rappasoft / laravel-livewire-tables by rappa819

A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire
Package Data
Maintainer Username: rappa819
Maintainer Contact: rappa819@gmail.com (Anthony Rappa)
Package Create Date: 2020-03-26
Package Last Update: 2025-02-28
Home Page: https://rappasoft.com/docs/laravel-livewire-tables/v2/introduction
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-03 03:01:51
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 1,999,523
Monthly Downloads: 51,397
Daily Downloads: 954
Total Stars: 1,855
Total Watchers: 39
Total Forks: 348
Total Open Issues: 13

A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire

Latest Version on Packagist StyleCI Total Downloads

This package is still in development and does not have a test suite.

A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for data tables.

This plugin assumes you already have Laravel Livewire installed and configured in your project.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables


Creating Tables

To create a table component you can start with the below stub:


namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use App\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Column;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\TableComponent;

class UsersTable extends TableComponent

    public function query() : Builder
        return User::with('role')

    public function columns() : array
        return [
            Column::make('E-mail', 'email')
            Column::make('Role', 'role.name')
            Column::make('Permissions', 'permissions_count')

Your component must implement two methods:

 * This defines the start of the query, usually Model::query() but can also eagar load relationships and counts.
public function query() : Builder;

 * This defines the columns of the table, they don't necessarily have to map to columns on the table.
public function columns() : array;

Rendering the Table

Place the following where you want the table to appear.

Laravel 6.x:


Laravel 7.x:

<livewire:users-table />

Obviously replace users-table with your component name.

Defining Columns

You can define the columns of your table with the column class:

Column::make('Name', 'column_name')

The first parameter is the name of the table header. The second parameter is the name of the table column. You can leave blank and the lowercase snake_case version will be used by default.

Here are a list of the column method you can chain to build your columns:

 * This column is searchable, with no callback it will search the column by name or by the supplied relationship, using a callback overrides the default searching functionality.
public function searchable(callable $callable = null) : self;

 * This column is sortable, with no callback it will sort the column by name and sort order defined on the components $sortDirection variable
public function sortable(callable $callable = null) : self;

 * The columns output will be put through {!! !!} instead of {{ }}.
public function unescaped() : self;

 * The columns output will be put through the Laravel HtmlString class.
public function html() : self;

 * This column will not look on the table for the column name, it will look on the model for the given attribute. Useful for custom attributes like getFullNameAttribute: Column::make('Full Name', 'full_name')->customAttribute()
public function customAttribute() : self;

 * This view will be used for the column, can still be used with sortable and searchable.
public function view($view, $viewModelName = 'model') : self;


You can override any of these in your table component:


| Property | Default | Usage | | -------- | ------- | ----- | | $tableHeaderEnabled | true | Whether or not to display the table header | | $tableFooterEnabled | false | Whether or not to display the table footer | | $tableClass | table table-striped | The class to set on the table | | $tableHeaderClass | none | The class to set on the thead of the table | | $tableFooterClass | none | The class to set on the tfoot of the table | | $responsive | table-responsive | Tables wrapping div class |


| Property | Default | Usage | | -------- | ------- | ----- | | $searchEnabled | true | Whether or not searching is enabled | | $searchDebounce | 350 | Amount of time in ms to wait to send the search query and refresh the table | | $disableSearchOnLoading | true | Whether or not to disable the search bar when it is searching/loading new data | | $search | none | The initial search string | | $searchLabel | Search... | The placeholder for the search box | | $noResultsMessage | There are no results to display for this query. | The message to display when there are no results |


| Property | Default | Usage | | -------- | ------- | ----- | | $sortField | id | The initial field to be sorting by | | $sortDirection | asc | The initial direction to sort |


| Property | Default | Usage | | -------- | ------- | ----- | | $paginationEnabled | true | Enables or disables pagination as a whole | | $perPageEnabled | true | Displays per page | | $perPageOptions | [10, 25, 50] | The options to limit the amount of results per page | | $perPage | 25 | Amount of items to show per page | | $perPageLabel | Per Page | The label for the per page filter |


| Property | Default | Usage | | -------- | ------- | ----- | | $loadingIndicator | false | Whether or not to show a loading indicator when searching | | $loadingMessage | Loading... | The loading message that gets displayed |


| Property | Default | Usage | | -------- | ------- | ----- | | $offlineIndicator | true | Whether or not to display an offline message when there is no connection | | $offlineMessage | You are not currently connected to the internet. | The message to display when offline |


| Property | Default | Usage | | -------- | ------- | ----- | | $checkbox | false | Whether or not checkboxes are enabled | | $checkboxLocation | left | The side to put the checkboxes on | | $checkboxAttribute | id | The model attribute to bind to the checkbox array | | $checkboxAll | false | Whether or not all checkboxes are currently selected | | $checkboxValues | [] | The currently selected values of the checkboxes |


| Property | Default | Usage | | -------- | ------- | ----- | | $wrapperClass | none | The classes applied to the wrapper div | | $refresh | false | Whether or not to refresh the table at a certain interval. false = off, If it's an integer it will be treated as milliseconds (2000 = refresh every 2 seconds), If it's a string it will call that function every 5 seconds.

