Laravel Blockable Plugin

Trait for Laravel Eloquent models to allow easy implementation of a "block" or "ignore" feature.
Laravel 5 Documentation
Composer Install (for Laravel 5)
composer require racashmoney/laravel-blockable "~2.0"
Install and then run the migrations
'providers' => [
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Racashmoney\Blockable\BlockableServiceProvider" --tag=migrations
php artisan migrate
Setup your models
class Article extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
use \Racashmoney\Blockable\Blockable;
Sample Usage
$article->block(); // block the article for current user
$article->block($myUserId); // pass in your own user id
$article->block(0); // just add blocks to the count, and don't track by user
$article->unblock(); // remove block from the article
$article->unblock($myUserId); // pass in your own user id
$article->unblock(0); // remove blocks from the count -- does not check for user
$article->blockCount; // get count of blocks
$article->blocks; // Iterable Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection of existing blocks
$article->blocked(); // check if currently logged in user blocked the article
Article::whereBlockedBy($myUserId) // find only articles where user blocked them
->with('blockCounter') // highly suggested to allow eager load
- Robert Conner -