions expire. Often, these are due to temporary reasons like trial end, and they are to be resumed later. Cashew provides resume method to easily do so. There are many caveats in resuming a subscription and cashew takes care of all of them for you.


This was the simplest use. You may require to pass some options whenr resuming, which can passed as associative array, like so.

Cashew::resume(array('plan' => 'premium', 'quantity' => 3));

Many times, you will need to resume the subscription after it has expired due to end of trial period. Often, you will ask for your user's card to resume the subscription. You can pass in the card details as the second argument to resume method.

Cashew::resume(array('plan' => 'premium'), 'tok_dff38rm347gBYF7');

Expiring Subscriptions

You may sometimes want t expire the subscriptions manually based upon your business domain. For instance, you might have a cron job running, which will expire the subscriptions that are beyond their trial periods. For such instances, you can use the expire method.


Sometimes, you may want to expire your user's account based on the Stripe's customer ID for the user. Then, expireCustomer method is just for the same purpose.


Checking is user has provided card

You may run a business where you ask for card upfront or not. If you want to check if the user has card associated with his subcription, you can do it using the hasCard method.

if($user->birthday == Carbon\Carbon::today() && Cashew::hasCard())
	// send birthday cake

Get the invoices of user

It is always recommended to show the payment history of your users in their billing section. To help you with this, 'invoices' method will fetch you all the previous invoices that are paid by the user.


By default, it will fetch the invoices details that are saved locally in your database. But, you may need more information for each invoice, and thus want to fetch the details through API. To do so, pass the first parameter as false to this method.

// fetch from API

Also, by default, it will fetch the lastest 10 invoices. In case, you want to fetch all the invoices, pass the number as the second parameter.

// fetch 25 invoices
Cashew::invoices(true, 25);

Getting upcoming invoice for a user

If is always recommened that you show your users, their upcoming invoices so that there won't be any surprises for the when they will be billed.

Cashew provides a handy nextInvoice method to fetch the upcoming invoice for a subscription.


Getting status of the subscription

You may need to do different action depending upon the status of the subscription for a user. To let you easily find the status of the subscription, you may use status method.

if(Cashew::status() === 'active')

Helper status determiners

Cashew provides you with some helper methods to determine the subscription for the user.


To check if user has an active subscription. Active subscription means that the user is allowed to be considered as a paid customer. Precisely, the method returns true if either of these is true:

- is he/she on trial?
- is he/she on grace period?
- does he/she have an active subscription?
if( ! Cashew::active())


Sometimes, checking if the user is active is not enough. You may need to check if the user has an active subscription or not. The subscribed method comes handy in such cases.

if( ! Cashew::subscribed())


Also, there's another helper method to determine if the user has an inactive subscription.


Has Card?

Sometimes, you may not want to know just if the user is active or not. You may want to specifically know if the user has provided his card details of not.



The onTrial method allows you to quickly figure out if the user is on trial or not.

	// send them coupon code

On Grace period

The onGrace method lets you easily figure out if the user is on grace period or not. Grace period is the period between cancellation of the subscription and the end of current subscription period. For instance, if user's subscription had to end on November 30th and he cancels his subscription on November 15th, then between November 16th and November 30th, he is on the grace period.

	// show alert


To determine if the user is expired, you may use the expired method.



To quickly check if the user has canceled the subscription, canceled method can be used.



If you offer multiple plans to your users, you may require to check if someone is on a particular plan or not. You may use onPlan method for that.

	$allowReferral = true;

Webhook Controller

Cashew comes with working Webhook Controller out of the box. And by default, it handles the three events:

  • Subscription Update
  • Successful Payment
  • Failed Payment

To use the controller, you simply need to register a route like this:

Route::post('hooks/stripe', 'Owlgrin\Cashew\CashewHookController@handle');

After doing the necessary things, it fires an event, to which you can listen and extend the functionality for these events.

  • Subscription Update fires an event called cashew.subscription.update with the user_id and the subscription object.
  • Successful Payment fires an event called cashew.payment.success with the user_id and the invoice object.
  • Successful Payment fires an event called cashew.payment.fail with the user_id and the invoice object.

By default, we take care ot updating the data in the database, but you can extending the functionality like sending an email receipt by listening to these events, like so:

Event::listen('cashew.payment.success', function($id, $invoice)

Expiring users when grace period ends

Cashew can of course expire users in case of failed payments, but in case of end of grace period, you would have you expire the users manually. To do so, Cashew provides you with an artisan command, which you can put in a daily cron job, which will do the job or you. You may call the command from your terminal like so:

php artisan cashew:expire


Cashew wraps up the various Stripe's exceptions into these exceptions:

  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Exceptions\CardException - When processing a card fails.
  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Exceptions\InputException - When the data was not passed correctly.
  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Exceptions\NetworkException - When the connection to Stripe couldn't be made.

Extending Cashew

The whole package is interface-driven, which means that you can easily swap out an implementation by creating a custom implementation of the interface.

Here are the interfaces that can be extended with your own versions.

  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Card\Card
  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Customer\Customer
  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Event\Event
  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Gateway\Gateway
  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Hook\Hook
  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Invoice\Invoice
  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Storage\Storage
  • Owlgrin\Cashew\Subscription\Subscription

Contributing To Cashew

Contribution guidelines coming soon.


Cashew is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license