seancheung / privileges by seancheung

Permission control system for Laravel
Package Data
Maintainer Username: seancheung
Maintainer Contact: (Sean Cheung)
Package Create Date: 2016-11-10
Package Last Update: 2016-11-20
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-12-19 03:06:38
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 16
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 3
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 2
Total Open Issues: 0


Privilege and Group control for Laravel


You can install this package via composer using this command:

composer require panoscape/privileges

Register service provider:


'providers' => [

If you need blade directives, also add this:


'providers' => [

A middleware can also be registered:


protected $routeMiddleware = [
  'privileges' => \Panoscape\Privileges\Middleware\PrivilegesMiddleware::class,

Publish profile config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Panoscape\Privileges\PrivilegesServiceProvider" --tag="profile"

Modify the published profile template to suit your application.



return [

    | User entity
    'user' => [

        | Model class
        'model' => '\App\User',

        | Table name
        'table' => 'users',

        | Primary key name in table
        'id' => 'id',

    | Group entity
    'group' => [

        | Model class
        'model' => '\App\Group',

        | Table name
        'table' => 'groups',

        | Primary key name in table
        'id' => 'id',

    | Privilege entity
    'privilege' => [

        | Model class
        'model' => '\App\Privilege',

        | Table name
        'table' => 'privileges',

        | Primary key name in table
        'id' => 'id',

    | User-Group pivot table
    'user_group' => [

        | Table name
        'table' => 'group_user',

        | User foreign key in table
        'user_id' => 'user_id',

        | Group foreign key in table
        'group_id' => 'group_id',

    | Group-Privilege pivot table
    'group_privilege' => [

        | Table name
        'table' => 'privilege_group',

        | Group foreign key in table
        'group_id' => 'group_id',

        | Privilege foreign key in table
        'privilege_id' => 'privilege_id',


Add Panoscape\Privileges\Privilege\UserEntity trait to your user model, Panoscape\Privileges\Privilege\GroupEntity trait to your group model, and Panoscape\Privileges\Privilege\PrivilegeEntity trait to your privilege model.

If you have multiple privileges control flow or you prefer a different profile name, you may copy and modify the default profile template and rename it to something else, admin_profile for example. Then defile a method named profile in your related models and set them to the config name of your choice.

Here is an example of Admin, Role, Permission(instead of User,Group,Privilege):



return [
    'user' => [
        'model' => '\App\Admin',
        'table' => 'admins',
        'id' => 'id',
    'group' => [
        'model' => '\App\Role',
        'table' => 'roles',
        'id' => 'id',
    'privilege' => [
        'model' => '\App\Permission',
        'table' => 'permissions',
        'id' => 'id',
    'user_group' => [
        'table' => 'admin_role',
        'user_id' => 'admin_id',
        'group_id' => 'role_id',
    'group_privilege' => [
        'table' => 'permission_role',
        'group_id' => 'role_id',
        'privilege_id' => 'permission_id',


class Admin extends Authenticatable
    use \Panoscape\Privileges\UserEntity;
  	public function profile()
        return 'admin_profile';


class Role extends Model
    use \Panoscape\Privileges\GroupEntity;
  	public function profile()
        return 'admin_profile';


class Permission extends Model
    use \Panoscape\Privileges\PrivilegeEntity;
  	public function profile()
        return 'admin_profile';


This package does not provide any migrations or commands. You should create three required models/migrations and two pivot tables by yourself. The minimal requirements of table structures are listed in the profile template.

Basic Usage

Access groups/privileges relationship of a user:


or via dynamic properties:


If you have different entity names other than the default User, Group, Privilege, You should access the relationships by the table values defined in your profile.