Table Methods

 * Used to set a class on a table header based on the column attribute
public function setTableHeadClass($attribute) : ?string;

 * Used to set a ID on a table header based on the column attribute
public function setTableHeadId($attribute) : ?string;

 * Used to set any attributes on a table header based on the column attribute
 * ['name' => 'my-custom-name', 'data-key' => 'my-custom-key']
public function setTableHeadAttributes($attribute) : array;

 * Used to set a class on a table row
 * You have the entre model of the row to work with
public function setTableRowClass($model) : ?string;

 * Used to set a ID on a table row
 * You have the entre model of the row to work with
public function setTableRowId($model) : ?string;

 * Used to set any attribute on a table row
 * You have the entre model of the row to work with
 * ['name' => 'my-custom-name', 'data-key' => 'my-custom-key']
public function setTableRowAttributes($model) : array;

 * Used to set the class of a table cell based on the column and the value of the cell
public function setTableDataClass($attribute, $value) : ?string;

 * Used to set the ID of a table cell based on the column and the value of the cell
public function setTableDataId($attribute, $value) : ?string;

 * Used to set any attributes of a table cell based on the column and the value of the cell
 * ['name' => 'my-custom-name', 'data-key' => 'my-custom-key']
public function setTableDataAttributes($attribute, $value) : array;


Along with being able to provide a view to a column, you can use pre-defined components that are built into the package. These are good for when you want to add actions to a column.

Note: By design using the components() method on a column will disable all other functionality (i.e. searching/sorting etc.).

Defining Components for a Column




If you would like to hide all the components for a given row, you may pass a callback as the second parameter of the components() method:

    ], function($model) {
        // Hide the actions for model id 1
        return $model->id === 1;

Note: You should still assert on the backend that these functions can not be performed on this entity.

Building on that, if you would like to pass a custom message to that column when hiding the components for this row, you may pass another callback as the third parameter:

    ], function($model) {
        // Hide the actions for model id 1
        return $model->id === 1;
    }, function($model) {
        return __('You can not alter role ' . $model->name . '.');


Of course two links that don't do anything would be useless, here are a list of methods to be used for the built in components.

Inherited by all components

| Method | Usage | | -------- | ----- | | setAttribute($attribute, $value) | Set an attribute on the component | | setAttributes(array $attributes = []) | Set multiple attributes at once | | getAttributes() | Get the array of available attributes | | setOption($option, $value) | Set an option on the component | | setOptions(array $options = []) | Set multiple options at once | | getOptions() | Get the array of available options | | hideIf($condition) | Hide this component if true | | hide() | Hide this component forever | | isHidden() | This component is currently hidden |

By default, all components have access to the $attributes and $options arrays.

Link Component

| Method | Usage | Type | | -------- | ----- | ---- | | text($text) | Set the text of the link | string/false | | class($class) | Set the html class on the link | string | | id($id) | Set the id of the link | string | | icon($icon) | Set the icon of the link (font awesome) | string | | href(function($model){}) | Set the href of the link | string/callback | | view($view) | The view to render for the component | string |

Button Component

| Method | Usage | Type | | -------- | ----- | ---- | | text($text) | Set the text of the button | string/false | | class($class) | Set the html class on the button | string | | id($id) | Set the id of the button | string | | icon($icon) | Set the icon of the button (font awesome) | string | | view($view) | The view to render for the component | string |


This example comes from the upcoming release of my popular Laravel Boilerplate Project. Here we render the roles table in the admin panel.

This example uses searching, sorting, relationships, custom attributes, counted relationships, and components:

public function columns() : array {
    return [
        Column::make('Permissions', 'permissions_label')
            ->searchable(function($builder, $term) {
                return $builder->orWhereHas('permissions', function($query) use($term) {
                   return $query->where('name', 'like', '%'.$term.'%');
        Column::make('Number of Users', 'users_count')
                Link::make('Edit') // Optionally pass false to hide the text
                    ->icon('fas fa-pencil-alt')
                    ->class('btn btn-primary btn-sm')
                    ->href(function($model) {
                        return route('admin.auth.role.edit', $model->id);
                    ->icon('fas fa-trash')
                    ->class('btn btn-danger btn-sm')
                    ->setAttribute('data-method', 'delete') // Javascript takes over and injects a hidden form
                    ->href(function($model) {
                        return route('admin.auth.role.destroy', $model->id);
            ], function($model) {
                // Hide components for this row if..
                return $model->id === config('access.roles.admin');

Inspiration From:


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email rappa819@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.