pmatseykanets / artisan-io by pmatseykanets

Artisan data import command for Laravel
Package Data
Maintainer Username: pmatseykanets
Maintainer Contact: (Peter Matseykanets)
Package Create Date: 2015-07-18
Package Last Update: 2021-02-13
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-05 03:02:03
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 1,964
Monthly Downloads: 2
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 17
Total Watchers: 4
Total Forks: 3
Total Open Issues: 0


Laravel 5.1 StyleCI Build Status Latest Stable Version License

This package adds data import capability to your Laravel 5 project. It contains an artisan command import:delimited which allows you, as the name implies, to import delimited data (CSV, TSV, etc) into your local or remote database.

Main features:

  • Supports multiple database connections (defined in config\database.php).
  • You can use either a table name or Eloquent model class to import your data. By using Eloquent model you can benefit from mutators and accessors.
  • Several import modes:
    • insert
    • insert-new
    • update
    • upsert
  • Row validation rules


You can install the package via composer:

$ composer require pmatseykanets/artisan-io

If you're using Laravel < 5.5 or if you have package auto-discovery turned off you have to manually register the service provider:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Alternatively you can register the command yourself

Open app\Console\Kernel.php in the editor of your choice and add the command to the $commands array

protected $commands = [


$ php artisan import:delimited --help

  import:delimited [options] [--] <from> <to>

  from                           The path to an import file i.e. storage/import.csv
  to                             The table or Eloquent model class name

  -f, --fields[=FIELDS]          A comma separated list of field definitions in a form <field>[:position] i.e. "email:0,name,2". Positions are 0 based
  -F, --field-file[=FIELD-FILE]  Path to a file that contains field definitions. One definition per line
  -m, --mode[=MODE]              Import mode [insert|insert-new|update|upsert] [default: "upsert"]
  -k, --key[=KEY]                Field names separated by a comma that constitute a key for update, upsert and insert-new modes
  -R, --rule-file[=RULE-FILE]    Path to a file that contains field validation rules
  -d, --delimiter[=DELIMITER]    Field delimiter [default: ","]
  -i, --ignore[=IGNORE]          Ignore first N lines of the file
  -t, --take[=TAKE]              Take only M lines
  -c, --database[=DATABASE]      The database connection to use
  -x, --transaction              Use a transaction
      --dry-run                  Dry run mode
      --no-progress              Don't show the progress bar
      --force                    Force the operation to run when in production


Lets say we have employee.csv file


table employee the migration for which may look like

Schema::create('employees', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->string('firstname', 60)->nullable();
    $table->string('lastname', 60)->nullable();
    $table->string('phone', 10)->nullable();

and model \App\Employee


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Employee extends Model
    protected $table = 'employees';

    protected $fillable = [


If employees table is empty and you'd like to populate it

$ php artisan import:delimited employee.csv "\App\Employee" -f email:0,firstname:1,lastname:2,phone:4,employed_on:3 -m insert

Note: The buity of using Eloquent model in this case is that timestamps created_at and updated_at will be populated by Eloquent automatically.


Now let's assume John's record is already present in the table. In order to update Jon's record and insert Jane's one you'd need to cnahge the mode and specify key field(s).

$ php artisan import:delimited employee.csv "\App\Employee" -f email:0,firstname:1,lastname:2,phone:4,employed_on:3 -m upsert -k email


If you want to just update phone numbers for existing records

$ php artisan import:delimited employee.csv "\App\Employee" -f email:0,phone:4 -m update -k email

Field definition file

Each field definition goes on a separate line in the format


where position is an ordinal position of the field in the data file. The position is 0-based and can be omitted.

Example employee.fld


Row validation rules file

A row validation rule file is simply a php file that returns an array of rules. You can any of the available Laravel validation rules

Example employee.rule


return [
    'email' => 'required|email',
    'firstname' => 'string|min:2|max:60',
    'lastname' => 'string|min:2|max:60',
    'phone' => 'digits:10|regex:/[2-9][0-9]{2}[2-9][0-9]{6}/'
    'employed_on' => 'date_format:m/d/Y|after:2010-07-15|before:'.date('Y-m-d', strtotime('tomorrow'));


The artisan-io is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license