Example of Admin, Role, Permission:


Group and Privilege validation


//returns true if target group is found on this user


//returns false unless all groups are found on this user
$user->groups()->all(['editor', 'author', 'subscriber']);


//returns true as long as any of these groups are found on this user
$user->groups()->any(['editor', 'author', 'subscriber']);

Instead of the default name column checking, you may specify which column to check:

//check name column by default
//check fullname column instead
$user->groups()->has('Root Administrator', 'fullname');
//check id column instead
$user->groups()->any([1, 3, 5], 'id');


With this method you can do complex checking



equivalent to

$user->groups()->all(['editor', 'author', 'subscriber'])



equivalent to

$user->groups()->any(['editor', 'author', 'subscriber'])

all + any:


equivalent to

$user->privileges()->all(['query', 'update']) && $user->privileges()->any(['delete', 'insert'])



equivalent to

$user->groups()->all(['root']) && $user->groups()->any(['author', 'subscriber'])



equivalent to

$user->privileges()->all(['query', 'update']) && $user->privileges()->any(['delete', 'insert'])

group + privilege:


equivalent to

$user->groups()->all(['root']) && $user->groups()->any(['author', 'subscriber'])
  && $user->privileges()->all(['query', 'update']) && $user->privileges()->any(['delete', 'insert'])

Column specification is also available:

$user->validate('g=1|(3|5);p=1|(2|10)|3', 'id')


If you have registered the middleware, you can add it to any routes you'd like to guard with it.

Route::get('/pages', 'PageController@index')->middleware('privileges:g=editor|(author|subscriber);p=query|(delete|insert)|update');


If you have registered the blade service provider, you may guard your blade codes with @validate , @group and @privilege.

Also your user entity need to implement Panoscape\Privileges\Privileged interface in order to use these blade directives.

class Admin extends Authenticatable implements \Panoscape\Privileges\Privileged
    use \Panoscape\Privileges\UserEntity;

Blade directives:




joined 5 tables(2 of them are pivot tables) within one query:

select count(*) as aggregate from "permissions" inner join "permission_role" on "permissions"."id" = "permission_role"."permission_id" inner join "roles" on "roles"."id" = "permission_role"."role_id" inner join "admin_role" on "roles"."id" = "admin_role"."role_id" inner join "admins" on "admins"."id" = "admin_role"."admin_id" where "admins"."id" = '1' and "permissions"."name" in ('edit_users', 'edit_admins')

joined 5 tables(2 of them are pivot tables) within two query:

select count(*) as aggregate from "permissions" inner join "permission_role" on "permissions"."id" = "permission_role"."permission_id" inner join "roles" on "roles"."id" = "permission_role"."role_id" inner join "admin_role" on "roles"."id" = "admin_role"."role_id" inner join "admins" on "admins"."id" = "admin_role"."admin_id" where "admins"."id" = '1' and "permissions"."name" in ('create_admins', 'edit_admins')
select count(*) as aggregate from "permissions" inner join "permission_role" on "permissions"."id" = "permission_role"."permission_id" inner join "roles" on "roles"."id" = "permission_role"."role_id" inner join "admin_role" on "roles"."id" = "admin_role"."role_id" inner join "admins" on "admins"."id" = "admin_role"."admin_id" where "admins"."id" = '1' and "permissions"."name" in ('edit_users')

joined 5 tables(2 of them are pivot tables) within two query:

select count(*) as aggregate from "permissions" inner join "permission_role" on "permissions"."id" = "permission_role"."permission_id" inner join "roles" on "roles"."id" = "permission_role"."role_id" inner join "admin_role" on "roles"."id" = "admin_role"."role_id" inner join "admins" on "admins"."id" = "admin_role"."admin_id" where "admins"."id" = '1' and "permissions"."name" in ('edit_users', 'delete_users')
select count(*) as aggregate from "permissions" inner join "permission_role" on "permissions"."id" = "permission_role"."permission_id" inner join "roles" on "roles"."id" = "permission_role"."role_id" inner join "admin_role" on "roles"."id" = "admin_role"."role_id" inner join "admins" on "admins"."id" = "admin_role"."admin_id" where "admins"."id" = '1' and "permissions"."name" in ('create_admins', 'edit_admins')


Each any group costs one query;

All all group costs one query.